# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ GI/GTK3 reactor tests. """ import sys from unittest import skipIf try: from gi.repository import Gio # type: ignore[import] from twisted.internet import gireactor as _gireactor except ImportError: gireactor = None gtk3reactor = None else: gireactor = _gireactor # gtk3reactor may be unavailable even if gireactor is available; in # particular in pygobject 3.4/gtk 3.6, when no X11 DISPLAY is found. try: from twisted.internet import gtk3reactor as _gtk3reactor except ImportError: gtk3reactor = None else: gtk3reactor = _gtk3reactor from gi.repository import Gtk from twisted.internet.error import ReactorAlreadyRunning from twisted.internet.test.reactormixins import ReactorBuilder from twisted.trial.unittest import SkipTest, TestCase # Skip all tests if gi is unavailable: if gireactor is None: skip = "gtk3/gi not importable" class GApplicationRegistrationTests(ReactorBuilder, TestCase): """ GtkApplication and GApplication are supported by L{twisted.internet.gtk3reactor} and L{twisted.internet.gireactor}. We inherit from L{ReactorBuilder} in order to use some of its reactor-running infrastructure, but don't need its test-creation functionality. """ def runReactor(self, app, reactor): """ Register the app, run the reactor, make sure app was activated, and that reactor was running, and that reactor can be stopped. """ if not hasattr(app, "quit"): raise SkipTest("Version of PyGObject is too old.") result = [] def stop(): result.append("stopped") reactor.stop() def activate(widget): result.append("activated") reactor.callLater(0, stop) app.connect("activate", activate) # We want reactor.stop() to *always* stop the event loop, even if # someone has called hold() on the application and never done the # corresponding release() -- for more details see # http://developer.gnome.org/gio/unstable/GApplication.html. app.hold() reactor.registerGApplication(app) ReactorBuilder.runReactor(self, reactor) self.assertEqual(result, ["activated", "stopped"]) def test_gApplicationActivate(self): """ L{Gio.Application} instances can be registered with a gireactor. """ reactor = gireactor.GIReactor(useGtk=False) self.addCleanup(self.unbuildReactor, reactor) app = Gio.Application( application_id="com.twistedmatrix.trial.gireactor", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE, ) self.runReactor(app, reactor) @skipIf( gtk3reactor is None, "Gtk unavailable (may require running with X11 DISPLAY env set)", ) def test_gtkApplicationActivate(self): """ L{Gtk.Application} instances can be registered with a gtk3reactor. """ reactor = gtk3reactor.Gtk3Reactor() self.addCleanup(self.unbuildReactor, reactor) app = Gtk.Application( application_id="com.twistedmatrix.trial.gtk3reactor", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE, ) self.runReactor(app, reactor) def test_portable(self): """ L{gireactor.PortableGIReactor} doesn't support application registration at this time. """ reactor = gireactor.PortableGIReactor() self.addCleanup(self.unbuildReactor, reactor) app = Gio.Application( application_id="com.twistedmatrix.trial.gireactor", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE, ) self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, reactor.registerGApplication, app) def test_noQuit(self): """ Older versions of PyGObject lack C{Application.quit}, and so won't allow registration. """ reactor = gireactor.GIReactor(useGtk=False) self.addCleanup(self.unbuildReactor, reactor) # An app with no "quit" method: app = object() exc = self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, reactor.registerGApplication, app) self.assertTrue(exc.args[0].startswith("Application registration is not")) def test_cantRegisterAfterRun(self): """ It is not possible to register a C{Application} after the reactor has already started. """ reactor = gireactor.GIReactor(useGtk=False) self.addCleanup(self.unbuildReactor, reactor) app = Gio.Application( application_id="com.twistedmatrix.trial.gireactor", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE, ) def tryRegister(): exc = self.assertRaises( ReactorAlreadyRunning, reactor.registerGApplication, app ) self.assertEqual( exc.args[0], "Can't register application after reactor was started." ) reactor.stop() reactor.callLater(0, tryRegister) ReactorBuilder.runReactor(self, reactor) def test_cantRegisterTwice(self): """ It is not possible to register more than one C{Application}. """ reactor = gireactor.GIReactor(useGtk=False) self.addCleanup(self.unbuildReactor, reactor) app = Gio.Application( application_id="com.twistedmatrix.trial.gireactor", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE, ) reactor.registerGApplication(app) app2 = Gio.Application( application_id="com.twistedmatrix.trial.gireactor2", flags=Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE, ) exc = self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, reactor.registerGApplication, app2) self.assertEqual( exc.args[0], "Can't register more than one application instance." ) class PygtkCompatibilityTests(TestCase): """ pygtk imports are either prevented, or a compatibility layer is used if possible. """ def test_compatibilityLayer(self): """ If compatibility layer is present, importing gobject uses the gi compatibility layer. """ if "gi.pygtkcompat" not in sys.modules: raise SkipTest("This version of gi doesn't include pygtkcompat.") import gobject # type: ignore[import] self.assertTrue(gobject.__name__.startswith("gi."))