from sympy.assumptions.ask import Q from sympy.assumptions.refine import refine from sympy.core.numbers import oo from sympy.core.relational import Equality, Eq, Ne from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.symbol import (Dummy, symbols) from sympy.functions import Piecewise from sympy.functions.elementary.trigonometric import cos, sin from sympy.sets.sets import (Interval, Union) from sympy.simplify.simplify import simplify from sympy.logic.boolalg import ( And, Boolean, Equivalent, ITE, Implies, Nand, Nor, Not, Or, POSform, SOPform, Xor, Xnor, conjuncts, disjuncts, distribute_or_over_and, distribute_and_over_or, eliminate_implications, is_nnf, is_cnf, is_dnf, simplify_logic, to_nnf, to_cnf, to_dnf, to_int_repr, bool_map, true, false, BooleanAtom, is_literal, term_to_integer, truth_table, as_Boolean, to_anf, is_anf, distribute_xor_over_and, anf_coeffs, ANFform, bool_minterm, bool_maxterm, bool_monomial, _check_pair, _convert_to_varsSOP, _convert_to_varsPOS, Exclusive, gateinputcount) from sympy.assumptions.cnf import CNF from sympy.testing.pytest import raises, XFAIL, slow from itertools import combinations, permutations, product A, B, C, D = symbols('A:D') a, b, c, d, e, w, x, y, z = symbols('a:e w:z') def test_overloading(): """Test that |, & are overloaded as expected""" assert A & B == And(A, B) assert A | B == Or(A, B) assert (A & B) | C == Or(And(A, B), C) assert A >> B == Implies(A, B) assert A << B == Implies(B, A) assert ~A == Not(A) assert A ^ B == Xor(A, B) def test_And(): assert And() is true assert And(A) == A assert And(True) is true assert And(False) is false assert And(True, True) is true assert And(True, False) is false assert And(False, False) is false assert And(True, A) == A assert And(False, A) is false assert And(True, True, True) is true assert And(True, True, A) == A assert And(True, False, A) is false assert And(1, A) == A raises(TypeError, lambda: And(2, A)) raises(TypeError, lambda: And(A < 2, A)) assert And(A < 1, A >= 1) is false e = A > 1 assert And(e, e.canonical) == e.canonical g, l, ge, le = A > B, B < A, A >= B, B <= A assert And(g, l, ge, le) == And(ge, g) assert {And(*i) for i in permutations((l,g,le,ge))} == {And(ge, g)} assert And(And(Eq(a, 0), Eq(b, 0)), And(Ne(a, 0), Eq(c, 0))) is false def test_Or(): assert Or() is false assert Or(A) == A assert Or(True) is true assert Or(False) is false assert Or(True, True) is true assert Or(True, False) is true assert Or(False, False) is false assert Or(True, A) is true assert Or(False, A) == A assert Or(True, False, False) is true assert Or(True, False, A) is true assert Or(False, False, A) == A assert Or(1, A) is true raises(TypeError, lambda: Or(2, A)) raises(TypeError, lambda: Or(A < 2, A)) assert Or(A < 1, A >= 1) is true e = A > 1 assert Or(e, e.canonical) == e g, l, ge, le = A > B, B < A, A >= B, B <= A assert Or(g, l, ge, le) == Or(g, ge) def test_Xor(): assert Xor() is false assert Xor(A) == A assert Xor(A, A) is false assert Xor(True, A, A) is true assert Xor(A, A, A, A, A) == A assert Xor(True, False, False, A, B) == ~Xor(A, B) assert Xor(True) is true assert Xor(False) is false assert Xor(True, True) is false assert Xor(True, False) is true assert Xor(False, False) is false assert Xor(True, A) == ~A assert Xor(False, A) == A assert Xor(True, False, False) is true assert Xor(True, False, A) == ~A assert Xor(False, False, A) == A assert isinstance(Xor(A, B), Xor) assert Xor(A, B, Xor(C, D)) == Xor(A, B, C, D) assert Xor(A, B, Xor(B, C)) == Xor(A, C) assert Xor(A < 1, A >= 1, B) == Xor(0, 1, B) == Xor(1, 0, B) e = A > 1 assert Xor(e, e.canonical) == Xor(0, 0) == Xor(1, 1) def test_rewrite_as_And(): expr = x ^ y assert expr.rewrite(And) == (x | y) & (~x | ~y) def test_rewrite_as_Or(): expr = x ^ y assert expr.rewrite(Or) == (x & ~y) | (y & ~x) def test_rewrite_as_Nand(): expr = (y & z) | (z & ~w) assert expr.rewrite(Nand) == ~(~(y & z) & ~(z & ~w)) def test_rewrite_as_Nor(): expr = z & (y | ~w) assert expr.rewrite(Nor) == ~(~z | ~(y | ~w)) def test_Not(): raises(TypeError, lambda: Not(True, False)) assert Not(True) is false assert Not(False) is true assert Not(0) is true assert Not(1) is false assert Not(2) is false def test_Nand(): assert Nand() is false assert Nand(A) == ~A assert Nand(True) is false assert Nand(False) is true assert Nand(True, True) is false assert Nand(True, False) is true assert Nand(False, False) is true assert Nand(True, A) == ~A assert Nand(False, A) is true assert Nand(True, True, True) is false assert Nand(True, True, A) == ~A assert Nand(True, False, A) is true def test_Nor(): assert Nor() is true assert Nor(A) == ~A assert Nor(True) is false assert Nor(False) is true assert Nor(True, True) is false assert Nor(True, False) is false assert Nor(False, False) is true assert Nor(True, A) is false assert Nor(False, A) == ~A assert Nor(True, True, True) is false assert Nor(True, True, A) is false assert Nor(True, False, A) is false def test_Xnor(): assert Xnor() is true assert Xnor(A) == ~A assert Xnor(A, A) is true assert Xnor(True, A, A) is false assert Xnor(A, A, A, A, A) == ~A assert Xnor(True) is false assert Xnor(False) is true assert Xnor(True, True) is true assert Xnor(True, False) is false assert Xnor(False, False) is true assert Xnor(True, A) == A assert Xnor(False, A) == ~A assert Xnor(True, False, False) is false assert Xnor(True, False, A) == A assert Xnor(False, False, A) == ~A def test_Implies(): raises(ValueError, lambda: Implies(A, B, C)) assert Implies(True, True) is true assert