from sympy.concrete.summations import Sum from sympy.core.containers import Tuple from sympy.core.function import Lambda from sympy.core.numbers import (Float, Rational, oo, pi) from sympy.core.relational import (Eq, Ge, Gt, Le, Lt, Ne) from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.core.symbol import (Symbol, symbols) from sympy.functions.combinatorial.factorials import factorial from sympy.functions.elementary.exponential import exp from sympy.functions.elementary.integers import ceiling from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import sqrt from sympy.functions.elementary.piecewise import Piecewise from sympy.functions.special.error_functions import erf from sympy.functions.special.gamma_functions import (gamma, lowergamma) from sympy.logic.boolalg import (And, Not) from sympy.matrices.dense import Matrix from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixSymbol from sympy.matrices.immutable import ImmutableMatrix from sympy.sets.contains import Contains from sympy.sets.fancysets import Range from sympy.sets.sets import (FiniteSet, Interval) from sympy.stats import (DiscreteMarkovChain, P, TransitionMatrixOf, E, StochasticStateSpaceOf, variance, ContinuousMarkovChain, BernoulliProcess, PoissonProcess, WienerProcess, GammaProcess, sample_stochastic_process) from sympy.stats.joint_rv import JointDistribution from sympy.stats.joint_rv_types import JointDistributionHandmade from sympy.stats.rv import RandomIndexedSymbol from sympy.stats.symbolic_probability import Probability, Expectation from sympy.testing.pytest import (raises, skip, ignore_warnings, warns_deprecated_sympy) from sympy.external import import_module from sympy.stats.frv_types import BernoulliDistribution from sympy.stats.drv_types import PoissonDistribution from sympy.stats.crv_types import NormalDistribution, GammaDistribution from sympy.core.symbol import Str def test_DiscreteMarkovChain(): # pass only the name X = DiscreteMarkovChain("X") assert isinstance(X.state_space, Range) assert X.index_set == S.Naturals0 assert isinstance(X.transition_probabilities, MatrixSymbol) t = symbols('t', positive=True, integer=True) assert isinstance(X[t], RandomIndexedSymbol) assert E(X[0]) == Expectation(X[0]) raises(TypeError, lambda: DiscreteMarkovChain(1)) raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: X(t)) raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: X.communication_classes()) raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: X.canonical_form()) raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: X.decompose()) nz = Symbol('n', integer=True) TZ = MatrixSymbol('M', nz, nz) SZ = Range(nz) YZ = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', SZ, TZ) assert P(Eq(YZ[2], 1), Eq(YZ[1], 0)) == TZ[0, 1] raises(ValueError, lambda: sample_stochastic_process(t)) raises(ValueError, lambda: next(sample_stochastic_process(X))) # pass name and state_space # any hashable object should be a valid state # states should be valid as a tuple/set/list/Tuple/Range sym, rainy, cloudy, sunny = symbols('a Rainy Cloudy Sunny', real=True) state_spaces = [(1, 2, 3), [Str('Hello'), sym, DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", (1,2,3))], Tuple(S(1), exp(sym), Str('World'), sympify=False), Range(-1, 5, 2), [rainy, cloudy, sunny]] chains = [DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", state_space) for state_space in state_spaces] for i, Y in enumerate(chains): assert isinstance(Y.transition_probabilities, MatrixSymbol) assert Y.state_space == state_spaces[i] or Y.state_space == FiniteSet(*state_spaces[i]) assert Y.number_of_states == 3 with ignore_warnings(UserWarning): # TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed assert P(Eq(Y[2], 1), Eq(Y[0], 2), evaluate=False) == Probability(Eq(Y[2], 1), Eq(Y[0], 2)) assert E(Y[0]) == Expectation(Y[0]) raises(ValueError, lambda: next(sample_stochastic_process(Y))) raises(TypeError, lambda: DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", dict((1, 1)))) Y = DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", Range(1, t, 2)) assert Y.number_of_states == ceiling((t-1)/2) # pass name and transition_probabilities chains = [DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", trans_probs=Matrix([[]])), DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", trans_probs=Matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0]])), DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", trans_probs=Matrix([[pi, 1-pi], [sym, 1-sym]]))] for Z in chains: assert