import warnings from .groupby import DataArrayGroupBy, DatasetGroupBy RESAMPLE_DIM = "__resample_dim__" class Resample: """An object that extends the `GroupBy` object with additional logic for handling specialized re-sampling operations. You should create a `Resample` object by using the `DataArray.resample` or `Dataset.resample` methods. The dimension along re-sampling See Also -------- DataArray.resample Dataset.resample """ def _upsample(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """Dispatch function to call appropriate up-sampling methods on data. This method should not be called directly; instead, use one of the wrapper functions supplied by `Resample`. Parameters ---------- method : {"asfreq", "pad", "ffill", "backfill", "bfill", "nearest", \ "interpolate"} Method to use for up-sampling See Also -------- Resample.asfreq Resample.pad Resample.backfill Resample.interpolate """ upsampled_index = self._full_index # Drop non-dimension coordinates along the resampled dimension for k, v in self._obj.coords.items(): if k == self._dim: continue if self._dim in v.dims: self._obj = self._obj.drop_vars(k) if method == "asfreq": return self.mean(self._dim) elif method in ["pad", "ffill", "backfill", "bfill", "nearest"]: kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs.update(**{self._dim: upsampled_index}) return self._obj.reindex(method=method, *args, **kwargs) elif method == "interpolate": return self._interpolate(*args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError( 'Specified method was "{}" but must be one of' '"asfreq", "ffill", "bfill", or "interpolate"'.format(method) ) def asfreq(self): """Return values of original object at the new up-sampling frequency; essentially a re-index with new times set to NaN. """ return self._upsample("asfreq") def pad(self, tolerance=None): """Forward fill new values at up-sampled frequency. Parameters ---------- tolerance : optional Maximum distance between original and new labels to limit the up-sampling method. Up-sampled data with indices that satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance`` are filled by new values. Data with indices that are outside the given tolerance are filled with ``NaN`` s """ return self._upsample("pad", tolerance=tolerance) ffill = pad def backfill(self, tolerance=None): """Backward fill new values at up-sampled frequency. Parameters ---------- tolerance : optional Maximum distance between original and new labels to limit the up-sampling method. Up-sampled data with indices that satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance`` are filled by new values. Data with indices that are outside the given tolerance are filled with ``NaN`` s """ return self._upsample("backfill", tolerance=tolerance) bfill = backfill def nearest(self, tolerance=None): """Take new values from nearest original coordinate to up-sampled frequency coordinates. Parameters ---------- tolerance : optional Maximum distance between original and new labels to limit the up-sampling method. Up-sampled data with indices that satisfy the equation ``abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance`` are filled by new values. Data with indices that are outside the given tolerance are filled with ``NaN`` s """ return self._upsample("nearest", tolerance=tolerance) def interpolate(self, kind="linear"): """Interpolate up-sampled data using the original data as knots. Parameters ---------- kind : {"linear", "nearest", "zero", "slinear", \ "quadratic", "cubic"}, default: "linear" Interpolation scheme to use See Also -------- scipy.interpolate.interp1d """ return self._interpolate(kind=kind) def _interpolate(self, kind="linear"): """Apply scipy.interpolate.interp1d along resampling dimension.""" # drop any existing non-dimension coordinates along the resampling # dimension dummy = self._obj.copy() for k, v in self._obj.coords.items(): if k != self._dim and self._dim in v.dims: dummy = dummy.drop_vars(k) return dummy.interp( assume_sorted=True, method=kind, kwargs={"bounds_error": False}, **{self._dim: self._full_index}, ) class DataArrayResample(DataArrayGroupBy, Resample): """DataArrayGroupBy object specialized to time resampling operations over a specified dimension """ def __init__(self, *args, dim=None, resample_dim=None, **kwargs): if dim == resample_dim: raise ValueError( "Proxy resampling dimension ('{}') " "cannot have the same name as actual dimension " "('{}')! ".format(resample_dim, dim) ) self._dim = dim self._resample_dim = resample_dim super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def map(self, func, shortcut=False, args=(), **kwargs): """Apply a function to each array in the group and concatenate them together into a new array. `func` is called like `func(ar, *args, **kwargs)` for each array `ar` in this group. Apply uses heuristics (like `pandas.GroupBy.apply`) to figure out how to stack together the array. The rule is: 1. If the dimension along which the group coordinate is defined is still in the first grouped array after applying `func`, then stack over this dimension. 