Implies(True, False) is false assert Implies(False, True) is true assert Implies(False, False) is true assert Implies(0, A) is true assert Implies(1, 1) is true assert Implies(1, 0) is false assert A >> B == B << A assert (A < 1) >> (A >= 1) == (A >= 1) assert (A < 1) >> (S.One > A) is true assert A >> A is true def test_Equivalent(): assert Equivalent(A, B) == Equivalent(B, A) == Equivalent(A, B, A) assert Equivalent() is true assert Equivalent(A, A) == Equivalent(A) is true assert Equivalent(True, True) == Equivalent(False, False) is true assert Equivalent(True, False) == Equivalent(False, True) is false assert Equivalent(A, True) == A assert Equivalent(A, False) == Not(A) assert Equivalent(A, B, True) == A & B assert Equivalent(A, B, False) == ~A & ~B assert Equivalent(1, A) == A assert Equivalent(0, A) == Not(A) assert Equivalent(A, Equivalent(B, C)) != Equivalent(Equivalent(A, B), C) assert Equivalent(A < 1, A >= 1) is false assert Equivalent(A < 1, A >= 1, 0) is false assert Equivalent(A < 1, A >= 1, 1) is false assert Equivalent(A < 1, S.One > A) == Equivalent(1, 1) == Equivalent(0, 0) assert Equivalent(Equality(A, B), Equality(B, A)) is true def test_Exclusive(): assert Exclusive(False, False, False) is true assert Exclusive(True, False, False) is true assert Exclusive(True, True, False) is false assert Exclusive(True, True, True) is false def test_equals(): assert Not(Or(A, B)).equals(And(Not(A), Not(B))) is True assert Equivalent(A, B).equals((A >> B) & (B >> A)) is True assert ((A | ~B) & (~A | B)).equals((~A & ~B) | (A & B)) is True assert (A >> B).equals(~A >> ~B) is False assert (A >> (B >> A)).equals(A >> (C >> A)) is False raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: (A & B).equals(A > B)) def test_simplification_boolalg(): """ Test working of simplification methods. """ set1 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]] set2 = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]] assert SOPform([x, y, z], set1) == Or(And(Not(x), z), And(Not(z), x)) assert Not(SOPform([x, y, z], set2)) == \ Not(Or(And(Not(x), Not(z)), And(x, z))) assert POSform([x, y, z], set1 + set2) is true assert SOPform([x, y, z], set1 + set2) is true assert SOPform([Dummy(), Dummy(), Dummy()], set1 + set2) is true minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]] dontcares = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]] assert ( SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == Or(And(y, z), And(Not(w), Not(x)))) assert POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == And(Or(Not(w), y), z) minterms = [1, 3, 7, 11, 15] dontcares = [0, 2, 5] assert ( SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == Or(And(y, z), And(Not(w), Not(x)))) assert POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == And(Or(Not(w), y), z) minterms = [1, [0, 0, 1, 1], 7, [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]] dontcares = [0, [0, 0, 1, 0], 5] assert ( SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == Or(And(y, z), And(Not(w), Not(x)))) assert POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == And(Or(Not(w), y), z) minterms = [1, {y: 1, z: 1}] dontcares = [0, [0, 0, 1, 0], 5] assert ( SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == Or(And(y, z), And(Not(w), Not(x)))) assert POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == And(Or(Not(w), y), z) minterms = [{y: 1, z: 1}, 1] dontcares = [[0, 0, 0, 0]] minterms = [[0, 0, 0]] raises(ValueError, lambda: SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms)) raises(ValueError, lambda: POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms)) raises(TypeError, lambda: POSform([w, x, y, z], ["abcdefg"])) # test simplification ans = And(A, Or(B, C)) assert simplify_logic(A & (B | C)) == ans assert simplify_logic((A & B) | (A & C)) == ans assert simplify_logic(Implies(A, B)) == Or(Not(A), B) assert simplify_logic(Equivalent(A, B)) == \ Or(And(A, B), And(Not(A), Not(B))) assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), C)) == And(Equality(A, 2), C) assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), A)) is S.false assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), A)) == And(Equality(A, 2), A) assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, B), C)) == And(Equality(A, B), C) assert simplify_logic(Or(And(Equality(A, 3), B), And(Equality(A, 3), C))) \ == And(Equality(A, 3), Or(B, C)) b = (~x & ~y & ~z) | (~x & ~y & z) e = And(A, b) assert simplify_logic(e) == A & ~x & ~y raises(ValueError, lambda: simplify_logic(A & (B | C), form='blabla')) assert simplify(Or(x <= y, And(x < y, z))) == (x <= y) assert simplify(Or(x <= y, And(y > x, z))) == (x <= y) assert simplify(Or(x >= y, And(y < x, z))) == (x >= y) # Check that expressions with nine variables or more are not simplified # (without the force-flag) a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j = symbols('a b c d e f g h j') expr = a & b & c & d & e & f & g & h & j | \ a & b & c & d & e & f & g & h & ~j # This expression can be simplified to get rid of the j variables assert simplify_logic(expr) == expr # check input ans = SOPform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) assert SOPform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) == ans assert POSform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) == ans raises(ValueError, lambda: SOPform([x], [[1]], [[1]])) assert SOPform([x], [[1]], [[0]]) is true assert SOPform([x], [[0]], [[1]]) is true assert SOPform([x], [], []) is false