from statsmodels.sandbox.predict_functional import predict_functional import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import statsmodels.api as sm # If true, the output is written to a multi-page pdf file. pdf_output = False try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: pass def pctl(q): return lambda x : np.percentile(x, 100 *q) class TestPredFunc(object): @classmethod def setup_class(cls): if pdf_output: from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages cls.pdf = PdfPages("predict_functional.pdf") @classmethod def teardown_class(cls): if pdf_output: cls.pdf.close() def close_or_save(self, fig): if pdf_output: self.pdf.savefig(fig) @pytest.mark.matplotlib def test_formula(self, close_figures): np.random.seed(542) n = 500 x1 = np.random.normal(size=n) x2 = np.random.normal(size=n) x3 = np.random.normal(size=n) x4 = np.random.randint(0, 5, size=n) x4 = np.asarray(["ABCDE"[i] for i in x4]) x5 = np.random.normal(size=n) y = 0.3*x2**2 + (x4 == "B") + 0.1*(x4 == "B")*x2**2 + x5 + np.random.normal(size=n) df = pd.DataFrame({"y": y, "x1": x1, "x2": x2, "x3": x3, "x4": x4, "x5": x5}) fml = "y ~ x1 + bs(x2, df=4) + x3 + x2*x3 + I(x1**2) + C(x4) + C(x4)*bs(x2, df=4) + x5" model = sm.OLS.from_formula(fml, data=df) result = summaries = {"x1": np.mean, "x3": pctl(0.75), "x5": np.mean} values = {"x4": "B"} pr1, ci1, fvals1 = predict_functional(result, "x2", summaries, values) values = {"x4": "C"} pr2, ci2, fvals2 = predict_functional(result, "x2", summaries, values) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals1, pr1, '-', label='x4=B') plt.plot(fvals2, pr2, '-', label='x4=C') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) plt.ylabel("Fitted mean", size=15) plt.title("Linear model prediction") self.close_or_save(fig) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals1, pr1, '-', label='x4=B') plt.fill_between(fvals1, ci1[:, 0], ci1[:, 1], color='grey') plt.plot(fvals2, pr2, '-', label='x4=C') plt.fill_between(fvals2, ci2[:, 0], ci2[:, 1], color='grey') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) plt.ylabel("Fitted mean", size=15) plt.title("Linear model prediction") self.close_or_save(fig) @pytest.mark.matplotlib def test_lm_contrast(self, close_figures): np.random.seed(542) n = 200 x1 = np.random.normal(size=n) x2 = np.random.normal(size=n) x3 = np.random.normal(size=n) y = x1 + 2*x2 + x3 - x1*x2 + x2*x3 + np.random.normal(size=n) df = pd.DataFrame({"y": y, "x1": x1, "x2": x2, "x3": x3}) fml = "y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1*x2 + x2*x3" model = sm.OLS.from_formula(fml, data=df) result = values = {"x2": 1, "x3": 1} # y = 4 values2 = {"x2": 0, "x3": 0} # y = x1 pr, cb, fvals = predict_functional(result, "x1", values=values, values2=values2, ci_method='scheffe') plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.67, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals, pr, '-', label="Estimate", color='orange', lw=4) plt.plot(fvals, 4 - fvals, '-', label="Truth", color='lime', lw=4) plt.fill_between(fvals, cb[:, 0], cb[:, 1], color='grey') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() leg = plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") leg.draw_frame(False) plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) plt.ylabel("Mean contrast", size=15) plt.title("Linear model contrast") self.close_or_save(fig) @pytest.mark.matplotlib def test_glm_formula_contrast(self, close_figures): np.random.seed(542) n = 50 x1 = np.random.normal(size=n) x2 = np.random.normal(size=n) x3 = np.random.normal(size=n) mn = 5 + 0.1*x1 + 0.1*x2 + 0.1*x3 - 0.1*x1*x2 y = np.random.poisson(np.exp(mn), size=len(mn)) df = pd.DataFrame({"y": y, "x1": x1, "x2": x2, "x3": x3}) fml = "y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x1*x2" model = sm.GLM.from_formula(fml, data=df, family=sm.families.Poisson()) result = values = {"x2": 1, "x3": 1} # y = 5.2 values2 = {"x2": 0, "x3": 0} # y = 5 + 0.1*x1 pr, cb, fvals = predict_functional(result, "x1", values=values, values2=values2, ci_method='simultaneous') plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.67, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals, pr, '-', label="Estimate", color='orange', lw=4) plt.plot(fvals, 0.2 - 0.1*fvals, '-', label="Truth", color='lime', lw=4) plt.fill_between(fvals, cb[:, 0], cb[:, 1], color='grey') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() leg = plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") leg.draw_frame(False) plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) plt.ylabel("Linear predictor contrast", size=15) plt.title("Poisson regression contrast") self.close_or_save(fig) @pytest.mark.matplotlib def test_scb(self, close_figures): np.random.seed(473) n = 100 x = np.random.normal(size=(n,4)) x[:, 0] = 1 for fam_name in "poisson", "binomial", "gaussian": if fam_name == "poisson": y = np.random.poisson(20, size=n) fam = sm.families.Poisson() true_mean = 20 true_lp = np.log(20) elif fam_name == "binomial": y = 1 * (np.random.uniform(size=n) < 