import importlib import platform import warnings from contextlib import contextmanager from distutils import version from unittest import mock # noqa: F401 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal # noqa: F401 from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal # noqa: F401 import xarray.testing from xarray import Dataset from xarray.core import utils from xarray.core.duck_array_ops import allclose_or_equiv # noqa: F401 from xarray.core.indexing import ExplicitlyIndexed from xarray.core.options import set_options from xarray.testing import ( # noqa: F401 assert_chunks_equal, assert_duckarray_allclose, assert_duckarray_equal, ) # import mpl and change the backend before other mpl imports try: import matplotlib as mpl # Order of imports is important here. # Using a different backend makes Travis CI work mpl.use("Agg") except ImportError: pass arm_xfail = pytest.mark.xfail( platform.machine() == "aarch64" or "arm" in platform.machine(), reason="expected failure on ARM", ) def _importorskip(modname, minversion=None): try: mod = importlib.import_module(modname) has = True if minversion is not None: if LooseVersion(mod.__version__) < LooseVersion(minversion): raise ImportError("Minimum version not satisfied") except ImportError: has = False func = pytest.mark.skipif(not has, reason=f"requires {modname}") return has, func def LooseVersion(vstring): # Our development version is something like '0.10.9+aac7bfc' # This function just ignored the git commit id. vstring = vstring.split("+")[0] return version.LooseVersion(vstring) has_matplotlib, requires_matplotlib = _importorskip("matplotlib") has_scipy, requires_scipy = _importorskip("scipy") has_pydap, requires_pydap = _importorskip("pydap.client") has_netCDF4, requires_netCDF4 = _importorskip("netCDF4") has_h5netcdf, requires_h5netcdf = _importorskip("h5netcdf") has_pynio, requires_pynio = _importorskip("Nio") has_pseudonetcdf, requires_pseudonetcdf = _importorskip("PseudoNetCDF") has_cftime, requires_cftime = _importorskip("cftime") has_cftime_1_4_1, requires_cftime_1_4_1 = _importorskip("cftime", minversion="1.4.1") has_dask, requires_dask = _importorskip("dask") has_bottleneck, requires_bottleneck = _importorskip("bottleneck") has_nc_time_axis, requires_nc_time_axis = _importorskip("nc_time_axis") has_rasterio, requires_rasterio = _importorskip("rasterio") has_zarr, requires_zarr = _importorskip("zarr") has_fsspec, requires_fsspec = _importorskip("fsspec") has_iris, requires_iris = _importorskip("iris") has_cfgrib, requires_cfgrib = _importorskip("cfgrib") has_numbagg, requires_numbagg = _importorskip("numbagg") has_seaborn, requires_seaborn = _importorskip("seaborn") has_sparse, requires_sparse = _importorskip("sparse") has_cupy, requires_cupy = _importorskip("cupy") has_cartopy, requires_cartopy = _importorskip("cartopy") has_pint, requires_pint = _importorskip("pint") has_numexpr, requires_numexpr = _importorskip("numexpr") # some special cases has_scipy_or_netCDF4 = has_scipy or has_netCDF4 requires_scipy_or_netCDF4 = pytest.mark.skipif( not has_scipy_or_netCDF4, reason="requires scipy or netCDF4" ) # change some global options for tests set_options(warn_for_unclosed_files=True) if has_dask: import dask dask.config.set(scheduler="single-threaded") class CountingScheduler: """Simple dask scheduler counting the number of computes. Reference:""" def __init__(self, max_computes=0): self.total_computes = 0 self.max_computes = max_computes def __call__(self, dsk, keys, **kwargs): self.total_computes += 1 if self.total_computes > self.max_computes: raise RuntimeError( "Too many computes. Total: %d > max: %d." % (self.total_computes, self.max_computes) ) return dask.get(dsk, keys, **kwargs) @contextmanager def dummy_context(): yield None def raise_if_dask_computes(max_computes=0): # return a dummy context manager so that this can be used for non-dask objects if not has_dask: return dummy_context() scheduler = CountingScheduler(max_computes) return dask.config.set(scheduler=scheduler) flaky = pytest.mark.flaky network = class UnexpectedDataAccess(Exception): pass class InaccessibleArray(utils.NDArrayMixin, ExplicitlyIndexed): def __init__(self, array): self.array = array def __getitem__(self, key): raise UnexpectedDataAccess("Tried accessing data") class ReturnItem: def __getitem__(self, key): return key class IndexerMaker: def __init__(self, indexer_cls): self._indexer_cls = indexer_cls def __getitem__(self, key): if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,) return self._indexer_cls(key) def source_ndarray(array): """Given an ndarray, return the base object which holds its memory, or the object itself. """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "DatetimeIndex.base") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "TimedeltaIndex.base") base = getattr(array, "base", np.asarray(array).base) if base is None: base = array return base # Internal versions of xarray's test functions that validate additional # invariants def assert_equal(a, b): __tracebackhide__ = True xarray.testing.assert_equal(a, b) xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(a) xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(b) def assert_identical(a, b): __tracebackhide__ = True xarray.testing.assert_identical(a, b) xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(a) xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(b) def assert_allclose(a, b, **kwargs): __tracebackhide__ = True xarray.testing.assert_allclose(a, b, **kwargs) xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(a) xarray.testing._assert_internal_invariants(b) def create_test_data(seed=None, add_attrs=True): rs = np.random.RandomState(seed) _vars = { "var1": ["dim1", "dim2"], "var2": ["dim1", "dim2"], "var3": ["dim3", "dim1"], } _dims = {"dim1": 8, "dim2": 9, "dim3": 10} obj = Dataset() obj["dim2"] = ("dim2", 0.5 * np.arange(_dims["dim2"])) obj["dim3"] = ("dim3", list("abcdefghij")) obj["time"] = ("time", pd.date_range("2000-01-01", periods=20)) for v, dims in sorted(_vars.items()): data = rs.normal(size=tuple(_dims[d] for d in dims)) obj[v] = (dims, data) if add_attrs: obj[v].attrs = {"foo": "variable"} obj.coords["numbers"] = ( "dim3", np.array([0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3], dtype="int64"), ) obj.encoding = {"foo": "bar"} assert all( for obj in obj.variables.values()) return obj _CFTIME_CALENDARS = [ "365_day", "360_day", "julian", "all_leap", "366_day", "gregorian", "proleptic_gregorian", "standard", ]