raises(ValueError, lambda: POSform([x], [[1]], [[1]])) assert POSform([x], [[1]], [[0]]) is true assert POSform([x], [[0]], [[1]]) is true assert POSform([x], [], []) is false # check working of simplify assert simplify((A & B) | (A & C)) == And(A, Or(B, C)) assert simplify(And(x, Not(x))) == False assert simplify(Or(x, Not(x))) == True assert simplify(And(Eq(x, 0), Eq(x, y))) == And(Eq(x, 0), Eq(y, 0)) assert And(Eq(x - 1, 0), Eq(x, y)).simplify() == And(Eq(x, 1), Eq(y, 1)) assert And(Ne(x - 1, 0), Ne(x, y)).simplify() == And(Ne(x, 1), Ne(x, y)) assert And(Eq(x - 1, 0), Ne(x, y)).simplify() == And(Eq(x, 1), Ne(y, 1)) assert And(Eq(x - 1, 0), Eq(x, z + y), Eq(y + x, 0)).simplify( ) == And(Eq(x, 1), Eq(y, -1), Eq(z, 2)) assert And(Eq(x - 1, 0), Eq(x + 2, 3)).simplify() == Eq(x, 1) assert And(Ne(x - 1, 0), Ne(x + 2, 3)).simplify() == Ne(x, 1) assert And(Eq(x - 1, 0), Eq(x + 2, 2)).simplify() == False assert And(Ne(x - 1, 0), Ne(x + 2, 2)).simplify( ) == And(Ne(x, 1), Ne(x, 0)) def test_bool_map(): """ Test working of bool_map function. """ minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]] assert bool_map(Not(Not(a)), a) == (a, {a: a}) assert bool_map(SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms), POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms)) == \ (And(Or(Not(w), y), Or(Not(x), y), z), {x: x, w: w, z: z, y: y}) assert bool_map(SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1]]), SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1]])) != False function1 = SOPform([x, z, y], [[1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]) function2 = SOPform([a, b, c], [[1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]]) assert bool_map(function1, function2) == \ (function1, {y: a, z: b}) assert bool_map(Xor(x, y), ~Xor(x, y)) == False assert bool_map(And(x, y), Or(x, y)) is None assert bool_map(And(x, y), And(x, y, z)) is None # issue 16179 assert bool_map(Xor(x, y, z), ~Xor(x, y, z)) == False assert bool_map(Xor(a, x, y, z), ~Xor(a, x, y, z)) == False def test_bool_symbol(): """Test that mixing symbols with boolean values works as expected""" assert And(A, True) == A assert And(A, True, True) == A assert And(A, False) is false assert And(A, True, False) is false assert Or(A, True) is true assert Or(A, False) == A def test_is_boolean(): assert isinstance(True, Boolean) is False assert isinstance(true, Boolean) is True assert 1 == True assert 1 != true assert (1 == true) is False assert 0 == False assert 0 != false assert (0 == false) is False assert true.is_Boolean is True assert (A & B).is_Boolean assert (A | B).is_Boolean assert (~A).is_Boolean assert (A ^ B).is_Boolean assert A.is_Boolean != isinstance(A, Boolean) assert isinstance(A, Boolean) def test_subs(): assert (A & B).subs(A, True) == B assert (A & B).subs(A, False) is false assert (A & B).subs(B, True) == A assert (A & B).subs(B, False) is false assert (A & B).subs({A: True, B: True}) is true assert (A | B).subs(A, True) is true assert (A | B).subs(A, False) == B assert (A | B).subs(B, True) is true assert (A | B).subs(B, False) == A assert (A | B).subs({A: True, B: True}) is true """ we test for axioms of boolean algebra see """ def test_commutative(): """Test for commutativity of And and Or""" A, B = map(Boolean, symbols('A,B')) assert A & B == B & A assert A | B == B | A def test_and_associativity(): """Test for associativity of And""" assert (A & B) & C == A & (B & C) def test_or_assicativity(): assert ((A | B) | C) == (A | (B | C)) def test_double_negation(): a = Boolean() assert ~(~a) == a # test methods def test_eliminate_implications(): assert eliminate_implications(Implies(A, B, evaluate=False)) == (~A) | B assert eliminate_implications( A >> (C >> Not(B))) == Or(Or(Not(B), Not(C)), Not(A)) assert eliminate_implications(Equivalent(A, B, C, D)) == \ (~A | B) & (~B | C) & (~C | D) & (~D | A) def test_conjuncts(): assert conjuncts(A & B & C) == {A, B, C} assert conjuncts((A | B) & C) == {A | B, C} assert conjuncts(A) == {A} assert conjuncts(True) == {True} assert conjuncts(False) == {False} def test_disjuncts(): assert disjuncts(A | B | C) == {A, B, C} assert disjuncts((A | B) & C) == {(A | B) & C} assert disjuncts(A) == {A} assert disjuncts(True) == {True} assert disjuncts(False) == {False} def test_distribute(): assert distribute_and_over_or(Or(And(A, B), C)) == And(Or(A, C), Or(B, C)) assert distribute_or_over_and(And(A, Or(B, C))) == Or(And(A, B), And(A, C)) assert distribute_xor_over_and(And(A, Xor(B, C))) == Xor(And(A, B), And(A, C)) def test_to_anf(): x, y, z = symbols('x,y,z') assert to_anf(And(x, y)) == And(x, y) assert to_anf(Or(x, y)) == Xor(x, y, And(x, y)) assert to_anf(Or(Implies(x, y), And(x, y), y)) == \ Xor(x, True, x & y, remove_true=False) assert to_anf(Or(Nand(x, y), Nor(x, y), Xnor(x, y), Implies(x, y))) == True assert to_anf(Or(x, Not(y), Nor(x,z), And(x, y), Nand(y, z))) == \ Xor(True, And(y, z), And(x, y, z), remove_true=False) assert to_anf(Xor(x, y)) == Xor(x, y) assert to_anf(Not(x)) == Xor(x, True, remove_true=False) assert to_anf(Nand(x, y)) == Xor(True, And(x, y), remove_true=False) assert to_anf(Nor(x, y)) == Xor(x, y, True, And(x, y), remove_true=False) assert to_anf(Implies(x, y)) == Xor(x, True, And(x, y), remove_true=False) assert to_anf(Equivalent(x, y)) == Xor(x, y, True, remove_true=False) assert to_anf(Nand(x | y, x >> y), deep=False) == \ Xor(True, And(Or(x, y), Implies(x, y)), remove_true=False) assert to_anf(Nor(x ^ y, x & y), deep=False) == \ Xor(True, Or(Xor(x, y), And(x, y)), remove_true=False) def