# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_unix -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorProcess from twisted.python.reflect import requireModule from twisted.trial import unittest cryptography = requireModule("cryptography") unix = requireModule("twisted.conch.unix") @implementer(IReactorProcess) class MockProcessSpawner: """ An L{IReactorProcess} that logs calls to C{spawnProcess}. """ def __init__(self): self._spawnProcessCalls = [] def spawnProcess( self, processProtocol, executable, args=(), env={}, path=None, uid=None, gid=None, usePTY=0, childFDs=None, ): """ Log a call to C{spawnProcess}. Do not actually spawn a process. """ self._spawnProcessCalls.append( { "processProtocol": processProtocol, "executable": executable, "args": args, "env": env, "path": path, "uid": uid, "gid": gid, "usePTY": usePTY, "childFDs": childFDs, } ) class StubUnixConchUser: """ Enough of UnixConchUser to exercise SSHSessionForUnixConchUser in the tests below. """ def __init__(self, homeDirectory): from .test_session import StubClient, StubConnection self._homeDirectory = homeDirectory self.conn = StubConnection(transport=StubClient()) def getUserGroupId(self): return (None, None) def getHomeDir(self): return self._homeDirectory def getShell(self): pass class TestSSHSessionForUnixConchUser(unittest.TestCase): if cryptography is None: skip = "Cannot run without cryptography" elif unix is None: skip = "Unix system required" def testExecCommandEnvironment(self): """ C{execCommand} sets the C{HOME} environment variable to the avatar's home directory. """ mockReactor = MockProcessSpawner() homeDirectory = "/made/up/path/" avatar = StubUnixConchUser(homeDirectory) session = unix.SSHSessionForUnixConchUser(avatar, reactor=mockReactor) protocol = None command = ["not-actually-executed"] session.execCommand(protocol, command) [call] = mockReactor._spawnProcessCalls self.assertEqual(homeDirectory, call["env"]["HOME"])