2. Otherwise, stack over the new dimension given by name of this grouping (the argument to the `groupby` function). Parameters ---------- func : callable Callable to apply to each array. shortcut : bool, optional Whether or not to shortcut evaluation under the assumptions that: (1) The action of `func` does not depend on any of the array metadata (attributes or coordinates) but only on the data and dimensions. (2) The action of `func` creates arrays with homogeneous metadata, that is, with the same dimensions and attributes. If these conditions are satisfied `shortcut` provides significant speedup. This should be the case for many common groupby operations (e.g., applying numpy ufuncs). args : tuple, optional Positional arguments passed on to `func`. **kwargs Used to call `func(ar, **kwargs)` for each array `ar`. Returns ------- applied : DataArray or DataArray The result of splitting, applying and combining this array. """ # TODO: the argument order for Resample doesn't match that for its parent, # GroupBy combined = super().map(func, shortcut=shortcut, args=args, **kwargs) # If the aggregation function didn't drop the original resampling # dimension, then we need to do so before we can rename the proxy # dimension we used. if self._dim in combined.coords: combined = combined.drop_vars(self._dim) if self._resample_dim in combined.dims: combined = combined.rename({self._resample_dim: self._dim}) return combined def apply(self, func, args=(), shortcut=None, **kwargs): """ Backward compatible implementation of ``map`` See Also -------- """ warnings.warn( "Resample.apply may be deprecated in the future. Using is encouraged", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return, shortcut=shortcut, args=args, **kwargs) class DatasetResample(DatasetGroupBy, Resample): """DatasetGroupBy object specialized to resampling a specified dimension""" def __init__(self, *args, dim=None, resample_dim=None, **kwargs): if dim == resample_dim: raise ValueError( "Proxy resampling dimension ('{}') " "cannot have the same name as actual dimension " "('{}')! ".format(resample_dim, dim) ) self._dim = dim self._resample_dim = resample_dim super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def map(self, func, args=(), shortcut=None, **kwargs): """Apply a function over each Dataset in the groups generated for resampling and concatenate them together into a new Dataset. `func` is called like `func(ds, *args, **kwargs)` for each dataset `ds` in this group. Apply uses heuristics (like `pandas.GroupBy.apply`) to figure out how to stack together the datasets. The rule is: 1. If the dimension along which the group coordinate is defined is still in the first grouped item after applying `func`, then stack over this dimension. 2. Otherwise, stack over the new dimension given by name of this grouping (the argument to the `groupby` function). Parameters ---------- func : callable Callable to apply to each sub-dataset. args : tuple, optional Positional arguments passed on to `func`. **kwargs Used to call `func(ds, **kwargs)` for each sub-dataset `ar`. Returns ------- applied : Dataset or DataArray The result of splitting, applying and combining this dataset. """ # ignore shortcut if set (for now) applied = (func(ds, *args, **kwargs) for ds in self._iter_grouped()) combined = self._combine(applied) return combined.rename({self._resample_dim: self._dim}) def apply(self, func, args=(), shortcut=None, **kwargs): """ Backward compatible implementation of ``map`` See Also -------- """ warnings.warn( "Resample.apply may be deprecated in the future. Using is encouraged", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return, shortcut=shortcut, args=args, **kwargs) def reduce(self, func, dim=None, keep_attrs=None, **kwargs): """Reduce the items in this group by applying `func` along the pre-defined resampling dimension. Parameters ---------- func : callable Function which can be called in the form `func(x, axis=axis, **kwargs)` to return the result of collapsing an np.ndarray over an integer valued axis. dim : str or sequence of str, optional Dimension(s) over which to apply `func`. keep_attrs : bool, optional If True, the datasets's attributes (`attrs`) will be copied from the original object to the new one. If False (default), the new object will be returned without attributes. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments passed on to `func`. Returns ------- reduced : Array Array with summarized data and the indicated dimension(s) removed. """ return super().reduce(func, dim, keep_attrs, **kwargs)