# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_xml -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Some fairly inadequate testcases for Twisted XML support. """ from io import BytesIO from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.web import domhelpers, microdom, sux class Sux0r(sux.XMLParser): def __init__(self): self.tokens = [] def getTagStarts(self): return [token for token in self.tokens if token[0] == "start"] def gotTagStart(self, name, attrs): self.tokens.append(("start", name, attrs)) def gotText(self, text): self.tokens.append(("text", text)) class SUXTests(TestCase): def test_bork(self): s = b"" ms = Sux0r() ms.connectionMade() ms.dataReceived(s) self.assertEqual(len(ms.getTagStarts()), 3) class MicroDOMTests(TestCase): def test_leadingTextDropping(self): """ Make sure that if there's no top-level node lenient-mode won't drop leading text that's outside of any elements. """ s = "Hi orders!
" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=True) self.assertEqual( d.firstChild().toxml(), "Hi orders!
" ) byteStream = BytesIO() d.firstChild().writexml(byteStream, "", "", "", "", {}, "") self.assertEqual( byteStream.getvalue(), b"Hi orders!
" ) def test_trailingTextDropping(self): """ Ensure that no *trailing* text in a mal-formed no-top-level-element document(s) will not be dropped. """ s = "
Hi orders!" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=True) self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().toxml(), "
Hi orders!") byteStream = BytesIO() d.firstChild().writexml(byteStream, "", "", "", "", {}, "") self.assertEqual(byteStream.getvalue(), b"
Hi orders!") def test_noTags(self): """ A string with nothing that looks like a tag at all should just be parsed as body text. """ s = "Hi orders!" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=True) self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().toxml(), "Hi orders!") def test_surroundingCrap(self): """ If a document is surrounded by non-xml text, the text should be remain in the XML. """ s = "Hi
orders!" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=True) self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().toxml(), "Hi
orders!") def test_caseSensitiveSoonCloser(self): s = """

This is an insane set of text nodes that should NOT be gathered under the A tag above.

""" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) l = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(d.documentElement, "a") n = domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(l[0], 1).replace(" ", " ") self.assertEqual(n.find("insane"), -1) def test_lenientParenting(self): """ Test that C{parentNode} attributes are set to meaningful values when we are parsing HTML that lacks a root node. """ # Spare the rod, ruin the child. s = "

" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) self.assertIdentical( d.documentElement, d.documentElement.firstChild().parentNode ) def test_lenientParentSingle(self): """ Test that the C{parentNode} attribute is set to a meaningful value when we parse an HTML document that has a non-Element root node. """ s = "Hello" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) self.assertIdentical( d.documentElement, d.documentElement.firstChild().parentNode ) def test_unEntities(self): s = """ This HTML goes between Stupid <=CrAzY!=> Dumb. """ d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) n = domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(d) self.assertNotEqual(n.find(">"), -1) def test_emptyError(self): self.assertRaises(sux.ParseError, microdom.parseString, "") def test_tameDocument(self): s = """ test """ d = microdom.parseString(s) self.assertEqual(domhelpers.gatherTextNodes(d.documentElement).strip(), "test") def test_awfulTagSoup(self): s = """ I send you this message to have your advice!!!!</titl e </headd> <body bgcolor alink hlink vlink> <h1><BLINK>SALE</blINK> TWENTY MILLION EMAILS & FUR COAT NOW FREE WITH `ENLARGER'</h1> YES THIS WONDERFUL AWFER IS NOW HERER!!! <script LANGUAGE="javascript"> function give_answers() { if (score < 70) { alert("I hate you"); }} </script><a href=/foo.com/lalal name=foo>lalal</a> </body> </HTML> """ d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) l = domhelpers.findNodesNamed(d.documentElement, "blink") self.assertEqual(len(l), 1) def test_scriptLeniency(self): s = """ <script>(foo < bar) and (bar > foo)</script> <script language="javascript">foo </scrip bar </script> <script src="foo"> <script src="foo">baz</script> <script /><script></script> """ d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) self.assertEqual( d.firstChild().firstChild().firstChild().data, "(foo < bar) and (bar > foo)" ) self.assertEqual( d.firstChild().getElementsByTagName("script")[1].firstChild().data, "foo </scrip bar ", ) def test_scriptLeniencyIntelligence(self): # if there is comment or CDATA in script, the autoquoting in bEL mode # should not happen s = """<script><!-- lalal --></script>""" self.assertEqual( microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1).firstChild().toxml(), s ) s = """<script><![CDATA[lalal]]></script>""" self.assertEqual( microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1).firstChild().toxml(), s ) s = """<script> // <![CDATA[ lalal //]]></script>""" self.assertEqual( microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1).firstChild().toxml(), s ) def test_preserveCase(self): s = "<eNcApSuLaTe><sUxor></sUxor><bOrk><w00T>TeXt</W00t></BoRk></EnCaPsUlAtE>" s2 = s.lower().replace("text", "TeXt") # these are the only two option permutations that *can* parse the above d = microdom.parseString(s, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=1) d2 = microdom.parseString(s, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0) # caseInsensitive=0 preserveCase=0 is not valid, it's converted to # caseInsensitive=0 preserveCase=1 d3 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=1) d4 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0) d5 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=1) # this is slightly contrived, toxml() doesn't need to be identical # for the documents to be equivalent (i.e. <b></b> to <b/>), # however this assertion tests preserving case for start and # end tags while still matching stuff like <bOrk></BoRk> self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.toxml(), s) self.assertTrue(d.isEqualToDocument(d2), f"{d.toxml()!r} != {d2.toxml()!r}") self.assertTrue(d2.isEqualToDocument(d3), f"{d2.toxml()!r} != {d3.toxml()!r}") # caseInsensitive=0 on the left, NOT perserveCase=1 on the right ## XXX THIS TEST IS TURNED OFF UNTIL SOMEONE WHO CARES ABOUT FIXING IT DOES # self.assertFalse(d3.isEqualToDocument(d2), "%r == %r" % (d3.toxml(), d2.toxml())) self.assertTrue(d3.isEqualToDocument(d4), f"{d3.toxml()!r} != {d4.toxml()!r}") self.assertTrue(d4.isEqualToDocument(d5), f"{d4.toxml()!r} != {d5.toxml()!r}") def test_differentQuotes(self): s = "<test a=\"a\" b='b' />" d = microdom.parseString(s) e = d.documentElement self.assertEqual(e.getAttribute("a"), "a") self.assertEqual(e.getAttribute("b"), "b") def test_Linebreaks(self): s = '<test \na="a"\n\tb="#b" />' d = microdom.parseString(s) e = d.documentElement self.assertEqual(e.getAttribute("a"), "a") self.assertEqual(e.getAttribute("b"), "#b") def test_mismatchedTags(self): for s in "<test>", "<test> </tset>", "</test>": self.assertRaises(microdom.MismatchedTags, microdom.parseString, s) def test_comment(self): s = "<bar><!