# -*- test-case-name: twisted.python.test.test_url -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Tests for L{twisted.python.url}. """ from twisted.trial.unittest import SynchronousTestCase from ..url import URL theurl = "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=23&zut" # Examples from RFC 3986 section 5.4, Reference Resolution Examples relativeLinkBaseForRFC3986 = "http://a/b/c/d;p?q" relativeLinkTestsForRFC3986 = [ # "Normal" # ('g:h', 'g:h'), # Not supported: scheme with relative path ("g", "http://a/b/c/g"), ("./g", "http://a/b/c/g"), ("g/", "http://a/b/c/g/"), ("/g", "http://a/g"), ("//g", "http://g"), ("?y", "http://a/b/c/d;p?y"), ("g?y", "http://a/b/c/g?y"), ("#s", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s"), ("g#s", "http://a/b/c/g#s"), ("g?y#s", "http://a/b/c/g?y#s"), (";x", "http://a/b/c/;x"), ("g;x", "http://a/b/c/g;x"), ("g;x?y#s", "http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s"), ("", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q"), (".", "http://a/b/c/"), ("./", "http://a/b/c/"), ("..", "http://a/b/"), ("../", "http://a/b/"), ("../g", "http://a/b/g"), ("../..", "http://a/"), ("../../", "http://a/"), ("../../g", "http://a/g"), # Abnormal examples # ".." cannot be used to change the authority component of a URI. ("../../../g", "http://a/g"), ("../../../../g", "http://a/g"), # Only include "." and ".." when they are only part of a larger segment, # not by themselves. ("/./g", "http://a/g"), ("/../g", "http://a/g"), ("g.", "http://a/b/c/g."), (".g", "http://a/b/c/.g"), ("g..", "http://a/b/c/g.."), ("..g", "http://a/b/c/..g"), # Unnecessary or nonsensical forms of "." and "..". ("./../g", "http://a/b/g"), ("./g/.", "http://a/b/c/g/"), ("g/./h", "http://a/b/c/g/h"), ("g/../h", "http://a/b/c/h"), ("g;x=1/./y", "http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y"), ("g;x=1/../y", "http://a/b/c/y"), # Separating the reference's query and fragment components from the path. ("g?y/./x", "http://a/b/c/g?y/./x"), ("g?y/../x", "http://a/b/c/g?y/../x"), ("g#s/./x", "http://a/b/c/g#s/./x"), ("g#s/../x", "http://a/b/c/g#s/../x"), # Not supported: scheme with relative path # ("http:g", "http:g"), # strict # ("http:g", "http://a/b/c/g"), # non-strict ] _percentenc = lambda s: "".join("%%%02X" % ord(c) for c in s) class TestURL(SynchronousTestCase): """ Tests for L{URL}. """ def assertUnicoded(self, u): """ The given L{URL}'s components should be L{unicode}. @param u: The L{URL} to test. """ self.assertTrue(isinstance(u.scheme, str) or u.scheme is None, repr(u)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(u.host, str) or u.host is None, repr(u)) for seg in u.path: self.assertIsInstance(seg, str, repr(u)) for (k, v) in u.query: self.assertIsInstance(k, str, repr(u)) self.assertTrue(v is None or isinstance(v, str), repr(u)) self.assertIsInstance(u.fragment, str, repr(u)) def assertURL(self, u, scheme, host, path, query, fragment, port, userinfo=""): """ The given L{URL} should have the given components. @param u: The actual L{URL} to examine. @param scheme: The expected scheme. @param host: The expected host. @param path: The expected path. @param query: The expected query. @param fragment: The expected fragment. @param port: The expected port. @param userinfo: The expected userinfo. """ actual = (u.scheme, u.host, u.path, u.query, u.fragment, u.port, u.userinfo) expected = (scheme, host, tuple(path), tuple(query), fragment, port, u.userinfo) self.assertEqual(actual, expected) def test_initDefaults(self): """ L{URL} should have appropriate default values. """ def check(u): self.assertUnicoded(u) self.assertURL(u, "http", "", [], [], "", 80, "") check(URL("http", "")) check(URL("http", "", [], [])) check(URL("http", "", [], [], "")) def test_init(self): """ L{URL} should accept L{unicode} parameters. """ u = URL("s", "h", ["p"], [("k", "v"), ("k", None)], "f") self.assertUnicoded(u) self.assertURL(u, "s", "h", ["p"], [("k", "v"), ("k", None)], "f", None) self.assertURL( URL("http", "\xe0", ["\xe9"], [("\u03bb", "\u03c0")], "\u22a5"), "http", "\xe0", ["\xe9"], [("\u03bb", "\u03c0")], "\u22a5", 80, ) def test_initPercent(self): """ L{URL} should accept (and not interpret) percent characters. """ u = URL("s", "%68", ["%70"], [("%6B", "%76"), ("%6B", None)], "%66") self.assertUnicoded(u) self.assertURL( u, "s", "%68", ["%70"], [("%6B", "%76"), ("%6B", None)], "%66", None ) def test_repr(self): """ L{URL.