Z.number_of_states == Z.transition_probabilities.shape[0] assert isinstance(Z.transition_probabilities, ImmutableMatrix) # pass name, state_space and transition_probabilities T = Matrix([[0.5, 0.2, 0.3],[0.2, 0.5, 0.3],[0.2, 0.3, 0.5]]) TS = MatrixSymbol('T', 3, 3) Y = DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", [0, 1, 2], T) YS = DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", ['One', 'Two', 3], TS) assert Y.joint_distribution(1, Y[2], 3) == JointDistribution(Y[1], Y[2], Y[3]) raises(ValueError, lambda: Y.joint_distribution(Y[1].symbol, Y[2].symbol)) assert P(Eq(Y[3], 2), Eq(Y[1], 1)).round(2) == Float(0.36, 2) assert (P(Eq(YS[3], 2), Eq(YS[1], 1)) - (TS[0, 2]*TS[1, 0] + TS[1, 1]*TS[1, 2] + TS[1, 2]*TS[2, 2])).simplify() == 0 assert P(Eq(YS[1], 1), Eq(YS[2], 2)) == Probability(Eq(YS[1], 1)) assert P(Eq(YS[3], 3), Eq(YS[1], 1)) == TS[0, 2]*TS[1, 0] + TS[1, 1]*TS[1, 2] + TS[1, 2]*TS[2, 2] TO = Matrix([[0.25, 0.75, 0],[0, 0.25, 0.75],[0.75, 0, 0.25]]) assert P(Eq(Y[3], 2), Eq(Y[1], 1) & TransitionMatrixOf(Y, TO)).round(3) == Float(0.375, 3) with ignore_warnings(UserWarning): ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed assert E(Y[3], evaluate=False) == Expectation(Y[3]) assert E(Y[3], Eq(Y[2], 1)).round(2) == Float(1.1, 3) TSO = MatrixSymbol('T', 4, 4) raises(ValueError, lambda: str(P(Eq(YS[3], 2), Eq(YS[1], 1) & TransitionMatrixOf(YS, TSO)))) raises(TypeError, lambda: DiscreteMarkovChain("Z", [0, 1, 2], symbols('M'))) raises(ValueError, lambda: DiscreteMarkovChain("Z", [0, 1, 2], MatrixSymbol('T', 3, 4))) raises(ValueError, lambda: E(Y[3], Eq(Y[2], 6))) raises(ValueError, lambda: E(Y[2], Eq(Y[3], 1))) # extended tests for probability queries TO1 = Matrix([[Rational(1, 4), Rational(3, 4), 0],[Rational(1, 3), Rational(1, 3), Rational(1, 3)],[0, Rational(1, 4), Rational(3, 4)]]) assert P(And(Eq(Y[2], 1), Eq(Y[1], 1), Eq(Y[0], 0)), Eq(Probability(Eq(Y[0], 0)), Rational(1, 4)) & TransitionMatrixOf(Y, TO1)) == Rational(1, 16) assert P(And(Eq(Y[2], 1), Eq(Y[1], 1), Eq(Y[0], 0)), TransitionMatrixOf(Y, TO1)) == \ Probability(Eq(Y[0], 0))/4 assert P(Lt(X[1], 2) & Gt(X[1], 0), Eq(X[0], 2) & StochasticStateSpaceOf(X, [0, 1, 2]) & TransitionMatrixOf(X, TO1)) == Rational(1, 4) assert P(Lt(X[1], 2) & Gt(X[1], 0), Eq(X[0], 2) & StochasticStateSpaceOf(X, [S(0), '0', 1]) & TransitionMatrixOf(X, TO1)) == Rational(1, 4) assert P(Ne(X[1], 2) & Ne(X[1], 1), Eq(X[0], 2) & StochasticStateSpaceOf(X, [0, 1, 2]) & TransitionMatrixOf(X, TO1)) is S.Zero assert P(Ne(X[1], 2) & Ne(X[1], 1), Eq(X[0], 2) & StochasticStateSpaceOf(X, [S(0), '0', 1]) & TransitionMatrixOf(X, TO1)) is S.Zero assert P(And(Eq(Y[2], 1), Eq(Y[1], 1), Eq(Y[0], 0)), Eq(Y[1], 1)) == 0.1*Probability(Eq(Y[0], 0)) # testing properties of Markov chain TO2 = Matrix([[S.One, 0, 0],[Rational(1, 3), Rational(1, 3), Rational(1, 3)],[0, Rational(1, 4), Rational(3, 4)]]) TO3 = Matrix([[Rational(1, 4), Rational(3, 4), 0],[Rational(1, 3), Rational(1, 3), Rational(1, 3)], [0, Rational(1, 4), Rational(3, 4)]]) Y2 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TO2) Y3 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TO3) assert Y3.fundamental_matrix() == ImmutableMatrix([[176, 81, -132], [36, 141, -52], [-44, -39, 208]])/125 assert Y2.is_absorbing_chain() == True assert Y3.is_absorbing_chain() == False assert Y2.canonical_form() == ([0, 1, 2], TO2) assert Y3.canonical_form() == ([0, 1, 2], TO3) assert Y2.decompose() == ([0, 1, 2], TO2[0:1, 0:1], TO2[1:3, 0:1], TO2[1:3, 1:3]) assert Y3.decompose() == ([0, 1, 2], TO3, Matrix(0, 3, []), Matrix(0, 0, [])) TO4 = Matrix([[Rational(1, 5), Rational(2, 5), Rational(2, 5)], [Rational(1, 10), S.Half, Rational(2, 5)], [Rational(3, 5), Rational(3, 10), Rational(1, 10)]]) Y4 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TO4) w = ImmutableMatrix([[Rational(11, 39), Rational(16, 39), Rational(4, 13)]]) assert Y4.limiting_distribution == w assert Y4.is_regular() == True assert Y4.is_ergodic() == True TS1 = MatrixSymbol('T', 3, 3) Y5 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TS1) assert Y5.limiting_distribution(w, TO4).doit() == True assert Y5.stationary_distribution(condition_set=True).subs(TS1, TO4).contains(w).doit() == S.true TO6 = Matrix([[S.One, 0, 0, 0, 0],[S.Half, 0, S.Half, 0, 0],[0, S.Half, 0, S.Half, 0], [0, 0, S.Half, 0, S.Half], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) Y6 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TO6) assert Y6.fundamental_matrix() == ImmutableMatrix([[Rational(3, 