from sympy.diffgeom.rn import R2, R2_p, R2_r, R3_r from sympy.diffgeom import intcurve_series, Differential, WedgeProduct from sympy.core import symbols, Function, Derivative from sympy.simplify import trigsimp, simplify from sympy.functions import sqrt, atan2, sin, cos from sympy.matrices import Matrix # Most of the functionality is covered in the # test_functional_diffgeom_ch* tests which are based on the # example from the paper of Sussman and Wisdom. # If they do not cover something, additional tests are added in other test # functions. # From "Functional Differential Geometry" as of 2011 # by Sussman and Wisdom. def test_functional_diffgeom_ch2(): x0, y0, r0, theta0 = symbols('x0, y0, r0, theta0', real=True) x, y = symbols('x, y', real=True) f = Function('f') assert (R2_p.point_to_coords(R2_r.point([x0, y0])) == Matrix([sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2), atan2(y0, x0)])) assert (R2_r.point_to_coords(R2_p.point([r0, theta0])) == Matrix([r0*cos(theta0), r0*sin(theta0)])) assert R2_p.jacobian(R2_r, [r0, theta0]) == Matrix( [[cos(theta0), -r0*sin(theta0)], [sin(theta0), r0*cos(theta0)]]) field = f(R2.x, R2.y) p1_in_rect = R2_r.point([x0, y0]) p1_in_polar = R2_p.point([sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2), atan2(y0, x0)]) assert field.rcall(p1_in_rect) == f(x0, y0) assert field.rcall(p1_in_polar) == f(x0, y0) p_r = R2_r.point([x0, y0]) p_p = R2_p.point([r0, theta0]) assert R2.x(p_r) == x0 assert R2.x(p_p) == r0*cos(theta0) assert R2.r(p_p) == r0 assert R2.r(p_r) == sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2) assert R2.theta(p_r) == atan2(y0, x0) h = R2.x*R2.r**2 + R2.y**3 assert h.rcall(p_r) == x0*(x0**2 + y0**2) + y0**3 assert h.rcall(p_p) == r0**3*sin(theta0)**3 + r0**3*cos(theta0) def test_functional_diffgeom_ch3(): x0, y0 = symbols('x0, y0', real=True) x, y, t = symbols('x, y, t', real=True) f = Function('f') b1 = Function('b1') b2 = Function('b2') p_r = R2_r.point([x0, y0]) s_field = f(R2.x, R2.y) v_field = b1(R2.x)*R2.e_x + b2(R2.y)*R2.e_y assert v_field.rcall(s_field).rcall(p_r).doit() == b1( x0)*Derivative(f(x0, y0), x0) + b2(y0)*Derivative(f(x0, y0), y0) assert R2.e_x(R2.r**2).rcall(p_r) == 2*x0 v = R2.e_x + 2*R2.e_y s = R2.r**2 + 3*R2.x assert v.rcall(s).rcall(p_r).doit() == 2*x0 + 4*y0 + 3 circ = -R2.y*R2.e_x + R2.x*R2.e_y series = intcurve_series(circ, t, R2_r.point([1, 0]), coeffs=True) series_x, series_y = zip(*series) assert all( [term == cos(t).taylor_term(i, t) for i, term in enumerate(series_x)]) assert all( [term == sin(t).taylor_term(i, t) for i, term in enumerate(series_y)]) def test_functional_diffgeom_ch4(): x0, y0, theta0 = symbols('x0, y0, theta0', real=True) x, y, r, theta = symbols('x, y, r, theta', real=True) r0 = symbols('r0', positive=True) f = Function('f') b1 = Function('b1') b2 = Function('b2') p_r = R2_r.point([x0, y0]) p_p = R2_p.point([r0, theta0]) f_field = b1(R2.x, R2.y)*R2.dx + b2(R2.x, R2.y)*R2.dy assert f_field.rcall(R2.e_x).rcall(p_r) == b1(x0, y0) assert f_field.rcall(R2.e_y).rcall(p_r) == b2(x0, y0) s_field_r = f(R2.x, R2.y) df = Differential(s_field_r) assert df(R2.e_x).rcall(p_r).doit() == Derivative(f(x0, y0), x0) assert df(R2.e_y).rcall(p_r).doit() == Derivative(f(x0, y0), y0) s_field_p = f(R2.r, R2.theta) df = Differential(s_field_p) assert trigsimp(df(R2.e_x).rcall(p_p).doit()) == ( cos(theta0)*Derivative(f(r0, theta0), r0) - sin(theta0)*Derivative(f(r0, theta0), theta0)/r0) assert trigsimp(df(R2.e_y).rcall(p_p).doit()) == ( sin(theta0)*Derivative(f(r0, theta0), r0) + cos(theta0)*Derivative(f(r0, theta0), theta0)/r0) assert R2.dx(R2.e_x).rcall(p_r) == 1 assert R2.dx(R2.e_x) == 1 assert R2.dx(R2.e_y).rcall(p_r) == 0 assert R2.dx(R2.e_y) == 0 circ = -R2.y*R2.e_x + R2.x*R2.e_y assert R2.dx(circ).rcall(p_r).doit() == -y0 assert R2.dy(circ).rcall(p_r) == x0 assert R2.dr(circ).rcall(p_r) == 0 assert simplify(R2.dtheta(circ).rcall(p_r)) == 1 assert (circ - R2.e_theta).rcall(s_field_r).rcall(p_r) == 0 def test_functional_diffgeom_ch6(): u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2, w0, w1, w2 = symbols('u0:3, v0:3, w0:3', real=True) u = u0*R2.e_x + u1*R2.e_y v = v0*R2.e_x + v1*R2.e_y wp = WedgeProduct(R2.dx, R2.dy) assert wp(u, v) == u0*v1 - u1*v0 u = u0*R3_r.e_x + u1*R3_r.e_y + u2*R3_r.e_z v = v0*R3_r.e_x + v1*R3_r.e_y + v2*R3_r.e_z w = w0*R3_r.e_x + w1*R3_r.e_y + w2*R3_r.e_z wp = WedgeProduct(R3_r.dx, R3_r.dy, assert wp( u, v, w) == Matrix(3, 3, [u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2, w0, w1, w2]).det() a, b, c = symbols('a, b, c', cls=Function) a_f = a(R3_r.x, R3_r.y, R3_r.z) b_f = b(R3_r.x, R3_r.y, R3_r.z) c_f = c(R3_r.x, R3_r.y, R3_r.z) theta = a_f*R3_r.dx + b_f*R3_r.dy + c_f* dtheta = Differential(theta) da = Differential(a_f) db = Differential(b_f) dc = Differential(c_f) expr = dtheta - WedgeProduct( da, R3_r.dx) - WedgeProduct(db, R3_r.dy) - WedgeProduct(dc, assert expr.rcall(R3_r.e_x, R3_r.e_y) == 0