__repr__} will display the canonical form of the URL, wrapped in a L{URL.fromText} invocation, so that it is C{eval}-able but still easy to read. """ self.assertEqual( repr( URL( scheme="http", host="foo", path=["bar"], query=[("baz", None), ("k", "v")], fragment="frob", ) ), "URL.from_text({})".format(repr("http://foo/bar?baz&k=v#frob")), ) def test_fromText(self): """ Round-tripping L{URL.fromText} with C{str} results in an equivalent URL. """ urlpath = URL.fromText(theurl) self.assertEqual(theurl, urlpath.asText()) def test_roundtrip(self): """ L{URL.asText} should invert L{URL.fromText}. """ tests = ( "http://localhost", "http://localhost/", "http://localhost/foo", "http://localhost/foo/", "http://localhost/foo!!bar/", "http://localhost/foo%20bar/", "http://localhost/foo%2Fbar/", "http://localhost/foo?n", "http://localhost/foo?n=v", "http://localhost/foo?n=/a/b", "http://example.com/foo!@$bar?b!@z=123", "http://localhost/asd?a=asd%20sdf/345", "http://(%2525)/(%2525)?(%2525)&(%2525)=(%2525)#(%2525)", "http://(%C3%A9)/(%C3%A9)?(%C3%A9)&(%C3%A9)=(%C3%A9)#(%C3%A9)", ) for test in tests: result = URL.fromText(test).asText() self.assertEqual(test, result) def test_equality(self): """ Two URLs decoded using L{URL.fromText} will be equal (C{==}) if they decoded same URL string, and unequal (C{!=}) if they decoded different strings. """ urlpath = URL.fromText(theurl) self.assertEqual(urlpath, URL.fromText(theurl)) self.assertNotEqual( urlpath, URL.fromText( "ftp://www.anotherinvaliddomain.com/" "foo/bar/baz/?zot=21&zut" ), ) def test_fragmentEquality(self): """ An URL created with the empty string for a fragment compares equal to an URL created with an unspecified fragment. """ self.assertEqual(URL(fragment=""), URL()) self.assertEqual( URL.fromText("http://localhost/#"), URL.fromText("http://localhost/") ) def test_child(self): """ L{URL.child} appends a new path segment, but does not affect the query or fragment. """ urlpath = URL.fromText(theurl) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/gong?zot=23&zut", urlpath.child("gong").asText(), ) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/gong%2F?zot=23&zut", urlpath.child("gong/").asText(), ) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/gong%2Fdouble?zot=23&zut", urlpath.child("gong/double").asText(), ) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/gong%2Fdouble%2F?zot=23&zut", urlpath.child("gong/double/").asText(), ) def test_multiChild(self): """ L{URL.child} receives multiple segments as C{*args} and appends each in turn. """ self.assertEqual( URL.fromText("http://example.com/a/b").child("c", "d", "e").asText(), "http://example.com/a/b/c/d/e", ) def test_childInitRoot(self): """ L{URL.child} of a L{URL} without a path produces a L{URL} with a single path segment. """ childURL = URL(host="www.foo.com").child("c") self.assertTrue(childURL.rooted) self.assertEqual("http://www.foo.com/c", childURL.asText()) def test_sibling(self): """ L{URL.sibling} of a L{URL} replaces the last path segment, but does not affect the query or fragment. """ urlpath = URL.fromText(theurl) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/sister?zot=23&zut", urlpath.sibling("sister").asText(), ) # Use an url without trailing '/' to check child removal. theurl2 = "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path?zot=23&zut" urlpath = URL.fromText(theurl2) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/sister?zot=23&zut", urlpath.sibling("sister").asText(), ) def test_click(self): """ L{URL.click} interprets