--<foo />--></bar>" d = microdom.parseString(s) e = d.documentElement self.assertEqual(e.nodeName, "bar") c = e.childNodes[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, microdom.Comment)) self.assertEqual(c.value, "<foo />") c2 = c.cloneNode() self.assertTrue(c is not c2) self.assertEqual(c2.toxml(), "<!--<foo />-->") def test_text(self): d = microdom.parseString("<bar>xxxx</bar>").documentElement text = d.childNodes[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(text, microdom.Text)) self.assertEqual(text.value, "xxxx") clone = text.cloneNode() self.assertTrue(clone is not text) self.assertEqual(clone.toxml(), "xxxx") def test_entities(self): nodes = microdom.parseString("<b>& AB;</b>").documentElement.childNodes self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 2) self.assertEqual(nodes[0].data, "&") self.assertEqual(nodes[1].data, " AB;") self.assertEqual(nodes[0].cloneNode().toxml(), "&") for n in nodes: self.assertTrue(isinstance(n, microdom.EntityReference)) def test_CData(self): s = "<x><![CDATA[</x>\r\n & foo]]></x>" cdata = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement.childNodes[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(cdata, microdom.CDATASection)) self.assertEqual(cdata.data, "</x>\r\n & foo") self.assertEqual(cdata.cloneNode().toxml(), "<![CDATA[</x>\r\n & foo]]>") def test_singletons(self): s = "<foo><b/><b /><b\n/></foo>" s2 = "<foo><b/><b/><b/></foo>" nodes = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement.childNodes nodes2 = microdom.parseString(s2).documentElement.childNodes self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 3) for (n, n2) in zip(nodes, nodes2): self.assertTrue(isinstance(n, microdom.Element)) self.assertEqual(n.nodeName, "b") self.assertTrue(n.isEqualToNode(n2)) def test_attributes(self): s = '<foo a="b" />' node = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement self.assertEqual(node.getAttribute("a"), "b") self.assertEqual(node.getAttribute("c"), None) self.assertTrue(node.hasAttribute("a")) self.assertTrue(not node.hasAttribute("c")) a = node.getAttributeNode("a") self.assertEqual(a.value, "b") node.setAttribute("foo", "bar") self.assertEqual(node.getAttribute("foo"), "bar") def test_children(self): s = "<foo><bar /><baz /><bax>foo</bax></foo>" d = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement self.assertEqual([n.nodeName for n in d.childNodes], ["bar", "baz", "bax"]) self.assertEqual(d.lastChild().nodeName, "bax") self.assertEqual(d.firstChild().nodeName, "bar") self.assertTrue(d.hasChildNodes()) self.assertTrue(not d.firstChild().hasChildNodes()) def test_mutate(self): s = "<foo />" s1 = '<foo a="b"><bar/><foo/></foo>' s2 = '<foo a="b">foo</foo>' d = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement d1 = microdom.parseString(s1).documentElement d2 = microdom.parseString(s2).documentElement d.appendChild(d.cloneNode()) d.setAttribute("a", "b") child = d.childNodes[0] self.assertEqual(child.getAttribute("a"), None) self.assertEqual(child.nodeName, "foo") d.insertBefore(microdom.Element("bar"), child) self.assertEqual(d.childNodes[0].nodeName, "bar") self.assertEqual(d.childNodes[1], child) for n in d.childNodes: self.assertEqual(n.parentNode, d) self.assertTrue(d.isEqualToNode(d1)) d.removeChild(child) self.assertEqual(len(d.childNodes), 1) self.assertEqual(d.childNodes[0].nodeName, "bar") t = microdom.Text("foo") d.replaceChild(t, d.firstChild()) self.assertEqual(d.firstChild(), t) self.assertTrue(d.isEqualToNode(d2)) def test_replaceNonChild(self): """ L{Node.replaceChild} raises L{ValueError} if the node given to be replaced is not a child of the node C{replaceChild} is called on. """ parent = microdom.parseString("<foo />") orphan = microdom.parseString("<bar />") replacement = microdom.parseString("<baz />") self.assertRaises(ValueError, parent.replaceChild, replacement, orphan) def test_search(self): s = "<foo><bar id='me' /><baz><foo /></baz></foo>" s2 = "<fOo><bAr id='me' /><bAz><fOO /></bAz></fOo>" d = microdom.parseString(s) d2 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=1) d3 = microdom.parseString(s2, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=1) root = d.documentElement self.assertEqual(root.firstChild(), d.getElementById("me")) self.assertEqual( d.getElementsByTagName("foo"), [root, root.lastChild().firstChild()] ) root = d2.documentElement self.assertEqual(root.firstChild(), d2.getElementById("me")) self.assertEqual(d2.getElementsByTagName("fOo"), [root]) self.assertEqual( d2.getElementsByTagName("fOO"), [root.lastChild().firstChild()] ) self.assertEqual(d2.getElementsByTagName("foo"), []) root = d3.documentElement self.assertEqual(root.firstChild(), d3.getElementById("me")) self.assertEqual( d3.getElementsByTagName("FOO"), [root, root.lastChild().firstChild()] ) self.assertEqual( d3.getElementsByTagName("fOo"), [root, root.lastChild().firstChild()] ) def test_doctype(self): s = ( '<?xml version="1.0"?>' '<!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "baz" "http://www.example.com/example.dtd">' "<foo></foo>" ) s2 = "<foo/>" d = microdom.parseString(s) d2 = microdom.parseString(s2) self.assertEqual( d.doctype, 'foo PUBLIC "baz" "http://www.example.com/example.dtd"' ) self.assertEqual(d.toxml(), s) self.assertFalse(d.isEqualToDocument(d2)) self.assertTrue(d.documentElement.isEqualToNode(d2.documentElement)) samples = [ ("<img/>", "<img />"), ("<foo A='b'>x</foo>", '<foo A="b">x</foo>'), ("<foo><BAR /></foo>", "<foo><BAR></BAR></foo>"), ("<foo>hello there & yoyoy</foo>", "<foo>hello there & yoyoy</foo>"), ] def test_output(self): for s, out in self.samples: d = microdom.parseString(s, caseInsensitive=0) d2 = microdom.parseString(out, caseInsensitive=0) testOut = d.documentElement.toxml() self.assertEqual(out, testOut) self.assertTrue(d.isEqualToDocument(d2)) def test_errors(self): for s in ["<foo>&am</foo>", "<foo", "<f>&</f>", "<() />"]: self.assertRaises(Exception, microdom.parseString, s) def test_caseInsensitive(self): s = "<foo a='b'><BAx>x</bax></FOO>" s2 = '<foo a="b"><bax>x</bax></foo>' s3 = "<FOO a='b'><BAx>x</BAx></FOO>" s4 = "<foo A='b'>x</foo>" d = microdom.parseString(s) d2 = microdom.parseString(s2) d3 = microdom.parseString(s3, caseInsensitive=1) d4 = microdom.parseString(s4, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=1) d5 = microdom.parseString(s4, caseInsensitive=1, preserveCase=0) d6 = microdom.parseString(s4, caseInsensitive=0, preserveCase=0) out = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement.toxml() self.assertRaises( microdom.MismatchedTags, microdom.parseString, s, caseInsensitive=0 ) self.assertEqual(out, s2) self.assertTrue(d.isEqualToDocument(d2)) self.assertTrue(d.isEqualToDocument(d3)) self.assertTrue(d4.documentElement.hasAttribute("a")) self.assertFalse(d6.documentElement.hasAttribute("a")) self.assertEqual(d4.documentElement.toxml(), '<foo A="b">x</foo>') self.assertEqual(d5.documentElement.toxml(), '<foo a="b">x</foo>') def test_eatingWhitespace(self): s = """<hello> </hello>""" d = microdom.parseString(s) self.assertTrue( not d.documentElement.hasChildNodes(), d.documentElement.childNodes ) self.assertTrue(d.isEqualToDocument(microdom.parseString("<hello></hello>"))) def test_lenientAmpersand(self): prefix = "<?xml version='1.0'?>" # we use <pre> so space will be preserved for i, o in [ ("&", "&"), ("& ", "& "), ("&", "&"), ("&hello monkey", "&hello monkey"), ]: d = microdom.parseString(f"{prefix}<pre>{i}</pre>", beExtremelyLenient=1) self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.toxml(), "<pre>%s</pre>" % o) # non-space preserving d = microdom.parseString("<t>hello & there</t>", beExtremelyLenient=1) self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.toxml(), "<t>hello & there</t>") def test_insensitiveLenient(self): # testing issue #537 d = microdom.parseString( "<?xml version='1.0'?