2), S.One, S.Half], [S.One, S(2), S.One], [S.Half, S.One, Rational(3, 2)]]) assert Y6.absorbing_probabilities() == ImmutableMatrix([[Rational(3, 4), Rational(1, 4)], [S.Half, S.Half], [Rational(1, 4), Rational(3, 4)]]) with warns_deprecated_sympy(): Y6.absorbing_probabilites() TO7 = Matrix([[Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 4), Rational(1, 4)], [Rational(1, 2), 0, Rational(1, 2)], [Rational(1, 4), Rational(1, 4), Rational(1, 2)]]) Y7 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TO7) assert Y7.is_absorbing_chain() == False assert Y7.fundamental_matrix() == ImmutableMatrix([[Rational(86, 75), Rational(1, 25), Rational(-14, 75)], [Rational(2, 25), Rational(21, 25), Rational(2, 25)], [Rational(-14, 75), Rational(1, 25), Rational(86, 75)]]) # test for zero-sized matrix functionality X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', trans_probs=Matrix([[]])) assert X.number_of_states == 0 assert X.stationary_distribution() == Matrix([[]]) assert X.communication_classes() == [] assert X.canonical_form() == ([], Matrix([[]])) assert X.decompose() == ([], Matrix([[]]), Matrix([[]]), Matrix([[]])) assert X.is_regular() == False assert X.is_ergodic() == False # test communication_class # see # tutorial 2.pdf TO7 = Matrix([[0, 5, 5, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 10, 0], [5, 0, 5, 0, 0], [0, 10, 0, 0, 0], [0, 3, 0, 3, 4]])/10 Y7 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TO7) tuples = Y7.communication_classes() classes, recurrence, periods = list(zip(*tuples)) assert classes == ([1, 3], [0, 2], [4]) assert recurrence == (True, False, False) assert periods == (2, 1, 1) TO8 = Matrix([[0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0], [5, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 6], [10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0]])/10 Y8 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TO8) tuples = Y8.communication_classes() classes, recurrence, periods = list(zip(*tuples)) assert classes == ([0, 3], [1, 2, 5, 4]) assert recurrence == (True, False) assert periods == (2, 2) TO9 = Matrix([[2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0], [0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3], [0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 6, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0], [3, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2], [0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3]])/10 Y9 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', trans_probs=TO9) tuples = Y9.communication_classes() classes, recurrence, periods = list(zip(*tuples)) assert classes == ([0, 3, 6, 7], [1], [2, 8, 9], [5], [4]) assert recurrence == (True, True, False, True, False) assert periods == (1, 1, 1, 1, 1) # test canonical form # see # example 11.13 T = Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [S(1) / 2, 0, S(1) / 2, 0, 0], [0, S(1) / 2, 0, S(1) / 2, 0], [0, 0, S(1) / 2, 0, S(1) / 2], [0, 0, 0, 0, S(1)]]) DW = DiscreteMarkovChain('DW', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], T) states, A, B, C = DW.decompose() assert states == [0, 4, 1, 2, 3] assert A == Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) assert B == Matrix([[S(1)/2, 0], [0, 0], [0, S(1)/2]]) assert C == Matrix([[0, S(1)/2, 0], [S(1)/2, 0, S(1)/2], [0, S(1)/2, 0]]) states, new_matrix = DW.canonical_form() assert states == [0, 4, 1, 2, 3] assert new_matrix == Matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [S(1)/2, 0, 0, S(1)/2, 0], [0, 0, S(1)/2, 0, S(1)/2], [0, S(1)/2, 0, S(1)/2, 0]]) # test regular and ergodic # T = Matrix([[0, 4, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 3, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 3, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 4, 0]])/4 X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', trans_probs=T) assert not X.is_regular() assert X.is_ergodic() T = Matrix([[0, 1], [1, 0]]) X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', trans_probs=T) assert not X.is_regular() assert X.is_ergodic() # T = Matrix([[2, 1, 1], [2, 0, 2], [1, 1, 2]])/4 X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', trans_probs=T) assert X.is_regular() assert X.is_ergodic() # T = Matrix([[1, 1], [1, 1]])/2 X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', trans_probs=T) assert X.is_regular() assert X.is_ergodic() # test is_absorbing_chain T = Matrix([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', trans_probs=T) assert not X.is_absorbing_chain() # T = Matrix([[1, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 