the given string as a relative URI-reference and returns a new L{URL} interpreting C{self} as the base absolute URI. """ urlpath = URL.fromText(theurl) # A null uri should be valid (return here). self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=23&zut", urlpath.click("").asText() ) # A simple relative path remove the query. self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/click", urlpath.click("click").asText() ) # An absolute path replace path and query. self.assertEqual("http://www.foo.com/click", urlpath.click("/click").asText()) # Replace just the query. self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?burp", urlpath.click("?burp").asText() ) # One full url to another should not generate '//' between authority. # and path self.assertNotIn( "//foobar", urlpath.click("http://www.foo.com/foobar").asText() ) # From a url with no query clicking a url with a query, the query # should be handled properly. u = URL.fromText("http://www.foo.com/me/noquery") self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/me/17?spam=158", u.click("/me/17?spam=158").asText() ) # Check that everything from the path onward is removed when the click # link has no path. u = URL.fromText("http://localhost/foo?abc=def") self.assertEqual( u.click("http://www.python.org").asText(), "http://www.python.org" ) def test_clickRFC3986(self): """ L{URL.click} should correctly resolve the examples in RFC 3986. """ base = URL.fromText(relativeLinkBaseForRFC3986) for (ref, expected) in relativeLinkTestsForRFC3986: self.assertEqual(base.click(ref).asText(), expected) def test_clickSchemeRelPath(self): """ L{URL.click} should not accept schemes with relative paths. """ base = URL.fromText(relativeLinkBaseForRFC3986) self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, base.click, "g:h") self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, base.click, "http:h") def test_cloneUnchanged(self): """ Verify that L{URL.replace} doesn't change any of the arguments it is passed. """ urlpath = URL.fromText("https://x:1/y?z=1#A") self.assertEqual( urlpath.replace( urlpath.scheme, urlpath.host, urlpath.path, urlpath.query, urlpath.fragment, urlpath.port, ), urlpath, ) self.assertEqual(urlpath.replace(), urlpath) def test_clickCollapse(self): """ L{URL.click} collapses C{.} and C{..} according to RFC 3986 section 5.2.4. """ tests = [ ["http://localhost/", ".", "http://localhost/"], ["http://localhost/", "..", "http://localhost/"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c", ".", "http://localhost/a/b/"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c", "..", "http://localhost/a/"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c", "./d/e", "http://localhost/a/b/d/e"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c", "../d/e", "http://localhost/a/d/e"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c", "/./d/e", "http://localhost/d/e"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c", "/../d/e", "http://localhost/d/e"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c/", "../../d/e/", "http://localhost/a/d/e/"], ["http://localhost/a/./c", "../d/e", "http://localhost/d/e"], ["http://localhost/a/./c/", "../d/e", "http://localhost/a/d/e"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c/d", "./e/../f/../g", "http://localhost/a/b/c/g"], ["http://localhost/a/b/c", "d//e", "http://localhost/a/b/d//e"], ] for start, click, expected in tests: actual = URL.fromText(start).click(click).asText() self.assertEqual( actual, expected, "{start}.click({click}) => {actual} not {expected}".format( start=start, click=repr(click), actual=actual, expected=expected, ), ) def test_queryAdd(self): """ L{URL.add} adds query parameters. """ self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?foo=bar", URL.fromText("http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/").add("foo", "bar").asText(), ) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/?foo=bar", URL(host="www.foo.com").add("foo", "bar").asText(), ) urlpath = URL.fromText(theurl) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=23&zut&burp", urlpath.add("burp").asText(), ) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=23&zut&burp=xxx", urlpath.add("burp", "xxx").asText(), ) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=23&zut&burp=xxx&zing", urlpath.add("burp", "xxx").add("zing").asText(), ) # Note the inversion! self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=23&zut&zing&burp=xxx", urlpath.add("zing").add("burp", "xxx").asText(), ) # Note the two values for the same name. self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=23&zut&burp=xxx&zot=32", urlpath.add("burp", "xxx").add("zot", "32").asText(), ) def test_querySet(self): """ L{URL.set} replaces query parameters by name. """ urlpath = URL.fromText(theurl) self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=32&zut", urlpath.set("zot", "32").asText(), ) # Replace name without value with name/value and vice-versa. self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot&zut=itworked", urlpath.set("zot").set("zut", "itworked").asText(), ) # Q: what happens when the query has two values and we replace? # A: we replace both values with a single one self.assertEqual( "http://www.foo.com/a/nice/path/?zot=32&zut", urlpath.add("zot", "xxx").set("zot", "32").asText(), ) def test_queryRemove(self): """ L{URL.remove} removes all instances of a query parameter. """ url = URL.fromText("https://example.com/a/b/?foo=1&bar=2&foo=3") self.assertEqual( url.remove("foo"), URL.fromText("https://example.com/a/b/?bar=2") ) def test_empty(self): """ An empty L{URL} should serialize as the empty string. """ self.assertEqual(URL().asText(), "") def test_justQueryText(self): """ An L{URL} with query text should serialize as just query text. """ u = URL(query=[("hello", "world")]) self.assertEqual(u.asText(), "?hello=world") def test_identicalEqual(self): """ L{URL} compares equal to itself. """ u = URL.fromText("http://localhost/") self.assertEqual(u, u) def test_similarEqual(self): """ URLs with equivalent components should compare equal. """ u1 = URL.fromText("http://localhost/") u2 = URL.fromText("http://localhost/") self.assertEqual(u1, u2) def test_differentNotEqual(self): """ L{URL}s that refer to different resources are both unequal (C{!=}) and also not equal (not C{==}). """ u1 = URL.fromText("http://localhost/a") u2 = URL.fromText("http://localhost/b") self.assertFalse(u1 == u2, f"{u1!r} != {u2!r}") self.assertNotEqual(u1, u2) def test_otherTypesNotEqual(self): """ L{URL} is not equal (C{==}) to other types. """ u = URL.fromText("http://localhost/") self.assertFalse(u == 42, "URL must not equal a number.") self.assertFalse(u == object(), "URL must not equal an object.") self.assertNotEqual(u, 42) self.assertNotEqual(u, object()) def test_identicalNotUnequal(self): """ Identical L{URL}s are not unequal (C{!=}) to each other. """ u = URL.fromText("http://localhost/") self.assertFalse(u != u, "%r == itself" % u) def test_similarNotUnequal(self): """ Structurally similar L{URL}s are not unequal (C{!=}) to each other. """ u1 = URL.fromText("http://localhost/") u2 = URL.fromText("http://localhost/") self.assertFalse(u1 != u2, f"{u1!r} == {u2!r}") def test_differentUnequal(self): """ Structurally different L{URL}s are unequal (C{!=}) to each other. """ u1 = URL.fromText("http://localhost/a") u2 = URL.fromText("http://localhost/b") self.assertTrue(u1 != u2, f"{u1!r} == {u2!r}") def test_otherTypesUnequal(self): """ L{URL} is unequal (C{!=}) to other types. """ u = URL.fromText("http://localhost/") self.assertTrue(u != 42, "URL must differ from a number.") self.assertTrue(u != object(), "URL must be differ from an object.") def test_asURI(self): """ L{URL.asURI} produces an URI which converts any URI unicode encoding into pure US-ASCII and returns a new L{URL}. """ unicodey = ( "http://\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}.com/" "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}" "?