><bar><xA><y>c</Xa> <foo></bar>", beExtremelyLenient=1 ) self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.firstChild().toxml(), "<xa><y>c</y></xa>") def test_laterCloserSimple(self): s = "<ul><li>foo<li>bar<li>baz</ul>" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) expected = "<ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li><li>baz</li></ul>" actual = d.documentElement.toxml() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_laterCloserCaseInsensitive(self): s = "<DL><p><DT>foo<DD>bar</DL>" d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) expected = "<dl><p></p><dt>foo</dt><dd>bar</dd></dl>" actual = d.documentElement.toxml() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_laterCloserDL(self): s = ( "<dl>" "<dt>word<dd>definition" "<dt>word<dt>word<dd>definition<dd>definition" "</dl>" ) expected = ( "<dl>" "<dt>word</dt><dd>definition</dd>" "<dt>word</dt><dt>word</dt><dd>definition</dd><dd>definition</dd>" "</dl>" ) d = microdom.parseString(s, beExtremelyLenient=1) actual = d.documentElement.toxml() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_unicodeTolerance(self): import struct s = "<foo><bar><baz /></bar></foo>" j = ( '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UCS-2" ?>\r\n<JAPANESE>\r\n' "<TITLE>\u5c02\u9580\u5bb6\u30ea\u30b9\u30c8 " ) j2 = ( b"\xff\xfe<\x00?\x00x\x00m\x00l\x00 \x00v\x00e\x00r\x00s\x00i\x00o" b'\x00n\x00=\x00"\x001\x00.\x000\x00"\x00 \x00e\x00n\x00c\x00o\x00d' b'\x00i\x00n\x00g\x00=\x00"\x00U\x00C\x00S\x00-\x002\x00"\x00 \x00?' b"\x00>\x00\r\x00\n\x00<\x00J\x00A\x00P\x00A\x00N\x00E\x00S\x00E" b"\x00>\x00\r\x00\n\x00<\x00T\x00I\x00T\x00L\x00E\x00>\x00\x02\\" b"\x80\x95\xb6[\xea0\xb90\xc80 \x00<\x00/\x00T\x00I\x00T\x00L\x00E" b"\x00>\x00<\x00/\x00J\x00A\x00P\x00A\x00N\x00E\x00S\x00E\x00>\x00" ) def reverseBytes(s): fmt = str(len(s) // 2) + "H" return struct.pack("<" + fmt, *struct.unpack(">" + fmt, s)) urd = microdom.parseString(reverseBytes(s.encode("UTF-16"))) ud = microdom.parseString(s.encode("UTF-16")) sd = microdom.parseString(s) self.assertTrue(ud.isEqualToDocument(sd)) self.assertTrue(ud.isEqualToDocument(urd)) ud = microdom.parseString(j) urd = microdom.parseString(reverseBytes(j2)) sd = microdom.parseString(j2) self.assertTrue(ud.isEqualToDocument(sd)) self.assertTrue(ud.isEqualToDocument(urd)) # test that raw text still gets encoded # test that comments get encoded j3 = microdom.parseString("") hdr = '' div = microdom.lmx().text("\u221a", raw=1).node de = j3.documentElement de.appendChild(div) de.appendChild(j3.createComment("\u221a")) self.assertEqual( j3.toxml(), (hdr + "
") ) def test_namedChildren(self): tests = { "asdfadsf" "": 3, "asdf": 0, "": 1, } for t in tests.keys(): node = microdom.parseString(t).documentElement result = domhelpers.namedChildren(node, "bar") self.assertEqual(len(result), tests[t]) if result: self.assertTrue(hasattr(result[0], "tagName")) def test_cloneNode(self): s = 'x' node = microdom.parseString(s).documentElement clone = node.cloneNode(deep=1) self.failIfEquals(node, clone) self.assertEqual(len(node.childNodes), len(clone.childNodes)) c1, c2 = node.firstChild(), clone.firstChild() self.failIfEquals(c1, c2) self.assertEqual(len(c1.childNodes), len(c2.childNodes)) self.failIfEquals(c1.firstChild(), c2.firstChild()) self.assertEqual(s, clone.toxml()) self.assertEqual(node.namespace, clone.namespace) def test_cloneDocument(self): s = ( '' '' ) node = microdom.parseString(s) clone = node.cloneNode(deep=1) self.failIfEquals(node, clone) self.assertEqual(len(node.childNodes), len(clone.childNodes)) self.assertEqual(s, clone.toxml()) self.assertTrue(clone.isEqualToDocument(node)) self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToDocument(clone)) def test_LMX(self): n = microdom.Element("p") lmx = microdom.lmx(n) lmx.text("foo") b = lmx.b(a="c") b.foo()["z"] = "foo" b.foo() b.add("bar", c="y") s = '


