import itertools from sympy.combinatorics.fp_groups import FpGroup, FpSubgroup, simplify_presentation from sympy.combinatorics.free_groups import FreeGroup from sympy.combinatorics.perm_groups import PermutationGroup from sympy.core.numbers import igcd from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import totient from sympy.core.singleton import S class GroupHomomorphism: ''' A class representing group homomorphisms. Instantiate using `homomorphism()`. References ========== .. [1] Holt, D., Eick, B. and O'Brien, E. (2005). Handbook of computational group theory. ''' def __init__(self, domain, codomain, images): self.domain = domain self.codomain = codomain self.images = images self._inverses = None self._kernel = None self._image = None def _invs(self): ''' Return a dictionary with `{gen: inverse}` where `gen` is a rewriting generator of `codomain` (e.g. strong generator for permutation groups) and `inverse` is an element of its preimage ''' image = self.image() inverses = {} for k in list(self.images.keys()): v = self.images[k] if not (v in inverses or v.is_identity): inverses[v] = k if isinstance(self.codomain, PermutationGroup): gens = image.strong_gens else: gens = image.generators for g in gens: if g in inverses or g.is_identity: continue w = self.domain.identity if isinstance(self.codomain, PermutationGroup): parts = image._strong_gens_slp[g][::-1] else: parts = g for s in parts: if s in inverses: w = w*inverses[s] else: w = w*inverses[s**-1]**-1 inverses[g] = w return inverses def invert(self, g): ''' Return an element of the preimage of ``g`` or of each element of ``g`` if ``g`` is a list. Explanation =========== If the codomain is an FpGroup, the inverse for equal elements might not always be the same unless the FpGroup's rewriting system is confluent. However, making a system confluent can be time-consuming. If it's important, try `self.codomain.make_confluent()` first. ''' from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation from sympy.combinatorics.free_groups import FreeGroupElement if isinstance(g, (Permutation, FreeGroupElement)): if isinstance(self.codomain, FpGroup): g = self.codomain.reduce(g) if self._inverses is None: self._inverses = self._invs() image = self.image() w = self.domain.identity if isinstance(self.codomain, PermutationGroup): gens = image.generator_product(g)[::-1] else: gens = g # the following can't be "for s in gens:" # because that would be equivalent to # "for s in gens.array_form:" when g is # a FreeGroupElement. On the other hand, # when you call gens by index, the generator # (or inverse) at position i is returned. for i in range(len(gens)): s = gens[i] if s.is_identity: continue if s in self._inverses: w = w*self._inverses[s] else: w = w*self._inverses[s**-1]**-1 return w elif isinstance(g, list): return [self.invert(e) for e in g] def kernel(self): ''' Compute the kernel of `self`. ''' if self._kernel is None: self._kernel = self._compute_kernel() return self._kernel def _compute_kernel(self): G = self.domain G_order = G.order() if G_order is S.Infinity: raise NotImplementedError( "Kernel computation is not implemented for infinite groups") gens = [] if isinstance(G, PermutationGroup): K = PermutationGroup(G.identity) else: K = FpSubgroup(G, gens, normal=True) i = self.image().order() while K.order()*i != G_order: r = G.random() k = r*self.invert(self(r))**-1 if k not in K: gens.append(k) if isinstance(G, PermutationGroup): K = PermutationGroup(gens) else: K = FpSubgroup(G, gens, normal=True) return K def image(self): ''' Compute the image of `self`. ''' if self._image is None: values = list(set(self.images.values())) if isinstance(self.codomain, PermutationGroup): self._image = self.codomain.subgroup(values) else: self._image = FpSubgroup(self.codomain, values) return self._image def _apply(self, elem): ''' Apply `self` to `elem`. ''' if elem not in self.domain: if isinstance(elem, (list, tuple)): return [self._apply(e) for e in elem] raise ValueError("The supplied element doesn't belong to the domain") if elem.is_identity: return self.codomain.identity else: images = self.images value = self.codomain.identity if isinstance(self.domain, PermutationGroup): gens = self.domain.generator_product(elem, original=True) for g in gens: if g in self.images: value = images[g]*value else: value = images[g**-1]**-1*value else: i = 0 for _, p in elem.array_form: if p < 0: g = elem[i]**-1 else: g = elem[i] value = value*images[g]**p i += abs(p) return value def __call__(self, elem): return self._apply(elem) def is_injective(self): ''' Check if the homomorphism is injective ''' return self.kernel().order() == 1 def is_surjective(self): ''' Check if the homomorphism is surjective ''' im = self.image().order() oth = self.codomain.order() if im is S.Infinity and oth is S.Infinity: return None else: return im == oth def is_isomorphism(self): ''' Check if `self` is an isomorphism. ''' return self.is_injective() and self.is_surjective() def is_trivial(self): ''' Check is `self` is