# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Test cases for L{twisted.protocols.haproxy.V1Parser}. """ from twisted.internet import address from twisted.trial import unittest from .. import _v1parser from .._exceptions import InvalidNetworkProtocol, InvalidProxyHeader, MissingAddressData class V1ParserTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Test L{twisted.protocols.haproxy.V1Parser} behaviour. """ def test_missingPROXYHeaderValue(self) -> None: """ Test that an exception is raised when the PROXY header is missing. """ self.assertRaises( InvalidProxyHeader, _v1parser.V1Parser.parse, b"NOTPROXY ", ) def test_invalidNetworkProtocol(self) -> None: """ Test that an exception is raised when the proto is not TCP or UNKNOWN. """ self.assertRaises( InvalidNetworkProtocol, _v1parser.V1Parser.parse, b"PROXY WUTPROTO ", ) def test_missingSourceData(self) -> None: """ Test that an exception is raised when the proto has no source data. """ self.assertRaises( MissingAddressData, _v1parser.V1Parser.parse, b"PROXY TCP4 ", ) def test_missingDestData(self) -> None: """ Test that an exception is raised when the proto has no destination. """ self.assertRaises( MissingAddressData, _v1parser.V1Parser.parse, b"PROXY TCP4 8080 8888", ) def test_fullParsingSuccess(self) -> None: """ Test that parsing is successful for a PROXY header. """ info = _v1parser.V1Parser.parse( b"PROXY TCP4 8080 8888", ) self.assertIsInstance(info.source, address.IPv4Address) assert isinstance(info.source, address.IPv4Address) assert isinstance(info.destination, address.IPv4Address) self.assertEqual(info.source.host, "") self.assertEqual(info.source.port, 8080) self.assertEqual(info.destination.host, "") self.assertEqual(info.destination.port, 8888) def test_fullParsingSuccess_IPv6(self) -> None: """ Test that parsing is successful for an IPv6 PROXY header. """ info = _v1parser.V1Parser.parse( b"PROXY TCP6 ::1 ::1 8080 8888", ) self.assertIsInstance(info.source, address.IPv6Address) assert isinstance(info.source, address.IPv6Address) assert isinstance(info.destination, address.IPv6Address) self.assertEqual(info.source.host, "::1") self.assertEqual(info.source.port, 8080) self.assertEqual(info.destination.host, "::1") self.assertEqual(info.destination.port, 8888) def test_fullParsingSuccess_UNKNOWN(self) -> None: """ Test that parsing is successful for a UNKNOWN PROXY header. """ info = _v1parser.V1Parser.parse( b"PROXY UNKNOWN anything could go here", ) self.assertIsNone(info.source) self.assertIsNone(info.destination) def test_feedParsing(self) -> None: """ Test that parsing happens when fed a complete line. """ parser = _v1parser.V1Parser() info, remaining = parser.feed(b"PROXY TCP4 ") self.assertFalse(info) self.assertFalse(remaining) info, remaining = parser.feed(b"8080 8888") self.assertFalse(info) self.assertFalse(remaining) info, remaining = parser.feed(b"\r\n") self.assertFalse(remaining) assert remaining is not None assert info is not None self.assertIsInstance(info.source, address.IPv4Address) assert isinstance(info.source, address.IPv4Address) assert isinstance(info.destination, address.IPv4Address) self.assertEqual(info.source.host, "") self.assertEqual(info.source.port, 8080) self.assertEqual(info.destination.host, "") self.assertEqual(info.destination.port, 8888) def test_feedParsingTooLong(self) -> None: """ Test that parsing fails if no newline is found in 108 bytes. """ parser = _v1parser.V1Parser() info, remaining = parser.feed(b"PROXY TCP4 ") self.assertFalse(info) self.assertFalse(remaining) info, remaining = parser.feed(b"8080 8888") self.assertFalse(info) self.assertFalse(remaining) self.assertRaises( InvalidProxyHeader, parser.feed, b" " * 100, ) def test_feedParsingOverflow(self) -> None: """ Test that parsing leaves overflow bytes in the buffer. """ parser = _v1parser.V1Parser() info, remaining = parser.feed( b"PROXY TCP4 8080 8888\r\nHTTP/1.1 GET /\r\n", ) self.assertTrue(info) self.assertEqual(remaining, b"HTTP/1.1 GET /\r\n") self.assertFalse(parser.buffer)