# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.mail.tap}. """ from twisted.internet import defer, endpoints from twisted.mail import protocols from twisted.mail.tap import Options, makeService from twisted.python.usage import UsageError from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase class OptionsTests(TestCase): """ Tests for the command line option parser used for I{twistd mail}. """ def setUp(self): self.aliasFilename = self.mktemp() with open(self.aliasFilename, "w") as aliasFile: aliasFile.write("someuser:\tdifferentuser\n") def testAliasesWithoutDomain(self): """ Test that adding an aliases(5) file before adding a domain raises a UsageError. """ self.assertRaises( UsageError, Options().parseOptions, ["--aliases", self.aliasFilename] ) def testAliases(self): """ Test that adding an aliases(5) file to an IAliasableDomain at least doesn't raise an unhandled exception. """ Options().parseOptions( [ "--maildirdbmdomain", "example.com=example.com", "--aliases", self.aliasFilename, ] ) def _endpointTest(self, service): """ Use L{Options} to parse a single service configuration parameter and verify that an endpoint of the correct type is added to the list for that service. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--" + service, "tcp:1234"]) self.assertEqual(len(options[service]), 1) self.assertIsInstance(options[service][0], endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint) def test_endpointSMTP(self): """ When I{--smtp} is given a TCP endpoint description as an argument, a TCPServerEndpoint is added to the list of SMTP endpoints. """ self._endpointTest("smtp") def test_endpointPOP3(self): """ When I{--pop3} is given a TCP endpoint description as an argument, a TCPServerEndpoint is added to the list of POP3 endpoints. """ self._endpointTest("pop3") def test_protoDefaults(self): """ POP3 and SMTP each listen on a TCP4ServerEndpoint by default. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions([]) self.assertEqual(len(options["pop3"]), 1) self.assertIsInstance(options["pop3"][0], endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint) self.assertEqual(len(options["smtp"]), 1) self.assertIsInstance(options["smtp"][0], endpoints.TCP4ServerEndpoint) def test_protoDisable(self): """ The I{--no-pop3} and I{--no-smtp} options disable POP3 and SMTP respectively. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--no-pop3"]) self.assertEqual(options._getEndpoints(None, "pop3"), []) self.assertNotEqual(options._getEndpoints(None, "smtp"), []) options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--no-smtp"]) self.assertNotEqual(options._getEndpoints(None, "pop3"), []) self.assertEqual(options._getEndpoints(None, "smtp"), []) def test_allProtosDisabledError(self): """ If all protocols are disabled, L{UsageError} is raised. """ options = Options() self.assertRaises( UsageError, options.parseOptions, (["--no-pop3", "--no-smtp"]) ) def test_esmtpWithoutHostname(self): """ If I{--esmtp} is given without I{--hostname}, L{Options.parseOptions} raises L{UsageError}. """ options = Options() exc = self.assertRaises(UsageError, options.parseOptions, ["--esmtp"]) self.assertEqual("--esmtp requires --hostname", str(exc)) def test_auth(self): """ Tests that the --auth option registers a checker. """ options = Options() options.parseOptions(["--auth", "memory:admin:admin:bob:password"]) self.assertEqual(len(options["credCheckers"]), 1) checker = options["credCheckers"][0] interfaces = checker.credentialInterfaces registered_checkers = options.service.smtpPortal.checkers for iface in interfaces: self.assertEqual(checker, registered_checkers[iface]) class SpyEndpoint: """ SpyEndpoint remembers what factory it is told to listen with. """ listeningWith = None def listen(self, factory): self.listeningWith = factory return defer.succeed(None) class MakeServiceTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{twisted.mail.tap.makeService} """ def _endpointServerTest(self, key, factoryClass): """ Configure a service with two endpoints for the protocol associated with C{key} and verify that when the service is started a factory of type C{factoryClass} is used to listen on each of them. """ cleartext = SpyEndpoint() secure = SpyEndpoint() config = Options() config[key] = [cleartext, secure] service = makeService(config) service.privilegedStartService() service.startService() self.addCleanup(service.stopService) self.assertIsInstance(cleartext.listeningWith, factoryClass) self.assertIsInstance(secure.listeningWith, factoryClass) def test_pop3(self): """ If one or more endpoints is included in the configuration passed to L{makeService} for the C{"pop3"} key, a service for starting a POP3 server is constructed for each of them and attached to the returned service. """ self._endpointServerTest("pop3", protocols.POP3Factory) def test_smtp(self): """ If one or more endpoints is included in the configuration passed to L{makeService} for the C{"smtp"} key, a service for starting an SMTP server is constructed for each of them and attached to the returned service. """ self._endpointServerTest("smtp", protocols.SMTPFactory)