import sys # Override theSystemPath so it throws KeyError on gi.pygtkcompat: from twisted.python import modules from twisted.python.reflect import requireModule modules.theSystemPath = modules.PythonPath([], moduleDict={}) # Now, when we import gireactor it shouldn't use pygtkcompat, and should # instead prevent gobject from being importable: gireactor = requireModule("twisted.internet.gireactor") for name in gireactor._PYGTK_MODULES: if sys.modules[name] is not None: sys.stdout.write( "failure, sys.modules[%r] is %r, instead of None" % (name, sys.modules["gobject"]) ) sys.exit(0) try: import gobject # type: ignore[import] except ImportError: sys.stdout.write("success") else: sys.stdout.write(f"failure: {gobject.__path__} was imported")