' self.assertEqual(s, n.toxml()) def test_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary which is hashable. """ n = microdom.Element("p") hash(n) def test_escaping(self): # issue 590 raw = "&'some \"stuff\"', " cooked = "&'some "stuff"', <what up?>" esc1 = microdom.escape(raw) self.assertEqual(esc1, cooked) self.assertEqual(microdom.unescape(esc1), raw) def test_namespaces(self): s = """ here is some space """ d = microdom.parseString(s) # at least make sure it doesn't traceback s2 = d.toprettyxml() self.assertEqual(d.documentElement.namespace, "base") self.assertEqual( d.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("y")[0].namespace, "base" ) self.assertEqual( d.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("y")[1].getAttributeNS("base", "q"), "1", ) d2 = microdom.parseString(s2) self.assertEqual(d2.documentElement.namespace, "base") self.assertEqual( d2.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("y")[0].namespace, "base" ) self.assertEqual( d2.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("y")[1].getAttributeNS("base", "q"), "1", ) def test_namespaceDelete(self): """ Test that C{toxml} can support xml structures that remove namespaces. """ s1 = ( '' '' ) s2 = microdom.parseString(s1).toxml() self.assertEqual(s1, s2) def test_namespaceInheritance(self): """ Check that unspecified namespace is a thing separate from undefined namespace. This test added after discovering some weirdness in Lore. """ # will only work if childNodes is mutated. not sure why. child = microdom.Element("ol") parent = microdom.Element("div", namespace="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml") parent.childNodes = [child] self.assertEqual( parent.toxml(), '
    ' ) def test_prefixedTags(self): """ XML elements with a prefixed name as per upper level tag definition have a start-tag of C{""} and an end-tag of C{""}. Refer to U{http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/#ns-using} for details. """ outerNamespace = "http://example.com/outer" innerNamespace = "http://example.com/inner" document = microdom.Document() # Create the root in one namespace. Microdom will probably make this # the default namespace. root = document.createElement("root", namespace=outerNamespace) # Give the root some prefixes to use. root.addPrefixes({innerNamespace: "inner"}) # Append a child to the root from the namespace that prefix is bound # to. tag = document.createElement("tag", namespace=innerNamespace) # Give that tag a child too. This way we test rendering of tags with # children and without children. child = document.createElement("child", namespace=innerNamespace) tag.appendChild(child) root.appendChild(tag) document.appendChild(root) # ok, the xml should appear like this xmlOk = ( '' '' "" "" ) xmlOut = document.toxml() self.assertEqual(xmlOut, xmlOk) def test_prefixPropagation(self): """ Children of prefixed tags respect the default namespace at the point where they are rendered. Specifically, they are not influenced by the prefix of their parent as that prefix has no bearing on them. See U{http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/#scoping} for details. To further clarify the matter, the following:: Should become this after all the namespace declarations have been I{moved up}:: """ outerNamespace = "http://example.com/outer" innerNamespace = "http://example.com/inner" document = microdom.Document() # creates a root element root = document.createElement("root", namespace=outerNamespace) document.appendChild(root) # Create a child with a specific namespace with a prefix bound to it. root.addPrefixes({innerNamespace: "inner"}) mytag = document.createElement("mytag", namespace=innerNamespace) root.appendChild(mytag) # Create a child of that which has the outer namespace. mysubtag = document.createElement("mysubtag", namespace=outerNamespace) mytag.appendChild(mysubtag) xmlOk = ( '' '' "" "" "" "" ) xmlOut = document.toxml() self.assertEqual(xmlOut, xmlOk) class BrokenHTMLTests(TestCase): """ Tests for when microdom encounters very bad HTML and C{beExtremelyLenient} is enabled. These tests are inspired by some HTML generated in by a mailer, which breaks up very long lines by splitting them with '!\\n '. The expected behaviour is loosely modelled on the way Firefox treats very bad HTML. """ def checkParsed(self, input, expected, beExtremelyLenient=1): """ Check that C{input}, when parsed, produces a DOM where the XML of the document element is equal to C{expected}. """ output = microdom.parseString(input, beExtremelyLenient=beExtremelyLenient) self.assertEqual(output.documentElement.toxml(), expected) def test_brokenAttributeName(self): """ Check that microdom does its best to handle broken attribute names. The important thing is that it doesn't raise an exception. """ input = '