a trivial homomorphism, i.e. all elements are mapped to the identity. ''' return self.image().order() == 1 def compose(self, other): ''' Return the composition of `self` and `other`, i.e. the homomorphism phi such that for all g in the domain of `other`, phi(g) = self(other(g)) ''' if not other.image().is_subgroup(self.domain): raise ValueError("The image of `other` must be a subgroup of " "the domain of `self`") images = {g: self(other(g)) for g in other.images} return GroupHomomorphism(other.domain, self.codomain, images) def restrict_to(self, H): ''' Return the restriction of the homomorphism to the subgroup `H` of the domain. ''' if not isinstance(H, PermutationGroup) or not H.is_subgroup(self.domain): raise ValueError("Given H is not a subgroup of the domain") domain = H images = {g: self(g) for g in H.generators} return GroupHomomorphism(domain, self.codomain, images) def invert_subgroup(self, H): ''' Return the subgroup of the domain that is the inverse image of the subgroup ``H`` of the homomorphism image ''' if not H.is_subgroup(self.image()): raise ValueError("Given H is not a subgroup of the image") gens = [] P = PermutationGroup(self.image().identity) for h in H.generators: h_i = self.invert(h) if h_i not in P: gens.append(h_i) P = PermutationGroup(gens) for k in self.kernel().generators: if k*h_i not in P: gens.append(k*h_i) P = PermutationGroup(gens) return P def homomorphism(domain, codomain, gens, images=(), check=True): ''' Create (if possible) a group homomorphism from the group ``domain`` to the group ``codomain`` defined by the images of the domain's generators ``gens``. ``gens`` and ``images`` can be either lists or tuples of equal sizes. If ``gens`` is a proper subset of the group's generators, the unspecified generators will be mapped to the identity. If the images are not specified, a trivial homomorphism will be created. If the given images of the generators do not define a homomorphism, an exception is raised. If ``check`` is ``False``, do not check whether the given images actually define a homomorphism. ''' if not isinstance(domain, (PermutationGroup, FpGroup, FreeGroup)): raise TypeError("The domain must be a group") if not isinstance(codomain, (PermutationGroup, FpGroup, FreeGroup)): raise TypeError("The codomain must be a group") generators = domain.generators if not all(g in generators for g in gens): raise ValueError("The supplied generators must be a subset of the domain's generators") if not all(g in codomain for g in images): raise ValueError("The images must be elements of the codomain") if images and len(images) != len(gens): raise ValueError("The number of images must be equal to the number of generators") gens = list(gens) images = list(images) images.extend([codomain.identity]*(len(generators)-len(images))) gens.extend([g for g in generators if g not in gens]) images = dict(zip(gens,images)) if check and not _check_homomorphism(domain, codomain, images): raise ValueError("The given images do not define a homomorphism") return GroupHomomorphism(domain, codomain, images) def _check_homomorphism(domain, codomain, images): if hasattr(domain, 'relators'): rels = domain.relators else: gens = domain.presentation().generators rels = domain.presentation().relators identity = codomain.identity def _image(r): if r.is_identity: return identity else: w = identity r_arr = r.array_form i = 0 j = 0 # i is the index for r and j is for # r_arr. r_arr[j] is the tuple (sym, p) # where sym is the generator symbol # and p is the power to which it is # raised while r[i] is a generator # (not just its symbol) or the inverse of # a generator - hence the need for # both indices while i < len(r): power = r_arr[j][1] if isinstance(domain, PermutationGroup) and r[i] in gens: s = domain.generators[gens.index(r[i])] else: s = r[i] if s in images: w = w*images[s]**power elif s**-1 in images: w = w*images[s**-1]**power i += abs(power) j += 1 return w for r in rels: if isinstance(codomain, FpGroup): s = codomain.equals(_image(r), identity) if s is None: # only try to make the rewriting system # confluent when it can't determine the # truth of equality otherwise success = codomain.make_confluent() s = codomain.equals(_image(r), identity) if s is None and not success: raise RuntimeError("Can't determine if the images " "define a homomorphism. Try increasing " "the maximum number of rewriting rules " "(group._rewriting_system.set_max(new_value); " "the current value is stored in group._rewriting" "_system.maxeqns)") else: s = _image(r).is_identity if not s: return False return True def orbit_homomorphism(group, omega): ''' Return the homomorphism induced by the action of the permutation group ``group`` on the set ``omega`` that is closed under the action. ''' from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation from sympy.combinatorics.named_groups import SymmetricGroup codomain = SymmetricGroup(len(omega)) identity = codomain.identity omega = list(omega) images = {g: identity*Permutation([omega.index(o^g) for