# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.python.htmlizer}. """ from io import BytesIO from twisted.python.htmlizer import filter from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase class FilterTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{twisted.python.htmlizer.filter}. """ def test_empty(self): """ If passed an empty input file, L{filter} writes a I{pre} tag containing only an end marker to the output file. """ input = BytesIO(b"") output = BytesIO() filter(input, output) self.assertEqual( output.getvalue(), b'
\n' ) def test_variable(self): """ If passed an input file containing a variable access, L{filter} writes a I{pre} tag containing a I{py-src-variable} span containing the variable. """ input = BytesIO(b"foo\n") output = BytesIO() filter(input, output) self.assertEqual( output.getvalue(), b'
\n', )