    ' expected = '

    ' "Foo

    " self.checkParsed(input, expected) def test_brokenAttributeValue(self): """ Check that microdom encompasses broken attribute values. """ input = '


    ' expected = '


    ' self.checkParsed(input, expected) def test_brokenOpeningTag(self): """ Check that microdom does its best to handle broken opening tags. The important thing is that it doesn't raise an exception. """ input = "

    Hello World!

    " expected = '

    Hello World!

    ' self.checkParsed(input, expected) def test_brokenSelfClosingTag(self): """ Check that microdom does its best to handle broken self-closing tags The important thing is that it doesn't raise an exception. """ self.checkParsed("", "") self.checkParsed("", "") def test_brokenClosingTag(self): """ Check that microdom does its best to handle broken closing tags. The important thing is that it doesn't raise an exception. """ input = "

    Hello World!

    " expected = "

    Hello World!

    " self.checkParsed(input, expected) input = "

    Hello World!

    " self.checkParsed(input, expected) input = "

    Hello World!

    " self.checkParsed(input, expected) input = "

    Hello World!

    " expected = "

    Hello World!

    " self.checkParsed(input, expected) class NodeTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{Node}. """ def test_isNodeEqualTo(self): """ L{Node.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{Node} with the same children. """ # A node is equal to itself node = microdom.Node(object()) self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToNode(node)) another = microdom.Node(object()) # Two nodes with no children are equal self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToNode(another)) node.appendChild(microdom.Node(object())) # A node with no children is not equal to a node with a child self.assertFalse(node.isEqualToNode(another)) another.appendChild(microdom.Node(object())) # A node with a child and no grandchildren is equal to another node # with a child and no grandchildren. self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToNode(another)) # A node with a child and a grandchild is not equal to another node # with a child and no grandchildren. node.firstChild().appendChild(microdom.Node(object())) self.assertFalse(node.isEqualToNode(another)) # A node with a child and a grandchild is equal to another node with a # child and a grandchild. another.firstChild().appendChild(microdom.Node(object())) self.assertTrue(node.isEqualToNode(another)) def test_validChildInstance(self): """ Children of L{Node} instances must also be L{Node} instances. """ node = microdom.Node() child = microdom.Node() # Node.appendChild() only accepts Node instances. node.appendChild(child) self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.appendChild, None) # Node.insertBefore() only accepts Node instances. self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.insertBefore, child, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.insertBefore, None, child) self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.insertBefore, None, None) # Node.removeChild() only accepts Node instances. node.removeChild(child) self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.removeChild, None) # Node.replaceChild() only accepts Node instances. self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.replaceChild, child, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.replaceChild, None, child) self.assertRaises(TypeError, node.replaceChild, None, None) class DocumentTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{Document}. """ doctype = 'foo PUBLIC "baz" "http://www.example.com/example.dtd"' def test_isEqualToNode(self): """ L{Document.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{Document} with the same C{doctype} and C{documentElement}. """ # A document is equal to itself document = microdom.Document() self.assertTrue(document.isEqualToNode(document)) # A document without a doctype or documentElement is equal to another # document without a doctype or documentElement. another = microdom.Document() self.assertTrue(document.isEqualToNode(another)) # A document with a doctype is not equal to a document without a # doctype. document.doctype = self.doctype self.assertFalse(document.isEqualToNode(another)) # Two documents with the same doctype are equal another.doctype = self.doctype self.assertTrue(document.isEqualToNode(another)) # A document with a documentElement is not equal