0.5) fam = sm.families.Binomial() true_mean = 0.5 true_lp = 0 elif fam_name == "gaussian": y = np.random.normal(size=n) fam = sm.families.Gaussian() true_mean = 0 true_lp = 0 model = sm.GLM(y, x, family=fam) result = # CB is for linear predictor or mean response for linear in False, True: true = true_lp if linear else true_mean values = {'const': 1, "x2": 0} summaries = {"x3": np.mean} pred1, cb1, fvals1 = predict_functional(result, "x1", values=values, summaries=summaries, linear=linear) pred2, cb2, fvals2 = predict_functional(result, "x1", values=values, summaries=summaries, ci_method='simultaneous', linear=linear) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.58, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals1, pred1, '-', color='black', label='Estimate') plt.plot(fvals1, true * np.ones(len(pred1)), '-', color='purple', label='Truth') plt.plot(fvals1, cb1[:, 0], color='blue', label='Pointwise CB') plt.plot(fvals1, cb1[:, 1], color='blue') plt.plot(fvals2, cb2[:, 0], color='green', label='Simultaneous CB') plt.plot(fvals2, cb2[:, 1], color='green') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() leg = plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") leg.draw_frame(False) plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) if linear: plt.ylabel("Linear predictor", size=15) else: plt.ylabel("Fitted mean", size=15) plt.title("%s family prediction" % fam_name.capitalize()) self.close_or_save(fig) @pytest.mark.matplotlib def test_glm_formula(self, close_figures): np.random.seed(542) n = 500 x1 = np.random.normal(size=n) x2 = np.random.normal(size=n) x3 = np.random.randint(0, 3, size=n) x3 = np.asarray(["ABC"[i] for i in x3]) lin_pred = -1 + 0.5*x1**2 + (x3 == "B") prob = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-lin_pred)) y = 1 * (np.random.uniform(size=n) < prob) df = pd.DataFrame({"y": y, "x1": x1, "x2": x2, "x3": x3}) fml = "y ~ x1 + I(x1**2) + x2 + C(x3)" model = sm.GLM.from_formula(fml, family=sm.families.Binomial(), data=df) result = summaries = {"x2": np.mean} for linear in False, True: values = {"x3": "B"} pr1, ci1, fvals1 = predict_functional(result, "x1", summaries, values, linear=linear) values = {"x3": "C"} pr2, ci2, fvals2 = predict_functional(result, "x1", summaries, values, linear=linear) exact1 = -1 + 0.5*fvals1**2 + 1 exact2 = -1 + 0.5*fvals2**2 if not linear: exact1 = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-exact1)) exact2 = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-exact2)) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals1, pr1, '-', label='x3=B') plt.plot(fvals2, pr2, '-', label='x3=C') plt.plot(fvals1, exact1, '-', label='x3=B (exact)') plt.plot(fvals2, exact2, '-', label='x3=C (exact)') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) if linear: plt.ylabel("Fitted linear predictor", size=15) else: plt.ylabel("Fitted probability", size=15) plt.title("Binomial GLM prediction") self.close_or_save(fig) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals1, pr1, '-', label='x3=B', color='orange') plt.fill_between(fvals1, ci1[:, 0], ci1[:, 1], color='grey') plt.plot(fvals2, pr2, '-', label='x3=C', color='lime') plt.fill_between(fvals2, ci2[:, 0], ci2[:, 1], color='grey') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) if linear: plt.ylabel("Fitted linear predictor", size=15) else: plt.ylabel("Fitted probability", size=15) plt.title("Binomial GLM prediction") self.close_or_save(fig) @pytest.mark.matplotlib def test_noformula_prediction(self, close_figures): np.random.seed(6434) n = 200 x1 = np.random.normal(size=n) x2 = np.random.normal(size=n) x3 = np.random.normal(size=n) y = x1 - x2 + np.random.normal(size=n) exog = np.vstack((x1, x2, x3)).T model = sm.OLS(y, exog) result = summaries = {"x3": pctl(0.75)} values = {"x2": 1} pr1, ci1, fvals1 = predict_functional(result, "x1", summaries, values) values = {"x2": -1} pr2, ci2, fvals2 = predict_functional(result, "x1", summaries, values) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals1, pr1, '-', label='x2=1', lw=4, alpha=0.6, color='orange') plt.plot(fvals2, pr2, '-', label='x2=-1', lw=4, alpha=0.6, color='lime') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() leg = plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") leg.draw_frame(False) plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) plt.ylabel("Fitted mean", size=15) plt.title("Linear model prediction") self.close_or_save(fig) plt.clf() fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8]) plt.plot(fvals1, pr1, '-', label='x2=1', lw=4, alpha=0.6, color='orange') plt.fill_between(fvals1, ci1[:, 0], ci1[:, 1], color='grey') plt.plot(fvals1, pr2, '-', label='x2=1', lw=4, alpha=0.6, color='lime') plt.fill_between(fvals2, ci2[:, 0], ci2[:, 1], color='grey') ha, lb = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.figlegend(ha, lb, "center right") plt.xlabel("Focus variable", size=15) plt.ylabel("Fitted mean", size=15) plt.title("Linear model prediction") self.close_or_save(fig)