from textwrap import dedent import sys from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import os from sympy.core.singleton import S from sympy.testing.pytest import raises, warns_deprecated_sympy from sympy.utilities.misc import (translate, replace, ordinal, rawlines, strlines, as_int, find_executable) def test_translate(): abc = 'abc' assert translate(abc, None, 'a') == 'bc' assert translate(abc, None, '') == 'abc' assert translate(abc, {'a': 'x'}, 'c') == 'xb' assert translate(abc, {'a': 'bc'}, 'c') == 'bcb' assert translate(abc, {'ab': 'x'}, 'c') == 'x' assert translate(abc, {'ab': ''}, 'c') == '' assert translate(abc, {'bc': 'x'}, 'c') == 'ab' assert translate(abc, {'abc': 'x', 'a': 'y'}) == 'x' u = chr(4096) assert translate(abc, 'a', 'x', u) == 'xbc' assert (u in translate(abc, 'a', u, u)) is True def test_replace(): assert replace('abc', ('a', 'b')) == 'bbc' assert replace('abc', {'a': 'Aa'}) == 'Aabc' assert replace('abc', ('a', 'b'), ('c', 'C')) == 'bbC' def test_ordinal(): assert ordinal(-1) == '-1st' assert ordinal(0) == '0th' assert ordinal(1) == '1st' assert ordinal(2) == '2nd' assert ordinal(3) == '3rd' assert all(ordinal(i).endswith('th') for i in range(4, 21)) assert ordinal(100) == '100th' assert ordinal(101) == '101st' assert ordinal(102) == '102nd' assert ordinal(103) == '103rd' assert ordinal(104) == '104th' assert ordinal(200) == '200th' assert all(ordinal(i) == str(i) + 'th' for i in range(-220, -203)) def test_rawlines(): assert rawlines('a a\na') == "dedent('''\\\n a a\n a''')" assert rawlines('a a') == "'a a'" assert rawlines(strlines('\\le"ft')) == ( '(\n' " '(\\n'\n" ' \'r\\\'\\\\le"ft\\\'\\n\'\n' " ')'\n" ')') def test_strlines(): q = 'this quote (") is in the middle' # the following assert rhs was prepared with # print(rawlines(strlines(q, 10))) assert strlines(q, 10) == dedent('''\ ( 'this quo' 'te (") i' 's in the' ' middle' )''') assert q == ( 'this quo' 'te (") i' 's in the' ' middle' ) q = "this quote (') is in the middle" assert strlines(q, 20) == dedent('''\ ( "this quote (') is " "in the middle" )''') assert strlines('\\left') == ( '(\n' "r'\\left'\n" ')') assert strlines('\\left', short=True) == r"r'\left'" assert strlines('\\le"ft') == ( '(\n' 'r\'\\le"ft\'\n' ')') q = 'this\nother line' assert strlines(q) == rawlines(q) def test_translate_args(): try: translate(None, None, None, 'not_none') except ValueError: pass # Exception raised successfully else: assert False assert translate('s', None, None, None) == 's' try: translate('s', 'a', 'bc') except ValueError: pass # Exception raised successfully else: assert False def test_debug_output(): env = os.environ.copy() env['SYMPY_DEBUG'] = 'True' cmd = 'from sympy import *; x = Symbol("x"); print(integrate((1-cos(x))/x, x))' cmdline = [sys.executable, '-c', cmd] proc = Popen(cmdline, env=env, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() out = out.decode('ascii') # utf-8? err = err.decode('ascii') expected = 'substituted: -x*(1 - cos(x)), u: 1/x, u_var: _u' assert expected in err, err def test_as_int(): raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int(True)) raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int(1.1)) raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int([])) raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int(S.NaN)) raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int(S.Infinity)) raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int(S.NegativeInfinity)) raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int(S.ComplexInfinity)) # for the following, limited precision makes int(arg) == arg # but the int value is not necessarily what a user might have # expected; is more nuanced in its response for # expressions which might be complex representations of an # integer. This is not -- by design -- as_ints role. raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int(1e23)) raises(ValueError, lambda : as_int(S('1.'+'0'*20+'1'))) assert as_int(True, strict=False) == 1 def test_deprecated_find_executable(): with warns_deprecated_sympy(): find_executable('python')