# -*- test-case-name: twisted.words.test -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ A temporary placeholder for client-capable strports, until we sufficient use cases get identified """ from twisted.internet.endpoints import _parse def _parseTCPSSL(factory, domain, port): """For the moment, parse TCP or SSL connections the same""" return (domain, int(port), factory), {} def _parseUNIX(factory, address): return (address, factory), {} _funcs = {"tcp": _parseTCPSSL, "unix": _parseUNIX, "ssl": _parseTCPSSL} def parse(description, factory): args, kw = _parse(description) return (args[0].upper(),) + _funcs[args[0]](factory, *args[1:], **kw) def client(description, factory): from twisted.application import internet name, args, kw = parse(description, factory) return getattr(internet, name + "Client")(*args, **kw)