# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Facilities for helping test code which interacts with Python's module system to load code. """ import sys from types import ModuleType from typing import Iterable, List, Tuple from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath class TwistedModulesMixin: """ A mixin for C{twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase} providing useful methods for manipulating Python's module system. """ def replaceSysPath(self, sysPath: List[str]) -> None: """ Replace sys.path, for the duration of the test, with the given value. """ originalSysPath = sys.path[:] def cleanUpSysPath() -> None: sys.path[:] = originalSysPath self.addCleanup(cleanUpSysPath) # type: ignore[attr-defined] sys.path[:] = sysPath def replaceSysModules(self, sysModules: Iterable[Tuple[str, ModuleType]]) -> None: """ Replace sys.modules, for the duration of the test, with the given value. """ originalSysModules = sys.modules.copy() def cleanUpSysModules() -> None: sys.modules.clear() sys.modules.update(originalSysModules) self.addCleanup(cleanUpSysModules) # type: ignore[attr-defined] sys.modules.clear() sys.modules.update(sysModules) def pathEntryWithOnePackage(self, pkgname: str = "test_package") -> FilePath: """ Generate a L{FilePath} with one package, named C{pkgname}, on it, and return the L{FilePath} of the path entry. """ entry = FilePath(self.mktemp()) # type: ignore[attr-defined] pkg = entry.child("test_package") pkg.makedirs() pkg.child("__init__.py").setContent(b"") return entry