test_to_nnf(): assert to_nnf(true) is true assert to_nnf(false) is false assert to_nnf(A) == A assert to_nnf(A | ~A | B) is true assert to_nnf(A & ~A & B) is false assert to_nnf(A >> B) == ~A | B assert to_nnf(Equivalent(A, B, C)) == (~A | B) & (~B | C) & (~C | A) assert to_nnf(A ^ B ^ C) == \ (A | B | C) & (~A | ~B | C) & (A | ~B | ~C) & (~A | B | ~C) assert to_nnf(ITE(A, B, C)) == (~A | B) & (A | C) assert to_nnf(Not(A | B | C)) == ~A & ~B & ~C assert to_nnf(Not(A & B & C)) == ~A | ~B | ~C assert to_nnf(Not(A >> B)) == A & ~B assert to_nnf(Not(Equivalent(A, B, C))) == And(Or(A, B, C), Or(~A, ~B, ~C)) assert to_nnf(Not(A ^ B ^ C)) == \ (~A | B | C) & (A | ~B | C) & (A | B | ~C) & (~A | ~B | ~C) assert to_nnf(Not(ITE(A, B, C))) == (~A | ~B) & (A | ~C) assert to_nnf((A >> B) ^ (B >> A)) == (A & ~B) | (~A & B) assert to_nnf((A >> B) ^ (B >> A), False) == \ (~A | ~B | A | B) & ((A & ~B) | (~A & B)) assert ITE(A, 1, 0).to_nnf() == A assert ITE(A, 0, 1).to_nnf() == ~A # although ITE can hold non-Boolean, it will complain if # an attempt is made to convert the ITE to Boolean nnf raises(TypeError, lambda: ITE(A < 1, [1], B).to_nnf()) def test_to_cnf(): assert to_cnf(~(B | C)) == And(Not(B), Not(C)) assert to_cnf((A & B) | C) == And(Or(A, C), Or(B, C)) assert to_cnf(A >> B) == (~A) | B assert to_cnf(A >> (B & C)) == (~A | B) & (~A | C) assert to_cnf(A & (B | C) | ~A & (B | C), True) == B | C assert to_cnf(A & B) == And(A, B) assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B)) == And(Or(A, Not(B)), Or(B, Not(A))) assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B & C)) == \ (~A | B) & (~A | C) & (~B | ~C | A) assert to_cnf(Equivalent(A, B | C), True) == \ And(Or(Not(B), A), Or(Not(C), A), Or(B, C, Not(A))) assert to_cnf(A + 1) == A + 1 def test_issue_18904(): x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15 = symbols('x1:16') eq = (( x1 & x2 & x3 & x4 & x5 & x6 & x7 & x8 & x9 ) | ( x1 & x2 & x3 & x4 & x5 & x6 & x7 & x10 & x9 ) | ( x1 & x11 & x3 & x12 & x5 & x13 & x14 & x15 & x9 )) assert is_cnf(to_cnf(eq)) raises(ValueError, lambda: to_cnf(eq, simplify=True)) for f, t in zip((And, Or), (to_cnf, to_dnf)): eq = f(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9) raises(ValueError, lambda: to_cnf(eq, simplify=True)) assert t(eq, simplify=True, force=True) == eq def test_issue_9949(): assert is_cnf(to_cnf((b > -5) | (a > 2) & (a < 4))) def test_to_CNF(): assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(~(B | C))) == to_cnf(~(B | C)) assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF((A & B) | C)) == to_cnf((A & B) | C) assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(A >> B)) == to_cnf(A >> B) assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(A >> (B & C))) == to_cnf(A >> (B & C)) assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(A & (B | C) | ~A & (B | C))) == to_cnf(A & (B | C) | ~A & (B | C)) assert CNF.CNF_to_cnf(CNF.to_CNF(A & B)) == to_cnf(A & B) def test_to_dnf(): assert to_dnf(~(B | C)) == And(Not(B), Not(C)) assert to_dnf(A & (B | C)) == Or(And(A, B), And(A, C)) assert to_dnf(A >> B) == (~A) | B assert to_dnf(A >> (B & C)) == (~A) | (B & C) assert to_dnf(A | B) == A | B assert to_dnf(Equivalent(A, B), True) == \ Or(And(A, B), And(Not(A), Not(B))) assert to_dnf(Equivalent(A, B & C), True) == \ Or(And(A, B, C), And(Not(A), Not(B)), And(Not(A), Not(C))) assert to_dnf(A + 1) == A + 1 def test_to_int_repr(): x, y, z = map(Boolean, symbols('x,y,z')) def sorted_recursive(arg): try: return sorted(sorted_recursive(x) for x in arg) except TypeError: # arg is not a sequence return arg assert sorted_recursive(to_int_repr([x | y, z | x], [x, y, z])) == \ sorted_recursive([[1, 2], [1, 3]]) assert sorted_recursive(to_int_repr([x | y, z | ~x], [x, y, z])) == \ sorted_recursive([[1, 2], [3, -1]]) def test_is_anf(): x, y = symbols('x,y') assert is_anf(true) is True assert is_anf(false) is True assert is_anf(x) is True assert is_anf(And(x, y)) is True assert is_anf(Xor(x, y, And(x, y))) is True assert is_anf(Xor(x, y, Or(x, y))) is False assert is_anf(Xor(Not(x), y)) is False def test_is_nnf(): assert is_nnf(true) is True assert is_nnf(A) is True assert is_nnf(~A) is True assert is_nnf(A & B) is True assert is_nnf((A & B) | (~A & A) | (~B & B) | (~A & ~B), False) is True assert is_nnf((A | B) & (~A | ~B)) is True assert is_nnf(Not(Or(A, B))) is False assert is_nnf(A ^ B) is False assert is_nnf((A & B) | (~A & A) | (~B & B) | (~A & ~B), True) is False def test_is_cnf(): assert is_cnf(x) is True assert is_cnf(x | y | z) is True assert is_cnf(x & y & z) is True assert is_cnf((x | y) & z) is True assert is_cnf((x & y) | z) is False assert is_cnf(~(x & y) | z) is False def test_is_dnf(): assert is_dnf(x) is True assert is_dnf(x | y | z) is True assert is_dnf(x & y & z) is True assert is_dnf((x & y) | z) is True assert is_dnf((x | y) & z) is False assert is_dnf(~(x | y) & z) is False def test_ITE(): A, B, C = symbols('A:C') assert ITE(True, False, True) is false assert ITE(True, True, False) is true assert ITE(False, True, False) is false assert ITE(False, False, True) is true assert isinstance(ITE(A, B, C), ITE) A = True assert ITE(A, B, C) == B A = False assert ITE(A, B, C) == C B = True assert ITE(And(A, B), B, C) == C assert ITE(Or(A, False), And(B, True), False) is false assert ITE(x, A, B) == Not(x) assert ITE(x, B, A) == x assert ITE(1, x, y) == x assert ITE(0, x, y) == y raises(TypeError, lambda: ITE(2, x, y)) raises(TypeError, lambda: ITE(1, [], y)) raises(TypeError, lambda: ITE(1, (), y)) raises(TypeError, lambda: ITE(1, y, [])) assert ITE(1, 1, 1) is S.true assert isinstance(ITE(1, 1, 1, evaluate=False), ITE) raises(TypeError, lambda: ITE(x > 1, y, x)) assert ITE(Eq(x, True), y, x) == ITE(x, y, x) assert ITE(Eq(x, False), y, x) == ITE(~x, y, x) assert ITE(Ne(x, True), y, x) == ITE(~x, y, x) assert ITE(Ne(x, False), y, x) == ITE(x, y, x) assert ITE(Eq(S. true, x), y, x) == ITE(x, y, x) assert ITE(Eq(S.false, x), y, x) == ITE(~x, y, x) assert ITE(Ne(S.true, x), y, x) == ITE(~x, y, x) assert ITE(Ne(S.false, x), y, x) == ITE(x, y, x) # 0 and 1 in the context are not treated as True/False # so the equality must always be False since dissimilar # objects cannot be equal assert ITE(Eq(x, 0), y, x) == x assert ITE(Eq(x, 1), y, x) == x assert ITE(Ne(x, 0), y, x) == y assert ITE(Ne(x, 1), y, x) == y assert ITE(Eq(x, 0), y, z).subs(x, 0) == y assert ITE(Eq(x, 0), y, z).subs(x, 1) == z raises(ValueError, lambda: ITE(x > 1, y, x, z)) def test_is_literal(): assert is_literal(True) is True assert is_literal(False) is True assert is_literal(A) is True assert is_literal(~A) is True assert is_literal(Or(A, B)) is False assert is_literal( is True assert is_literal(Not( is True assert is_literal(Or(A, B)) is False assert is_literal(And(, is False assert is_literal(x < 3) assert not is_literal(x + y < 3) def test_operators(): # Mostly test __and__, __rand__, and so on assert True & A == A & True == A assert False & A == A & False == False assert A & B == And(A, B) assert True | A == A | True == True assert False | A == A | False == A assert A | B == Or(A, B) assert ~A == Not(A) assert True >> A == A << True == A assert False >> A == A << False == True assert A >> True == True << A == True assert A >> False == False << A == ~A assert A >> B == B << A == Implies(A, B) assert True ^ A == A ^ True == ~A assert False ^ A == A ^ False == A assert A ^ B == Xor(A, B) def test_true_false(): assert true is S.true assert false is S.false assert true is not True assert false is not False assert true assert not false assert true == True assert false == False assert not (true == False) assert not (false == True) assert not (true == false) assert hash(true) == hash(True) assert hash(false) == hash(False) assert len({true, True}) == len({false, False}) == 1 assert isinstance(true, BooleanAtom) assert isinstance(false, BooleanAtom) # We don't want to subclass from bool, because bool subclasses from # int. But operators like &, |, ^, <<, >>, and ~ act differently on 0 and # 1 then we want them to on true and false. See the docstrings of the # various And, Or, etc. functions for examples. assert not isinstance(true, bool) assert not isinstance(false, bool) # Note: using 'is' comparison is important here. We want these to return # true and false, not True and False assert Not(true) is false assert Not(True) is false assert Not(false) is true assert Not(False) is true assert ~true is false assert ~false is true for T, F in product((True, true), (False, false)): assert And(T, F) is false assert And(F, T) is false assert And(F, F) is false assert And(T, T) is true assert And(T, x) == x assert And(F, x) is false if not (T is True and F is False): assert T & F is false assert F & T is false if F is not False: assert F & F is false if T is not True: assert T & T is true assert Or(T, F) is true assert Or(F, T) is true assert Or(F, F) is false assert Or(T, T) is true assert Or(T, x) is true assert Or(F, x) == x if not (T is True and F is False): assert T | F is true assert F | T is true if F is not False: assert F | F is false if T is not True: assert T | T is true assert Xor(T, F) is true assert Xor(F, T) is true assert Xor(F, F) is false assert Xor(T, T) is false assert Xor(T, x) == ~x assert Xor(F, x) == x if not (T is True and F is False): assert T ^ F is true assert F ^ T is true if F is not False: assert F ^ F is false if T is not True: assert T ^ T is false assert Nand(T, F) is true assert Nand(F, T) is true assert Nand(F, F) is true assert Nand(T, T) is false assert Nand(T, x) == ~x assert Nand(F, x) is true assert Nor(T, F) is false assert Nor(F, T) is false assert Nor(F, F) is true assert Nor(T, T) is false assert Nor(T, x) is false assert Nor(F, x) == ~x assert Implies(T, F) is false assert Implies(F, T) is true assert Implies(F, F) is true assert Implies(T, T) is true assert Implies(T, x) == x assert Implies(F, x) is true assert Implies(x, T) is true assert Implies(x, F) == ~x if not (T is True and F is False): assert T >> F is false assert F << T is false assert F >> T is true assert T << F is true if F is not False: assert F >> F is true assert F << F is true if T is not True: assert T >> T is true assert T << T is true assert Equivalent(T, F) is false assert Equivalent(F, T) is false assert Equivalent(F, F) is true assert Equivalent(T, T) is true assert Equivalent(T, x) == x assert Equivalent(F, x) == ~x assert Equivalent(x, T) == x assert Equivalent(x, F) == ~x assert ITE(T, T, T) is true assert ITE(T, T, F) is true assert ITE(T, F, T) is false assert ITE(T, F, F) is false assert ITE(F, T, T) is true assert ITE(F, T, F) is false assert ITE(F, F, T) is true assert ITE(F, F, F) is false assert all(i.simplify(1, 2) is i for i in (S.true, S.false)) def test_bool_as_set(): assert ITE(y <= 0, False, y >= 1).as_set() == Interval(1, oo) assert And(x <= 2, x >= -2).as_set() == Interval(-2, 2) assert Or(x >= 2, x <= -2).as_set() == Interval(-oo, -2) + Interval(2, oo) assert Not(x > 2).as_set() == Interval(-oo, 