\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}=" "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER I}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}" "#\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER U}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}" ) iri = URL.fromText(unicodey) uri = iri.asURI() self.assertEqual(iri.host, "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}.com") self.assertEqual( iri.path[0], "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}" ) self.assertEqual(iri.asText(), unicodey) expectedURI = "http://xn--9ca.com/%C3%A9?%C3%A1=%C3%AD#%C3%BA" actualURI = uri.asText() self.assertEqual(actualURI, expectedURI, f"{actualURI!r} != {expectedURI!r}") def test_asIRI(self): """ L{URL.asIRI} decodes any percent-encoded text in the URI, making it more suitable for reading by humans, and returns a new L{URL}. """ asciiish = "http://xn--9ca.com/%C3%A9?%C3%A1=%C3%AD#%C3%BA" uri = URL.fromText(asciiish) iri = uri.asIRI() self.assertEqual(uri.host, "xn--9ca.com") self.assertEqual(uri.path[0], "%C3%A9") self.assertEqual(uri.asText(), asciiish) expectedIRI = ( "http://\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}.com/" "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}" "?\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE}=" "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE}" "#\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE}" ) actualIRI = iri.asText() self.assertEqual(actualIRI, expectedIRI, f"{actualIRI!r} != {expectedIRI!r}") def test_badUTF8AsIRI(self): """ Bad UTF-8 in a path segment, query parameter, or fragment results in that portion of the URI remaining percent-encoded in the IRI. """ urlWithBinary = "http://xn--9ca.com/%00%FF/%C3%A9" uri = URL.fromText(urlWithBinary) iri = uri.asIRI() expectedIRI = ( "http://\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}.com/" "%00%FF/" "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}" ) actualIRI = iri.asText() self.assertEqual(actualIRI, expectedIRI, f"{actualIRI!r} != {expectedIRI!r}") def test_alreadyIRIAsIRI(self): """ A L{URL} composed of non-ASCII text will result in non-ASCII text. """ unicodey = ( "http://\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE}.com/" "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER E}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}" "?\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}=" "\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER I}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}" "#\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER U}\N{COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT}" ) iri = URL.fromText(unicodey) alsoIRI = iri.asIRI() self.assertEqual(alsoIRI.asText(), unicodey) def test_alreadyURIAsURI(self): """ A L{URL} composed of encoded text will remain encoded. """ expectedURI = "http://xn--9ca.com/%C3%A9?%C3%A1=%C3%AD#%C3%BA" uri = URL.fromText(expectedURI) actualURI = uri.asURI().asText() self.assertEqual(actualURI, expectedURI) def test_userinfo(self): """ L{URL.fromText} will parse the C{userinfo} portion of the URI separately from the host and port. """ url = URL.fromText( "http://someuser:somepassword@example.com/some-segment@ignore" ) self.assertEqual(url.authority(True), "someuser:somepassword@example.com") self.assertEqual(url.authority(False), "someuser:@example.com") self.assertEqual(url.userinfo, "someuser:somepassword") self.assertEqual(url.user, "someuser") self.assertEqual( url.asText(), "http://someuser:@example.com/some-segment@ignore" ) self.assertEqual( url.replace(userinfo="someuser").asText(), "http://someuser@example.com/some-segment@ignore", ) def test_portText(self): """ L{URL.fromText} parses custom port numbers as integers. """ portURL = URL.fromText("http://www.example.com:8080/") self.assertEqual(portURL.port, 8080) self.assertEqual(portURL.asText(), "http://www.example.com:8080/") def test_mailto(self): """ Although L{URL} instances are mainly for dealing with HTTP, other schemes (such as C{mailto:}) should work as well. For example, L{URL.fromText}/L{URL.asText} round-trips cleanly for a C{mailto:} URL representing an email address. """ self.assertEqual( URL.fromText("mailto:user@example.com").asText(), "mailto:user@example.com" ) def test_queryIterable(self): """ When a L{URL} is created with a C{query} argument, the C{query} argument is converted into an N-tuple of 2-tuples. """ url = URL(query=[["alpha", "beta"]]) self.assertEqual(url.query, (("alpha", "beta"),)) def test_pathIterable(self): """ When a L{URL} is created with a C{path} argument, the C{path} is converted into a tuple. """ url = URL(path=["hello", "world"]) self.assertEqual(url.path, ("hello", "world")) def test_invalidArguments(self): """ Passing an argument of the wrong type to any of the constructor arguments of L{URL} will raise a descriptive L{TypeError}. L{URL} typechecks very aggressively to ensure that its constitutent parts are all properly immutable and to prevent confusing errors when bad data crops up in a method call long after the code that called the constructor is off the stack. """ class Unexpected: def __str__(self) -> str: return "wrong" def __repr__(self) -> str: return "" defaultExpectation = "unicode" if bytes is str else "str" def assertRaised(raised, expectation, name): self.assertEqual( str(raised.exception), "expected {} for {}, got {}".format(expectation, name, ""), ) def check(param, expectation=defaultExpectation): with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raised: URL(**{param: Unexpected()}) assertRaised(raised, expectation, param) check("scheme") check("host") check("fragment") check("rooted", "bool") check("userinfo") check("port", "int or NoneType") with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raised: URL( path=[ Unexpected(), ] ) assertRaised(raised, defaultExpectation, "path segment") with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raised: URL( query=[ ("name", Unexpected()), ] ) assertRaised( raised, defaultExpectation + " or NoneType", "query parameter value" ) with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raised: URL( query=[ (Unexpected(), "value"), ] ) assertRaised(raised, defaultExpectation, "query parameter name") # No custom error message for this one, just want to make sure # non-2-tuples don't get through. with self.assertRaises(TypeError): URL(query=[Unexpected()]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): URL(query=[("k", "v", "vv")]) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): URL(query=[("k",)]) url = URL.fromText("https://valid.example.com/") with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raised: url.child(Unexpected()) assertRaised(raised, defaultExpectation, "path segment") with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raised: url.sibling(Unexpected()) assertRaised(raised, defaultExpectation, "path segment") with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raised: url.click(Unexpected()) assertRaised(raised, defaultExpectation, "relative URL") def test_technicallyTextIsIterableBut(self): """ Technically, L{str} (or L{unicode}, as appropriate) is iterable, but C{URL(path="foo")} resulting in C{URL.fromText("f/o/o")} is never what you want. """ with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as raised: URL(path="foo") self.assertEqual( str(raised.exception), "expected iterable of text for path, not: {}".format(repr("foo")), ) class URLDeprecationTests(SynchronousTestCase): """ L{twisted.python.url} is deprecated. """ def test_urlDeprecation(self): """ L{twisted.python.url} is deprecated since Twisted 17.5.0. """ from twisted.python import url url warningsShown = self.flushWarnings([self.test_urlDeprecation]) self.assertEqual(1, len(warningsShown)) self.assertEqual( ( "twisted.python.url was deprecated in Twisted 17.5.0:" " Please use hyperlink from PyPI instead." ), warningsShown[0]["message"], )