o in omega]) for g in group.generators} group._schreier_sims(base=omega) H = GroupHomomorphism(group, codomain, images) if len(group.basic_stabilizers) > len(omega): H._kernel = group.basic_stabilizers[len(omega)] else: H._kernel = PermutationGroup([group.identity]) return H def block_homomorphism(group, blocks): ''' Return the homomorphism induced by the action of the permutation group ``group`` on the block system ``blocks``. The latter should be of the same form as returned by the ``minimal_block`` method for permutation groups, namely a list of length ```` where the i-th entry is a representative of the block i belongs to. ''' from sympy.combinatorics import Permutation from sympy.combinatorics.named_groups import SymmetricGroup n = len(blocks) # number the blocks; m is the total number, # b is such that b[i] is the number of the block i belongs to, # p is the list of length m such that p[i] is the representative # of the i-th block m = 0 p = [] b = [None]*n for i in range(n): if blocks[i] == i: p.append(i) b[i] = m m += 1 for i in range(n): b[i] = b[blocks[i]] codomain = SymmetricGroup(m) # the list corresponding to the identity permutation in codomain identity = range(m) images = {g: Permutation([b[p[i]^g] for i in identity]) for g in group.generators} H = GroupHomomorphism(group, codomain, images) return H def group_isomorphism(G, H, isomorphism=True): ''' Compute an isomorphism between 2 given groups. Parameters ========== G : A finite ``FpGroup`` or a ``PermutationGroup``. First group. H : A finite ``FpGroup`` or a ``PermutationGroup`` Second group. isomorphism : bool This is used to avoid the computation of homomorphism when the user only wants to check if there exists an isomorphism between the groups. Returns ======= If isomorphism = False -- Returns a boolean. If isomorphism = True -- Returns a boolean and an isomorphism between `G` and `H`. Examples ======== >>> from sympy.combinatorics import free_group, Permutation >>> from sympy.combinatorics.perm_groups import PermutationGroup >>> from sympy.combinatorics.fp_groups import FpGroup >>> from sympy.combinatorics.homomorphisms import group_isomorphism >>> from sympy.combinatorics.named_groups import DihedralGroup, AlternatingGroup >>> D = DihedralGroup(8) >>> p = Permutation(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) >>> P = PermutationGroup(p) >>> group_isomorphism(D, P) (False, None) >>> F, a, b = free_group("a, b") >>> G = FpGroup(F, [a**3, b**3, (a*b)**2]) >>> H = AlternatingGroup(4) >>> (check, T) = group_isomorphism(G, H) >>> check True >>> T(b*a*b**-1*a**-1*b**-1) (0 2 3) Notes ===== Uses the approach suggested by Robert Tarjan to compute the isomorphism between two groups. First, the generators of ``G`` are mapped to the elements of ``H`` and we check if the mapping induces an isomorphism. ''' if not isinstance(G, (PermutationGroup, FpGroup)): raise TypeError("The group must be a PermutationGroup or an FpGroup") if not isinstance(H, (PermutationGroup, FpGroup)): raise TypeError("The group must be a PermutationGroup or an FpGroup") if isinstance(G, FpGroup) and isinstance(H, FpGroup): G = simplify_presentation(G) H = simplify_presentation(H) # Two infinite FpGroups with the same generators are isomorphic # when the relators are same but are ordered differently. if G.generators == H.generators and (G.relators).sort() == (H.relators).sort(): if not isomorphism: return True return (True, homomorphism(G, H, G.generators, H.generators)) # `_H` is the permutation group isomorphic to `H`. _H = H g_order = G.order() h_order = H.order() if g_order is S.Infinity: raise NotImplementedError("Isomorphism methods are not implemented for infinite groups.") if isinstance(H, FpGroup): if h_order is S.Infinity: raise NotImplementedError("Isomorphism methods are not implemented for infinite groups.") _H, h_isomorphism = H._to_perm_group() if (g_order != h_order) or (G.is_abelian != H.is_abelian): if not isomorphism: return False return (False, None) if not isomorphism: # Two groups of the same cyclic numbered order # are isomorphic to each other. n = g_order if (igcd(n, totient(n))) == 1: return True # Match the generators of `G` with subsets of `_H` gens = list(G.generators) for subset in itertools.permutations(_H, len(gens)): images = list(subset) images.extend([_H.identity]*(len(G.generators)-len(images))) _images = dict(zip(gens,images)) if _check_homomorphism(G, _H, _images): if isinstance(H, FpGroup): images = h_isomorphism.invert(images) T = homomorphism(G, H, G.generators, images, check=False) if T.is_isomorphism(): # It is a valid isomorphism if not isomorphism: return True return (True, T) if not isomorphism: return False return (False, None) def is_isomorphic(G, H): ''' Check if the groups are isomorphic to each other Parameters ========== G : A finite ``FpGroup`` or a ``PermutationGroup`` First group. H : A finite ``FpGroup`` or a ``PermutationGroup`` Second group. Returns ======= boolean ''' return group_isomorphism(G, H, isomorphism=False)