2) # issue 10240 assert Not(And(x > 2, x < 3)).as_set() == \ Union(Interval(-oo, 2), Interval(3, oo)) assert true.as_set() == S.UniversalSet assert false.as_set() is S.EmptySet assert x.as_set() == S.UniversalSet assert And(Or(x < 1, x > 3), x < 2).as_set() ==, 1) assert And(x < 1, sin(x) < 3).as_set() == (x < 1).as_set() raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: (sin(x) < 1).as_set()) # watch for object morph in as_set assert Eq(-1, cos(2*x)**2/sin(2*x)**2).as_set() is S.EmptySet @XFAIL def test_multivariate_bool_as_set(): x, y = symbols('x,y') assert And(x >= 0, y >= 0).as_set() == Interval(0, oo)*Interval(0, oo) assert Or(x >= 0, y >= 0).as_set() == S.Reals*S.Reals - \ Interval(-oo, 0, True, True)*Interval(-oo, 0, True, True) def test_all_or_nothing(): x = symbols('x', extended_real=True) args = x >= -oo, x <= oo v = And(*args) if v.func is And: assert len(v.args) == len(args) - args.count(S.true) else: assert v == True v = Or(*args) if v.func is Or: assert len(v.args) == 2 else: assert v == True def test_canonical_atoms(): assert true.canonical == true assert false.canonical == false def test_negated_atoms(): assert true.negated == false assert false.negated == true def test_issue_8777(): assert And(x > 2, x < oo).as_set() == Interval(2, oo, left_open=True) assert And(x >= 1, x < oo).as_set() == Interval(1, oo) assert (x < oo).as_set() == Interval(-oo, oo) assert (x > -oo).as_set() == Interval(-oo, oo) def test_issue_8975(): assert Or(And(-oo < x, x <= -2), And(2 <= x, x < oo)).as_set() == \ Interval(-oo, -2) + Interval(2, oo) def test_term_to_integer(): assert term_to_integer([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]) == 82 assert term_to_integer('0010101000111001') == 10809 def test_issue_21971(): a, b, c, d = symbols('a b c d') f = a & b & c | a & c assert f.subs(a & c, d) == b & d | d assert f.subs(a & b & c, d) == a & c | d f = (a | b | c) & (a | c) assert f.subs(a | c, d) == (b | d) & d assert f.subs(a | b | c, d) == (a | c) & d f = (a ^ b ^ c) & (a ^ c) assert f.subs(a ^ c, d) == (b ^ d) & d assert f.subs(a ^ b ^ c, d) == (a ^ c) & d def test_truth_table(): assert list(truth_table(And(x, y), [x, y], input=False)) == \ [False, False, False, True] assert list(truth_table(x | y, [x, y], input=False)) == \ [False, True, True, True] assert list(truth_table(x >> y, [x, y], input=False)) == \ [True, True, False, True] assert list(truth_table(And(x, y), [x, y])) == \ [([0, 0], False), ([0, 1], False), ([1, 0], False), ([1, 1], True)] def test_issue_8571(): for t in (S.true, S.false): raises(TypeError, lambda: +t) raises(TypeError, lambda: -t) raises(TypeError, lambda: abs(t)) # use int(bool(t)) to get 0 or 1 raises(TypeError, lambda: int(t)) for o in [S.Zero, S.One, x]: for _ in range(2): raises(TypeError, lambda: o + t) raises(TypeError, lambda: o - t) raises(TypeError, lambda: o % t) raises(TypeError, lambda: o*t) raises(TypeError, lambda: o/t) raises(TypeError, lambda: o**t) o, t = t, o # do again in reversed order def test_expand_relational(): n = symbols('n', negative=True) p, q = symbols('p q', positive=True) r = ((n + q*(-n/q + 1))/(q*(-n/q + 1)) < 0) assert r is not S.false assert r.expand() is S.false assert (q > 0).expand() is S.true def test_issue_12717(): assert S.true.is_Atom == True assert S.false.is_Atom == True def test_as_Boolean(): nz = symbols('nz', nonzero=True) assert all(as_Boolean(i) is S.true for i in (True, S.true, 1, nz)) z = symbols('z', zero=True) assert all(as_Boolean(i) is S.false for i in (False, S.false, 0, z)) assert all(as_Boolean(i) == i for i in (x, x < 0)) for i in (2, S(2), x + 1, []): raises(TypeError, lambda: as_Boolean(i)) def test_binary_symbols(): assert ITE(x < 1, y, z).binary_symbols == {y, z} for f in (Eq, Ne): assert f(x, 1).binary_symbols == set() assert f(x, True).binary_symbols == {x} assert f(x, False).binary_symbols == {x} assert S.true.binary_symbols == set() assert S.false.binary_symbols == set() assert x.binary_symbols == {x} assert And(x, Eq(y, False), Eq(z, 1)).binary_symbols == {x, y} assert == set() assert, 1).binary_symbols == set() assert Q.is_true(x).binary_symbols == {x} assert Q.eq(x, True).binary_symbols == {x} assert == set() def test_BooleanFunction_diff(): assert And(x, y).diff(x) == Piecewise((0, Eq(y, False)), (1, True)) def test_issue_14700(): A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H = symbols('A B C D E F G H') q = ((B & D & H & ~F) | (B & H & ~C & ~D) | (B & H & ~C & ~F) | (B & H & ~D & ~G) | (B & H & ~F & ~G) | (C & G & ~B & ~D) | (C & G & ~D & ~H) | (C & G & ~F & ~H) | (D & F & H & ~B) | (D & F & ~G & ~H) | (B & D & F & ~C & ~H) | (D & E & F & ~B & ~C) | (D & F & ~A & ~B & ~C) | (D & F & ~A & ~C & ~H) | (A & B & D & F & ~E & ~H)) soldnf = ((B & D & H & ~F) | (D & F & H & ~B) | (B & H & ~C & ~D) | (B & H & ~D & ~G) | (C & G & ~B & ~D) | (C & G & ~D & ~H) | (C & G & ~F & ~H) | (D & F & ~G & ~H) | (D & E & F & ~C & ~H) | (D & F & ~A & ~C & ~H) | (A & B & D & F & ~E & ~H)) solcnf = ((B | C | D) & (B | D | G) & (C | D | H) & (C | F | H) & (D | G | H) & (F | G | H) & (B | F | ~D | ~H) & (~B | ~D | ~F | ~H) & (D | ~B | ~C | ~G | ~H) & (A | H | ~C | ~D | ~F | ~G) & (H | ~C | ~D | ~E | ~F | ~G) & (B | E | H | ~A | ~D | ~F | ~G)) assert simplify_logic(q, "dnf") == soldnf assert simplify_logic(q, "cnf") == solcnf minterms = [[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1]] dontcares = [[1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 1]] assert SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms) == (x & ~w) | (y & z & ~x) # Should not be more complicated with don't cares assert SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == \ (x & ~w) | (y & z & ~x) def test_relational_simplification(): w, x, y, z = symbols('w x y z', real=True) d, e = symbols('d e', real=False) # Test all combinations or sign and order assert Or(x >= y, x < y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(x >= y, y > x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(x >= y, -x > -y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(x >= y, -y < -x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-x <= -y, x < y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-x <= -y, -x > -y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-x <= -y, y > x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-x <= -y, -y < -x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(y <= x, x < y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(y <= x, y > x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(y <= x, -x > -y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(y <= x, -y < -x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-y >= -x, x < y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-y >= -x, y > x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-y >= -x, -x > -y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-y >= -x, -y < -x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(x < y, x >= y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(y > x, x >= y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-x > -y, x >= y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-y < -x, x >= y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(x < y, -x <= -y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-x > -y, -x <= -y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(y > x, -x <= -y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-y < -x, -x <= -y).simplify() == S.true assert Or(x < y, y <= x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(y > x, y <= x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-x > -y, y <= x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-y < -x, y <= x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(x < y, -y >= -x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(y > x, -y >= -x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-x > -y, -y >= -x).simplify() == S.true assert Or(-y < -x, -y >= -x).simplify() == S.true # Some other tests assert Or(x >= y, w < z, x <= y).simplify() == S.true assert And(x >= y, x < y).simplify() == S.false assert Or(x >= y, Eq(y, x)).simplify() == (x >= y) assert And(x >= y, Eq(y, x)).simplify() == Eq(x, y) assert And(Eq(x, y), x >= 1, 2 < y, y >= 5, z < y).simplify() == \ (Eq(x, y) & (x >= 1) & (y >= 5) & (y > z)) assert Or(Eq(x, y), x >= y, w < y, z < y).simplify() == \ (x >= y) | (y > z) | (w < y) assert And(Eq(x, y), x >= y, w < y, y >= z, z < y).simplify() == \ Eq(x, y) & (y > z) & (w < y) # assert And(Eq(x, y), x >= y, w < y, y >= z, z < y).simplify(relational_minmax=True) == \ # And(Eq(x, y), y > Max(w, z)) # assert Or(Eq(x, y), x >= 1, 2 < y, y >= 5, z < y).simplify(relational_minmax=True) == \ # (Eq(x, y) | (x >= 1) | (y > Min(2, z))) assert And(Eq(x, y), x >= 1, 2 < y, y >= 5, z < y).simplify() == \ (Eq(x, y) & (x >= 1) & (y >= 5) & (y > z)) assert (Eq(x, y) & Eq(d, e) & (x >= y) & (d >= e)).simplify() == \ (Eq(x, y) & Eq(d, e) & (d >= e)) assert And(Eq(x, y), Eq(x, -y)).simplify() == And(Eq(x, 0), Eq(y, 0)) assert Xor(x >= y, x <= y).simplify() == Ne(x, y) assert And(x > 1, x < -1, Eq(x, y)).simplify() == S.false # From #16690 assert And(x >= y, Eq(y, 0)).simplify() == And(x >= 0, Eq(y, 0)) def test_issue_8373(): x = symbols('x', real=True) assert Or(x < 1, x > -1).simplify() == S.true assert Or(x < 1, x >= 1).simplify() == S.true assert And(x < 1, x >= 1).simplify() == S.false assert Or(x <= 1, x >= 1).simplify() == S.true def test_issue_7950(): x = symbols('x', real=True) assert And(Eq(x, 1), Eq(x, 2)).simplify() == S.false @slow def test_relational_simplification_numerically(): def test_simplification_numerically_function(original, simplified): symb = original.free_symbols n = len(symb) valuelist = list(set(list(combinations(list(range(-(n-1), n))*n, n)))) for values in valuelist: sublist = dict(zip(symb, values)) originalvalue = original.subs(sublist) simplifiedvalue = simplified.subs(sublist) assert originalvalue == simplifiedvalue, "Original: {}\nand"\ " simplified: {}\ndo not evaluate to the same value for {}"\ "".format(original, simplified, sublist) w, x, y, z = symbols('w x y z', real=True) d, e = symbols('d e', real=False) expressions = (And(Eq(x, y), x >= y, w < y, y >= z, z < y), And(Eq(x, y), x >= 1, 2 < y, y >= 5, z < y), Or(Eq(x, y), x >= 1, 2 < y, y >= 5, z < y), And(x >= y, Eq(y, x)), Or(And(Eq(x, y), x >= y, w < y, Or(y >= z, z < y)), And(Eq(x, y), x >= 1, 2 < y, y >= -1, z < y)), (Eq(x, y) & Eq(d, e) & (x >= y) & (d >= e)), ) for expression in expressions: test_simplification_numerically_function(expression, expression.simplify()) def test_relational_simplification_patterns_numerically(): from sympy.core import Wild from sympy.logic.boolalg import _simplify_patterns_and, \ _simplify_patterns_or, _simplify_patterns_xor a = Wild('a') b = Wild('b') c = Wild('c') symb = [a, b, c] patternlists = [[And, _simplify_patterns_and()], [Or, _simplify_patterns_or()], [Xor, _simplify_patterns_xor()]] valuelist = list(set(list(combinations(list(range(-2, 3))*3, 3)))) # Skip