2]])/2 X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', trans_probs=T) assert X.is_absorbing_chain() T = Matrix([[2, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 2]])/2 X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', trans_probs=T) assert X.is_absorbing_chain() # test custom state space Y10 = DiscreteMarkovChain('Y', [1, 2, 3], TO2) tuples = Y10.communication_classes() classes, recurrence, periods = list(zip(*tuples)) assert classes == ([1], [2, 3]) assert recurrence == (True, False) assert periods == (1, 1) assert Y10.canonical_form() == ([1, 2, 3], TO2) assert Y10.decompose() == ([1, 2, 3], TO2[0:1, 0:1], TO2[1:3, 0:1], TO2[1:3, 1:3]) # testing miscellaneous queries T = Matrix([[S.Half, Rational(1, 4), Rational(1, 4)], [Rational(1, 3), 0, Rational(2, 3)], [S.Half, S.Half, 0]]) X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', [0, 1, 2], T) assert P(Eq(X[1], 2) & Eq(X[2], 1) & Eq(X[3], 0), Eq(P(Eq(X[1], 0)), Rational(1, 4)) & Eq(P(Eq(X[1], 1)), Rational(1, 4))) == Rational(1, 12) assert P(Eq(X[2], 1) | Eq(X[2], 2), Eq(X[1], 1)) == Rational(2, 3) assert P(Eq(X[2], 1) & Eq(X[2], 2), Eq(X[1], 1)) is S.Zero assert P(Ne(X[2], 2), Eq(X[1], 1)) == Rational(1, 3) assert E(X[1]**2, Eq(X[0], 1)) == Rational(8, 3) assert variance(X[1], Eq(X[0], 1)) == Rational(8, 9) raises(ValueError, lambda: E(X[1], Eq(X[2], 1))) raises(ValueError, lambda: DiscreteMarkovChain('X', [0, 1], T)) # testing miscellaneous queries with different state space X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', ['A', 'B', 'C'], T) assert P(Eq(X[1], 2) & Eq(X[2], 1) & Eq(X[3], 0), Eq(P(Eq(X[1], 0)), Rational(1, 4)) & Eq(P(Eq(X[1], 1)), Rational(1, 4))) == Rational(1, 12) assert P(Eq(X[2], 1) | Eq(X[2], 2), Eq(X[1], 1)) == Rational(2, 3) assert P(Eq(X[2], 1) & Eq(X[2], 2), Eq(X[1], 1)) is S.Zero assert P(Ne(X[2], 2), Eq(X[1], 1)) == Rational(1, 3) a = X.state_space.args[0] c = X.state_space.args[2] assert (E(X[1] ** 2, Eq(X[0], 1)) - (a**2/3 + 2*c**2/3)).simplify() == 0 assert (variance(X[1], Eq(X[0], 1)) - (2*(-a/3 + c/3)**2/3 + (2*a/3 - 2*c/3)**2/3)).simplify() == 0 raises(ValueError, lambda: E(X[1], Eq(X[2], 1))) #testing queries with multiple RandomIndexedSymbols T = Matrix([[Rational(5, 10), Rational(3, 10), Rational(2, 10)], [Rational(2, 10), Rational(7, 10), Rational(1, 10)], [Rational(3, 10), Rational(3, 10), Rational(4, 10)]]) Y = DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", [0, 1, 2], T) assert P(Eq(Y[7], Y[5]), Eq(Y[2], 0)).round(5) == Float(0.44428, 5) assert P(Gt(Y[3], Y[1]), Eq(Y[0], 0)).round(2) == Float(0.36, 2) assert P(Le(Y[5], Y[10]), Eq(Y[4], 2)).round(6) == Float(0.583120, 6) assert Float(P(Eq(Y[10], Y[5]), Eq(Y[4], 1)), 14) == Float(1 - P(Ne(Y[10], Y[5]), Eq(Y[4], 1)), 14) assert Float(P(Gt(Y[8], Y[9]), Eq(Y[3], 2)), 14) == Float(1 - P(Le(Y[8], Y[9]), Eq(Y[3], 2)), 14) assert Float(P(Lt(Y[1], Y[4]), Eq(Y[0], 0)), 14) == Float(1 - P(Ge(Y[1], Y[4]), Eq(Y[0], 0)), 14) assert P(Eq(Y[5], Y[10]), Eq(Y[2], 1)) == P(Eq(Y[10], Y[5]), Eq(Y[2], 1)) assert P(Gt(Y[1], Y[2]), Eq(Y[0], 1)) == P(Lt(Y[2], Y[1]), Eq(Y[0], 1)) assert P(Ge(Y[7], Y[6]), Eq(Y[4], 1)) == P(Le(Y[6], Y[7]), Eq(Y[4], 1)) #test symbolic queries a, b, c, d = symbols('a b c d') T = Matrix([[Rational(1, 10), Rational(4, 10), Rational(5, 10)], [Rational(3, 10), Rational(4, 10), Rational(3, 10)], [Rational(7, 10), Rational(2, 10), Rational(1, 10)]]) Y = DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", [0, 1, 2], T) query = P(Eq(Y[a], b), Eq(Y[c], d)) assert query.subs({a:10, b:2, c:5, d:1}).evalf().round(4) == P(Eq(Y[10], 2), Eq(Y[5], 1)).round(4) assert query.subs({a:15, b:0, c:10, d:1}).evalf().round(4) == P(Eq(Y[15], 0), Eq(Y[10], 1)).round(4) query_gt = P(Gt(Y[a], b), Eq(Y[c], d)) query_le = P(Le(Y[a], b), Eq(Y[c], d)) assert query_gt.subs({a:5, b:2, c:1, d:0}).evalf() + query_le.subs({a:5, b:2, c:1, d:0}).evalf() == 1 query_ge = P(Ge(Y[a], b), Eq(Y[c], d)) query_lt = P(Lt(Y[a], b), Eq(Y[c], d)) assert query_ge.subs({a:4, b:1, c:0, d:2}).evalf() + query_lt.subs({a:4, b:1, c:0, d:2}).evalf() == 1 #test issue 20078 assert (2*Y[1] + 3*Y[1]).simplify() == 5*Y[1] assert (2*Y[1] - 3*Y[1]).simplify() == -Y[1] assert (2*(0.25*Y[1])).simplify() == 0.5*Y[1] assert ((2*Y[1]) * (0.25*Y[1])).simplify() == 0.5*Y[1]**2 assert (Y[1]**2 + Y[1]**3).simplify() == (Y[1] + 1)*Y[1]**2 def test_sample_stochastic_process(): if not import_module('scipy'): skip('SciPy Not installed. Skip sampling tests') import random random.seed(0) numpy = import_module('numpy') if