to a document without # a documentElement document.appendChild(microdom.Node(object())) self.assertFalse(document.isEqualToNode(another)) # Two documents with equal documentElements are equal. another.appendChild(microdom.Node(object())) self.assertTrue(document.isEqualToNode(another)) # Two documents with documentElements which are not equal are not # equal. document.documentElement.appendChild(microdom.Node(object())) self.assertFalse(document.isEqualToNode(another)) def test_childRestriction(self): """ L{Document.appendChild} raises L{ValueError} if the document already has a child. """ document = microdom.Document() child = microdom.Node() another = microdom.Node() document.appendChild(child) self.assertRaises(ValueError, document.appendChild, another) class EntityReferenceTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{EntityReference}. """ def test_isEqualToNode(self): """ L{EntityReference.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{EntityReference} with the same C{eref}. """ self.assertTrue( microdom.EntityReference("quot").isEqualToNode( microdom.EntityReference("quot") ) ) self.assertFalse( microdom.EntityReference("quot").isEqualToNode( microdom.EntityReference("apos") ) ) class CharacterDataTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{CharacterData}. """ def test_isEqualToNode(self): """ L{CharacterData.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{CharacterData} with the same value. """ self.assertTrue( microdom.CharacterData("foo").isEqualToNode(microdom.CharacterData("foo")) ) self.assertFalse( microdom.CharacterData("foo").isEqualToNode(microdom.CharacterData("bar")) ) class CommentTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{Comment}. """ def test_isEqualToNode(self): """ L{Comment.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{Comment} with the same value. """ self.assertTrue(microdom.Comment("foo").isEqualToNode(microdom.Comment("foo"))) self.assertFalse(microdom.Comment("foo").isEqualToNode(microdom.Comment("bar"))) class TextTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{Text}. """ def test_isEqualToNode(self): """ L{Text.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{Text} which represents the same data. """ self.assertTrue( microdom.Text("foo", raw=True).isEqualToNode(microdom.Text("foo", raw=True)) ) self.assertFalse( microdom.Text("foo", raw=True).isEqualToNode( microdom.Text("foo", raw=False) ) ) self.assertFalse( microdom.Text("foo", raw=True).isEqualToNode(microdom.Text("bar", raw=True)) ) class CDATASectionTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{CDATASection}. """ def test_isEqualToNode(self): """ L{CDATASection.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{CDATASection} which represents the same data. """ self.assertTrue( microdom.CDATASection("foo").isEqualToNode(microdom.CDATASection("foo")) ) self.assertFalse( microdom.CDATASection("foo").isEqualToNode(microdom.CDATASection("bar")) ) class ElementTests(TestCase): """ Tests for L{Element}. """ def test_isEqualToNode(self): """ L{Element.isEqualToNode} returns C{True} if and only if passed a L{Element} with the same C{nodeName}, C{namespace}, C{childNodes}, and C{attributes}. """ self.assertTrue( microdom.Element( "foo", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="bar" ).isEqualToNode( microdom.Element("foo", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="bar") ) ) # Elements with different nodeName values do not compare equal. self.assertFalse( microdom.Element( "foo", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="bar" ).isEqualToNode( microdom.Element("bar", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="bar") ) ) # Elements with different namespaces do not compare equal. self.assertFalse( microdom.Element( "foo", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="bar" ).isEqualToNode( microdom.Element("foo", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="baz") ) ) # Elements with different childNodes do not compare equal. one = microdom.Element("foo", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="bar") two = microdom.Element("foo", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="bar") two.appendChild(microdom.Node(object())) self.assertFalse(one.isEqualToNode(two)) # Elements with different attributes do not compare equal. self.assertFalse( microdom.Element( "foo", {"a": "b"}, object(), namespace="bar" ).isEqualToNode( microdom.Element("foo", {"a": "c"}, object(), namespace="bar") ) )