combinations of +/-2 and 0, except for all 0 valuelist = [v for v in valuelist if any([w % 2 for w in v]) or not any(v)] for func, patternlist in patternlists: for pattern in patternlist: original = func(*pattern[0].args) simplified = pattern[1] for values in valuelist: sublist = dict(zip(symb, values)) originalvalue = original.xreplace(sublist) simplifiedvalue = simplified.xreplace(sublist) assert originalvalue == simplifiedvalue, "Original: {}\nand"\ " simplified: {}\ndo not evaluate to the same value for"\ "{}".format(pattern[0], simplified, sublist) def test_issue_16803(): n = symbols('n') # No simplification done, but should not raise an exception assert ((n > 3) | (n < 0) | ((n > 0) & (n < 3))).simplify() == \ (n > 3) | (n < 0) | ((n > 0) & (n < 3)) def test_issue_17530(): r = {x: oo, y: oo} assert Or(x + y > 0, x - y < 0).subs(r) assert not And(x + y < 0, x - y < 0).subs(r) raises(TypeError, lambda: Or(x + y < 0, x - y < 0).subs(r)) raises(TypeError, lambda: And(x + y > 0, x - y < 0).subs(r)) raises(TypeError, lambda: And(x + y > 0, x - y < 0).subs(r)) def test_anf_coeffs(): assert anf_coeffs([1, 0]) == [1, 1] assert anf_coeffs([0, 0, 0, 1]) == [0, 0, 0, 1] assert anf_coeffs([0, 1, 1, 1]) == [0, 1, 1, 1] assert anf_coeffs([1, 1, 1, 0]) == [1, 0, 0, 1] assert anf_coeffs([1, 0, 0, 0]) == [1, 1, 1, 1] assert anf_coeffs([1, 0, 0, 1]) == [1, 1, 1, 0] assert anf_coeffs([1, 1, 0, 1]) == [1, 0, 1, 1] def test_ANFform(): x, y = symbols('x,y') assert ANFform([x], [1, 1]) == True assert ANFform([x], [0, 0]) == False assert ANFform([x], [1, 0]) == Xor(x, True, remove_true=False) assert ANFform([x, y], [1, 1, 1, 0]) == \ Xor(True, And(x, y), remove_true=False) def test_bool_minterm(): x, y = symbols('x,y') assert bool_minterm(3, [x, y]) == And(x, y) assert bool_minterm([1, 0], [x, y]) == And(Not(y), x) def test_bool_maxterm(): x, y = symbols('x,y') assert bool_maxterm(2, [x, y]) == Or(Not(x), y) assert bool_maxterm([0, 1], [x, y]) == Or(Not(y), x) def test_bool_monomial(): x, y = symbols('x,y') assert bool_monomial(1, [x, y]) == y assert bool_monomial([1, 1], [x, y]) == And(x, y) def test_check_pair(): assert _check_pair([0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]) == 2 assert _check_pair([0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]) == -1 def test_issue_19114(): expr = (B & C) | (A & ~C) | (~A & ~B) # Expression is minimal, but there are multiple minimal forms possible res1 = (A & B) | (C & ~A) | (~B & ~C) result = to_dnf(expr, simplify=True) assert result in (expr, res1) def test_issue_20870(): result = SOPform([a, b, c, d], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15]) expected = ((d & ~b) | (a & b & c) | (a & ~c & ~d) | (b & ~a & ~c) | (c & ~a & ~d)) assert result == expected def test_convert_to_varsSOP(): assert _convert_to_varsSOP([0, 1, 0], [x, y, z]) == And(Not(x), y, Not(z)) assert _convert_to_varsSOP([3, 1, 0], [x, y, z]) == And(y, Not(z)) def test_convert_to_varsPOS(): assert _convert_to_varsPOS([0, 1, 0], [x, y, z]) == Or(x, Not(y), z) assert _convert_to_varsPOS([3, 1, 0], [x, y, z]) == Or(Not(y), z) def test_gateinputcount(): a, b, c, d, e = symbols('a:e') assert gateinputcount(And(a, b)) == 2 assert gateinputcount(a | b & c & d ^ (e | a)) == 9 assert gateinputcount(And(a, True)) == 0 raises(TypeError, lambda: gateinputcount(a*b)) def test_refine(): # relational assert not refine(x < 0, ~(x < 0)) assert refine(x < 0, (x < 0)) assert refine(x < 0, (0 > x)) is S.true assert refine(x < 0, (y < 0)) == (x < 0) assert not refine(x <= 0, ~(x <= 0)) assert refine(x <= 0, (x <= 0)) assert refine(x <= 0, (0 >= x)) is S.true assert refine(x <= 0, (y <= 0)) == (x <= 0) assert not refine(x > 0, ~(x > 0)) assert refine(x > 0, (x > 0)) assert refine(x > 0, (0 < x)) is S.true assert refine(x > 0, (y > 0)) == (x > 0) assert not refine(x >= 0, ~(x >= 0)) assert refine(x >= 0, (x >= 0)) assert refine(x >= 0, (0 <= x)) is S.true assert refine(x >= 0, (y >= 0)) == (x >= 0) assert not refine(Eq(x, 0), ~(Eq(x, 0))) assert refine(Eq(x, 0), (Eq(x, 0))) assert refine(Eq(x, 0), (Eq(0, x))) is S.true assert refine(Eq(x, 0), (Eq(y, 0))) == Eq(x, 0) assert not refine(Ne(x, 0), ~(Ne(x, 0))) assert refine(Ne(x, 0), (Ne(0, x))) is S.true assert refine(Ne(x, 0), (Ne(x, 0))) assert refine(Ne(x, 0), (Ne(y, 0))) == (Ne(x, 0)) # boolean functions assert refine(And(x > 0, y > 0), (x > 0)) == (y > 0) assert refine(And(x > 0, y > 0), (x > 0) & (y > 0)) is S.true # predicates assert refine(Q.positive(x), Q.positive(x)) is S.true assert refine(Q.positive(x), Q.negative(x)) is S.false assert refine(Q.positive(x), Q.real(x)) == Q.positive(x) def test_relational_threeterm_simplification_patterns_numerically(): from sympy.core import Wild from sympy.logic.boolalg import _simplify_patterns_and3 a = Wild('a') b = Wild('b') c = Wild('c') symb = [a, b, c] patternlists = [[And, _simplify_patterns_and3()]] valuelist = list(set(list(combinations(list(range(-2, 3))*3, 3)))) # Skip combinations of +/-2 and 0, except for all 0 valuelist = [v for v in valuelist if any([w % 2 for w in v]) or not any(v)] for func, patternlist in patternlists: for pattern in patternlist: original = func(*pattern[0].args) simplified = pattern[1] for values in valuelist: sublist = dict(zip(symb, values)) originalvalue = original.xreplace(sublist) simplifiedvalue = simplified.xreplace(sublist) assert originalvalue == simplifiedvalue, "Original: {}\nand"\ " simplified: {}\ndo not evaluate to the same value for"\ "{}".format(pattern[0], simplified, sublist)