numpy: numpy.random.seed(0) # scipy uses numpy to sample so to set its seed T = Matrix([[0.5, 0.2, 0.3],[0.2, 0.5, 0.3],[0.2, 0.3, 0.5]]) Y = DiscreteMarkovChain("Y", [0, 1, 2], T) for samps in range(10): assert next(sample_stochastic_process(Y)) in Y.state_space Z = DiscreteMarkovChain("Z", ['1', 1, 0], T) for samps in range(10): assert next(sample_stochastic_process(Z)) in Z.state_space T = Matrix([[S.Half, Rational(1, 4), Rational(1, 4)], [Rational(1, 3), 0, Rational(2, 3)], [S.Half, S.Half, 0]]) X = DiscreteMarkovChain('X', [0, 1, 2], T) for samps in range(10): assert next(sample_stochastic_process(X)) in X.state_space W = DiscreteMarkovChain('W', [1, pi, oo], T) for samps in range(10): assert next(sample_stochastic_process(W)) in W.state_space def test_ContinuousMarkovChain(): T1 = Matrix([[S(-2), S(2), S.Zero], [S.Zero, S.NegativeOne, S.One], [Rational(3, 2), Rational(3, 2), S(-3)]]) C1 = ContinuousMarkovChain('C', [0, 1, 2], T1) assert C1.limiting_distribution() == ImmutableMatrix([[Rational(3, 19), Rational(12, 19), Rational(4, 19)]]) T2 = Matrix([[-S.One, S.One, S.Zero], [S.One, -S.One, S.Zero], [S.Zero, S.One, -S.One]]) C2 = ContinuousMarkovChain('C', [0, 1, 2], T2) A, t = C2.generator_matrix, symbols('t', positive=True) assert C2.transition_probabilities(A)(t) == Matrix([[S.Half + exp(-2*t)/2, S.Half - exp(-2*t)/2, 0], [S.Half - exp(-2*t)/2, S.Half + exp(-2*t)/2, 0], [S.Half - exp(-t) + exp(-2*t)/2, S.Half - exp(-2*t)/2, exp(-t)]]) with ignore_warnings(UserWarning): ### TODO: Restore tests once warnings are removed assert P(Eq(C2(1), 1), Eq(C2(0), 1), evaluate=False) == Probability(Eq(C2(1), 1), Eq(C2(0), 1)) assert P(Eq(C2(1), 1), Eq(C2(0), 1)) == exp(-2)/2 + S.Half assert P(Eq(C2(1), 0) & Eq(C2(2), 1) & Eq(C2(3), 1), Eq(P(Eq(C2(1), 0)), S.Half)) == (Rational(1, 4) - exp(-2)/4)*(exp(-2)/2 + S.Half) assert P(Not(Eq(C2(1), 0) & Eq(C2(2), 1) & Eq(C2(3), 2)) | (Eq(C2(1), 0) & Eq(C2(2), 1) & Eq(C2(3), 2)), Eq(P(Eq(C2(1), 0)), Rational(1, 4)) & Eq(P(Eq(C2(1), 1)), Rational(1, 4))) is S.One assert E(C2(Rational(3, 2)), Eq(C2(0), 2)) == -exp(-3)/2 + 2*exp(Rational(-3, 2)) + S.Half assert variance(C2(Rational(3, 2)), Eq(C2(0), 1)) == ((S.Half - exp(-3)/2)**2*(exp(-3)/2 + S.Half) + (Rational(-1, 2) - exp(-3)/2)**2*(S.Half - exp(-3)/2)) raises(KeyError, lambda: P(Eq(C2(1), 0), Eq(P(Eq(C2(1), 1)), S.Half))) assert P(Eq(C2(1), 0), Eq(P(Eq(C2(5), 1)), S.Half)) == Probability(Eq(C2(1), 0)) TS1 = MatrixSymbol('G', 3, 3) CS1 = ContinuousMarkovChain('C', [0, 1, 2], TS1) A = CS1.generator_matrix assert CS1.transition_probabilities(A)(t) == exp(t*A) C3 = ContinuousMarkovChain('C', [Symbol('0'), Symbol('1'), Symbol('2')], T2) assert P(Eq(C3(1), 1), Eq(C3(0), 1)) == exp(-2)/2 + S.Half assert P(Eq(C3(1), Symbol('1')), Eq(C3(0), Symbol('1'))) == exp(-2)/2 + S.Half #test probability queries G = Matrix([[-S(1), Rational(1, 10), Rational(9, 10)], [Rational(2, 5), -S(1), Rational(3, 5)], [Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 2), -S(1)]]) C = ContinuousMarkovChain('C', state_space=[0, 1, 2], gen_mat=G) assert P(Eq(C(7.385), C(3.19)), Eq(C(0.862), 0)).round(5) == Float(0.35469, 5) assert P(Gt(C(98.715), C(19.807)), Eq(C(11.314), 2)).round(5) == Float(0.32452, 5) assert P(Le(C(5.9), C(10.112)), Eq(C(4), 1)).round(6) == Float(0.675214, 6) assert Float(P(Eq(C(7.32), C(2.91)), Eq(C(2.63), 1)), 14) == Float(1 - P(Ne(C(7.32), C(2.91)), Eq(C(2.63), 1)), 14) assert Float(P(Gt(C(3.36), C(1.101)), Eq(C(0.8), 2)), 14) == Float(1 - P(Le(C(3.36), C(1.101)), Eq(C(0.8), 2)), 14) assert Float(P(Lt(C(4.9), C(2.79)), Eq(C(1.61), 0)), 14) == Float(1 - P(Ge(C(4.9), C(2.79)), Eq(C(1.61), 0)), 14) assert P(Eq(C(5.243), C(10.912)), Eq(C(2.174), 1)) == P(Eq(C(10.912), C(5.243)), Eq(C(2.174), 1)) assert P(Gt(C(2.344), C(9.9)), Eq(C(1.102), 1)) == P(Lt(C(9.9), C(2.344)), Eq(C(1.102), 1)) assert P(Ge(C(7.87), C(1.008)), Eq(C(0.153), 1)) == P(Le(C(1.008), C(7.87)), Eq(C(0.153), 1)) #test symbolic queries a, b, c, d = symbols('a b c d') query = P(Eq(C(a), b), Eq(C(c), d)) assert query.subs({a:3.65, b:2, c:1.78, d:1}).evalf().round(10) == P(Eq(C(3.65), 2), Eq(C(1.78), 1)).round(10) query_gt = P(Gt(C(a), b), Eq(C(c), d)) query_le = P(Le(C(a), b), Eq(C(c), d)) assert query_gt.subs({a:13.2, b:0, c:3.29, d:2}).evalf() + query_le.subs({a:13.2, b:0, c:3.29, d:2}).evalf() == 1 query_ge = P(Ge(C(a), b), Eq(C(c), d)) query_lt = P(Lt(C(a), b), Eq(C(c), d)) assert query_ge.subs({a:7.43, b:1, c:1.45, d:0}).evalf() + query_lt.subs({a:7.43, b:1, c:1.45, d:0}).evalf() == 1 #test issue 20078 assert (2*C(1) + 3*C(1)).simplify() == 5*C(1) assert (2*C(1) - 3*C(1)).simplify() == -C(1) assert (2*(0.25*C(1))).simplify() == 0.5*C(1) assert (2*C(1) * 0.25*C(1)).simplify() == 0.5*C(1)**2 assert (C(1)**2 + C(1)**3).simplify() == (C(1) + 1)*C(1)**2 def test_BernoulliProcess(): B = BernoulliProcess("B", p=0.6, success=1, failure=0) assert B.state_space == FiniteSet(0, 1) assert B.index_set == S.Naturals0 assert B.success == 1 assert B.failure == 0 X = BernoulliProcess("X", p=Rational(1,3), success='H', failure='T') assert X.state_space == FiniteSet('H', 'T') H, T = symbols("H,T") assert E(X[1]+X[2]*X[3]) == H**2/9 + 4*H*T/9 + H/3 + 4*T**2/9 + 2*T/3 t, x = symbols('t, x', positive=True, integer=True) assert isinstance(B[t], RandomIndexedSymbol) raises(ValueError, lambda: BernoulliProcess("X", p=1.1, success=1, failure=0)) raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: B(t)) raises(IndexError, lambda: B[-3]) assert B.joint_distribution(B[3], B[9]) == JointDistributionHandmade(Lambda((B[3], B[9]), Piecewise((0.6, Eq(B[3], 1)), (0.4, Eq(B[3], 0)), (0, True)) *Piecewise((0.6, Eq(B[9], 1)), (0.4, Eq(B[9], 0)), (0, True)))) assert B.joint_distribution(2, B[4]) == JointDistributionHandmade(Lambda((B[2], B[4]), Piecewise((0.6, Eq(B[2], 1)), (0.4, Eq(B[2], 0)), (0, True)) *Piecewise((0.6, Eq(B[4], 1)), (0.4, Eq(B[4], 0)), (0, True)))) # Test for the sum distribution of Bernoulli Process RVs Y = B[1] + B[2] + B[3] assert P(Eq(Y, 0)).round(2) == Float(0.06, 1) assert P(Eq(Y, 2)).round(2) == Float(0.43, 2) assert P(Eq(Y, 4)).round(2) == 0 assert P(Gt(Y, 1)).round(2) == Float(0.65, 2) # Test for independency of each Random Indexed variable assert P(Eq(B[1], 0) & Eq(B[2], 1) & Eq(B[3], 0) & Eq(B[4], 1)).round(2) == Float(0.06, 1) assert E(2 * B[1] + B[2]).round(2) == Float(1.80, 3) assert E(2 * B[1] + B[2] + 5).round(2) == Float(6.80, 3) assert E(B[2] * B[4] + B[10]).round(2) == Float(0.96, 2) assert E(B[2] > 0, Eq(B[1],1) & Eq(B[2],1)).round(2) == Float(0.60,2) assert E(B[1]) == 0.6 assert P(B[1] > 0).round(2) == Float(0.60, 2) assert P(B[1] < 1).round(2) == Float(0.40, 2) assert P(B[1] > 0, B[2] <= 1).round(2) == Float(0.60, 2) assert P(B[12] * B[5] > 0).round(2) == Float(0.36, 2) assert P(B[12] * B[5] > 0, B[4] < 1).round(2) == Float(0.36, 2) assert P(Eq(B[2], 1), B[2] > 0) == 1 assert P(Eq(B[5], 3)) == 0 assert P(Eq(B[1], 1), B[1] < 0) == 0 assert P(B[2] > 0, Eq(B[2], 1)) == 1 assert P(B[2] < 0, Eq(B[2], 1)) == 0 assert P(B[2] > 0, B[2]==7) == 0 assert P(B[5] > 0, B[5]) == BernoulliDistribution(0.6, 0, 1) raises(ValueError, lambda: P(3)) raises(ValueError, lambda: P(B[3] > 0, 3)) # test issue 19456 expr = Sum(B[t], (t, 0, 4)) expr2 = Sum(B[t], (t, 1, 3)) expr3 = Sum(B[t]**2, (t, 1, 3)) assert expr.doit() == B[0] + B[1] + B[2] + B[3] + B[4] assert expr2.doit() == Y assert expr3.doit() == B[1]**2 + B[2]**2 + B[3]**2 assert B[2*t].free_symbols == {B[2*t], t} assert B[4].free_symbols == {B[4]} assert B[x*t].free_symbols == {B[x*t], x, t} #test issue 20078 assert (2*B[t] + 3*B[t]).simplify() == 5*B[t] assert (2*B[t] - 3*B[t]).simplify() == -B[t] assert (2*(0.25*B[t])).simplify() == 0.5*B[t] assert (2*B[t] * 0.25*B[t]).simplify() == 0.5*B[t]**2 assert (B[t]**2 + B[t]**3).simplify() == (B[t] + 1)*B[t]**2 def test_PoissonProcess(): X = PoissonProcess("X", 3) assert X.state_space == S.Naturals0 assert X.index_set == Interval(0, oo) assert X.lamda == 3 t, d, x, y = symbols('t d x y', positive=True) assert isinstance(X(t), RandomIndexedSymbol) assert X.distribution(t) == PoissonDistribution(3*t) with warns_deprecated_sympy(): X.distribution(X(t)) raises(ValueError, lambda: PoissonProcess("X", -1)) raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: X[t]) raises(IndexError, lambda: X(-5)) assert X.joint_distribution(X(2), X(3)) == JointDistributionHandmade(Lambda((X(2), X(3)), 6**X(2)*9**X(3)*exp(-15)/(factorial(X(2))*factorial(X(3))))) assert X.joint_distribution(4, 6) == JointDistributionHandmade(Lambda((X(4), X(6)), 12**X(4)*18**X(6)*exp(-30)/(factorial(X(4))*factorial(X(6))))) assert P(X(t) < 1) == exp(-3*t) assert P(Eq(X(t), 0), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(3, 5))) == exp(-6) # exp(-2*lamda) res = P(Eq(X(t), 1), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(3, 4))) assert res == 3*exp(-3) # Equivalent to P(Eq(X(t), 1))**4 because of non-overlapping intervals assert P(Eq(X(t), 1) & Eq(X(d), 1) & Eq(X(x), 1) & Eq(X(y), 1), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(1, 2)) & Contains(x, Interval.Lopen(2, 3)) & Contains(y, Interval.Lopen(3, 4))) == res**4 # Return Probability because of overlapping intervals assert P(Eq(X(t), 2) & Eq(X(d), 3), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 2)) & Contains(d, Interval.Ropen(2, 4))) == \ Probability(Eq(X(d), 3) & Eq(X(t), 2), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 2)) & Contains(d, Interval.Ropen(2, 4))) raises(ValueError, lambda: P(Eq(X(t), 2) & Eq(X(d), 3), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 4)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(3, oo)))) # no bound on d assert P(Eq(X(3), 2)) == 81*exp(-9)/2 assert P(Eq(X(t), 2), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 5))) == 225*exp(-15)/2 # Check that probability works correctly by adding it to 1 res1 = P(X(t) <= 3, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 5))) res2 = P(X(t) > 3, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 5))) assert res1 == 691*exp(-15) assert (res1 + res2).simplify() == 1 # Check Not and Or assert P(Not(Eq(X(t), 2) & (X(d) > 3)), Contains(t, Interval.Ropen(2, 4)) & \ Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(7, 8))).simplify() == -18*exp(-6) + 234*exp(-9) + 1 assert P(Eq(X(t), 2) | Ne(X(t), 4), Contains(t, Interval.Ropen(2, 4))) == 1 - 36*exp(-6) raises(ValueError, lambda: P(X(t) > 2, X(t) + X(d))) assert E(X(t)) == 3*t # property of the distribution at a given timestamp assert E(X(t)**2 + X(d)*2 + X(y)**3, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(1, 2)) & Contains(y, Interval.Ropen(3, 4))) == 75 assert E(X(t)**2, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1))) == 12 assert E(x*(X(t) + X(d))*(X(t)**2+X(d)**2), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Ropen(1, 2))) == \ Expectation(x*(X(d) + X(t))*(X(d)**2 + X(t)**2), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Ropen(1, 2))) # Value Error because of infinite time bound raises(ValueError, lambda: E(X(t)**3, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(1, oo)))) # Equivalent to E(X(t)**2) - E(X(d)**2) == E(X(1)**2) - E(X(1)**2) == 0 assert E((X(t) + X(d))*(X(t) - X(d)), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(1, 2))) == 0 assert E(X(2) + x*E(X(5))) == 15*x + 6 assert E(x*X(1) + y) == 3*x + y assert P(Eq(X(1), 2) & Eq(X(t), 3), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(1, 2))) == 81*exp(-6)/4 Y = PoissonProcess("Y", 6) Z = X + Y assert Z.lamda == X.lamda + Y.lamda == 9 raises(ValueError, lambda: X + 5) # should be added be only PoissonProcess instance N, M = Z.split(4, 5) assert N.lamda == 4 assert M.lamda == 5 raises(ValueError, lambda: Z.split(3, 2)) # 2+3 != 9 raises(ValueError, lambda :P(Eq(X(t), 0), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(1, 3)) & Eq(X(1), 0))) # check if it handles queries with two random variables in one args res1 = P(Eq(N(3), N(5))) assert res1 == P(Eq(N(t), 0), Contains(t, Interval(3, 5))) res2 = P(N(3) > N(1)) assert res2 == P((N(t) > 0), Contains(t, Interval(1, 3))) assert P(N(3) < N(1)) == 0 # condition is not possible res3 = P(N(3) <= N(1)) # holds only for Eq(N(3), N(1)) assert res3 == P(Eq(N(t), 0), Contains(t, Interval(1, 3))) # tests from X = PoissonProcess('X', 10) # 11.1 assert P(Eq(X(S(1)/3), 3) & Eq(X(1), 10)) == exp(-10)*Rational(8000000000, 11160261) assert P(Eq(X(1), 1), Eq(X(S(1)/3), 3)) == 0 assert P(Eq(X(1), 10), Eq(X(S(1)/3), 3)) == P(Eq(X(S(2)/3), 7)) X = PoissonProcess('X', 2) # 11.2 assert P(X(S(1)/2) < 1) == exp(-1) assert P(X(3) < 1, Eq(X(1), 0)) == exp(-4) assert P(Eq(X(4), 3), Eq(X(2), 3)) == exp(-4) X = PoissonProcess('X', 3) assert P(Eq(X(2), 5) & Eq(X(1), 2)) == Rational(81, 4)*exp(-6) # check few properties assert P(X(2) <= 3, X(1)>=1) == 3*P(Eq(X(1), 0)) + 2*P(Eq(X(1), 1)) + P(Eq(X(1), 2)) assert P(X(2) <= 3, X(1) > 1) == 2*P(Eq(X(1), 0)) + 1*P(Eq(X(1), 1)) assert P(Eq(X(2), 5) & Eq(X(1), 2)) == P(Eq(X(1), 3))*P(Eq(X(1), 2)) assert P(Eq(X(3), 4), Eq(X(1), 3)) == P(Eq(X(2), 1)) #test issue 20078 assert (2*X(t) + 3*X(t)).simplify() == 5*X(t) assert (2*X(t) - 3*X(t)).simplify() == -X(t) assert (2*(0.25*X(t))).simplify() == 0.5*X(t) assert (2*X(t) * 0.25*X(t)).simplify() == 0.5*X(t)**2 assert (X(t)**2 + X(t)**3).simplify() == (X(t) + 1)*X(t)**2 def test_WienerProcess(): X = WienerProcess("X") assert X.state_space == S.Reals assert X.index_set == Interval(0, oo) t, d, x, y = symbols('t d x y', positive=True) assert isinstance(X(t), RandomIndexedSymbol) assert X.distribution(t) == NormalDistribution(0, sqrt(t)) with warns_deprecated_sympy(): X.distribution(X(t)) raises(ValueError, lambda: PoissonProcess("X", -1)) raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: X[t]) raises(IndexError, lambda: X(-2)) assert X.joint_distribution(X(2), X(3)) == JointDistributionHandmade( Lambda((X(2), X(3)), sqrt(6)*exp(-X(2)**2/4)*exp(-X(3)**2/6)/(12*pi))) assert X.joint_distribution(4, 6) == JointDistributionHandmade( Lambda((X(4), X(6)), sqrt(6)*exp(-X(4)**2/8)*exp(-X(6)**2/12)/(24*pi))) assert P(X(t) < 3).simplify() == erf(3*sqrt(2)/(2*sqrt(t)))/2 + S(1)/2 assert P(X(t) > 2, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(3, 7))).simplify() == S(1)/2 -\ erf(sqrt(2)/2)/2 # Equivalent to P(X(1)>1)**4 assert P((X(t) > 4) & (X(d) > 3) & (X(x) > 2) & (X(y) > 1), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(1, 2)) & Contains(x, Interval.Lopen(2, 3)) & Contains(y, Interval.Lopen(3, 4))).simplify() ==\ (1 - erf(sqrt(2)/2))*(1 - erf(sqrt(2)))*(1 - erf(3*sqrt(2)/2))*(1 - erf(2*sqrt(2)))/16 # Contains an overlapping interval so, return Probability assert P((X(t)< 2) & (X(d)> 3), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 2)) & Contains(d, Interval.Ropen(2, 4))) == Probability((X(d) > 3) & (X(t) < 2), Contains(d, Interval.Ropen(2, 4)) & Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 2))) assert str(P(Not((X(t) < 5) & (X(d) > 3)), Contains(t, Interval.Ropen(2, 4)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(7, 8))).simplify()) == \ '-(1 - erf(3*sqrt(2)/2))*(2 - erfc(5/2))/4 + 1' # Distribution has mean 0 at each timestamp assert E(X(t)) == 0 assert E(x*(X(t) + X(d))*(X(t)**2+X(d)**2), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Ropen(1, 2))) == Expectation(x*(X(d) + X(t))*(X(d)**2 + X(t)**2), Contains(d, Interval.Ropen(1, 2)) & Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1))) assert E(X(t) + x*E(X(3))) == 0 #test issue 20078 assert (2*X(t) + 3*X(t)).simplify() == 5*X(t) assert (2*X(t) - 3*X(t)).simplify() == -X(t) assert (2*(0.25*X(t))).simplify() == 0.5*X(t) assert (2*X(t) * 0.25*X(t)).simplify() == 0.5*X(t)**2 assert (X(t)**2 + X(t)**3).simplify() == (X(t) + 1)*X(t)**2 def test_GammaProcess_symbolic(): t, d, x, y, g, l = symbols('t d x y g l', positive=True) X = GammaProcess("X", l, g) raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: X[t]) raises(IndexError, lambda: X(-1)) assert isinstance(X(t), RandomIndexedSymbol) assert X.state_space == Interval(0, oo) assert X.distribution(t) == GammaDistribution(g*t, 1/l) with warns_deprecated_sympy(): X.distribution(X(t)) assert X.joint_distribution(5, X(3)) == JointDistributionHandmade(Lambda( (X(5), X(3)), l**(8*g)*exp(-l*X(3))*exp(-l*X(5))*X(3)**(3*g - 1)*X(5)**(5*g - 1)/(gamma(3*g)*gamma(5*g)))) # property of the gamma process at any given timestamp assert E(X(t)) == g*t/l assert variance(X(t)).simplify() == g*t/l**2 # Equivalent to E(2*X(1)) + E(X(1)**2) + E(X(1)**3), where E(X(1)) == g/l assert E(X(t)**2 + X(d)*2 + X(y)**3, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(1, 2)) & Contains(y, Interval.Ropen(3, 4))) == \ 2*g/l + (g**2 + g)/l**2 + (g**3 + 3*g**2 + 2*g)/l**3 assert P(X(t) > 3, Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(3, 4))).simplify() == \ 1 - lowergamma(g, 3*l)/gamma(g) # equivalent to P(X(1)>3) #test issue 20078 assert (2*X(t) + 3*X(t)).simplify() == 5*X(t) assert (2*X(t) - 3*X(t)).simplify() == -X(t) assert (2*(0.25*X(t))).simplify() == 0.5*X(t) assert (2*X(t) * 0.25*X(t)).simplify() == 0.5*X(t)**2 assert (X(t)**2 + X(t)**3).simplify() == (X(t) + 1)*X(t)**2 def test_GammaProcess_numeric(): t, d, x, y = symbols('t d x y', positive=True) X = GammaProcess("X", 1, 2) assert X.state_space == Interval(0, oo) assert X.index_set == Interval(0, oo) assert X.lamda == 1 assert X.gamma == 2 raises(ValueError, lambda: GammaProcess("X", -1, 2)) raises(ValueError, lambda: GammaProcess("X", 0, -2)) raises(ValueError, lambda: GammaProcess("X", -1, -2)) # all are independent because of non-overlapping intervals assert P((X(t) > 4) & (X(d) > 3) & (X(x) > 2) & (X(y) > 1), Contains(t, Interval.Lopen(0, 1)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(1, 2)) & Contains(x, Interval.Lopen(2, 3)) & Contains(y, Interval.Lopen(3, 4))).simplify() == \ 120*exp(-10) # Check working with Not and Or assert P(Not((X(t) < 5) & (X(d) > 3)), Contains(t, Interval.Ropen(2, 4)) & Contains(d, Interval.Lopen(7, 8))).simplify() == -4*exp(-3) + 472*exp(-8)/3 + 1 assert P((X(t) > 2) | (X(t) < 4), Contains(t, Interval.Ropen(1, 4))).simplify() == \ -643*exp(-4)/15 + 109*exp(-2)/15 + 1 assert E(X(t)) == 2*t # E(X(t)) == gamma*t/l assert E(X(2) + x*E(X(5))) == 10*x + 4