import operator import pickle import sys from contextlib import suppress from textwrap import dedent import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import xarray as xr import xarray.ufuncs as xu from xarray import DataArray, Dataset, Variable from xarray.core import duck_array_ops from xarray.core.pycompat import dask_version from xarray.testing import assert_chunks_equal from xarray.tests import mock from ..core.duck_array_ops import lazy_array_equiv from . import ( assert_allclose, assert_array_equal, assert_equal, assert_frame_equal, assert_identical, raise_if_dask_computes, requires_pint, requires_scipy_or_netCDF4, ) from .test_backends import create_tmp_file dask = pytest.importorskip("dask") da = pytest.importorskip("dask.array") dd = pytest.importorskip("dask.dataframe") ON_WINDOWS = sys.platform == "win32" def test_raise_if_dask_computes(): data = da.from_array(np.random.RandomState(0).randn(4, 6), chunks=(2, 2)) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"Too many computes"): with raise_if_dask_computes(): data.compute() class DaskTestCase: def assertLazyAnd(self, expected, actual, test): with dask.config.set(scheduler="synchronous"): test(actual, expected) if isinstance(actual, Dataset): for k, v in actual.variables.items(): if k in actual.dims: assert isinstance(, np.ndarray) else: assert isinstance(, da.Array) elif isinstance(actual, DataArray): assert isinstance(, da.Array) for k, v in actual.coords.items(): if k in actual.dims: assert isinstance(, np.ndarray) else: assert isinstance(, da.Array) elif isinstance(actual, Variable): assert isinstance(, da.Array) else: assert False class TestVariable(DaskTestCase): def assertLazyAndIdentical(self, expected, actual): self.assertLazyAnd(expected, actual, assert_identical) def assertLazyAndAllClose(self, expected, actual): self.assertLazyAnd(expected, actual, assert_allclose) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setUp(self): self.values = np.random.RandomState(0).randn(4, 6) = da.from_array(self.values, chunks=(2, 2)) self.eager_var = Variable(("x", "y"), self.values) self.lazy_var = Variable(("x", "y"), def test_basics(self): v = self.lazy_var assert is assert == v.chunks assert_array_equal(self.values, v) def test_copy(self): self.assertLazyAndIdentical(self.eager_var, self.lazy_var.copy()) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(self.eager_var, self.lazy_var.copy(deep=True)) def test_chunk(self): for chunks, expected in [ ({}, ((2, 2), (2, 2, 2))), (3, ((3, 1), (3, 3))), ({"x": 3, "y": 3}, ((3, 1), (3, 3))), ({"x": 3}, ((3, 1), (2, 2, 2))), ({"x": (3, 1)}, ((3, 1), (2, 2, 2))), ]: rechunked = self.lazy_var.chunk(chunks) assert rechunked.chunks == expected self.assertLazyAndIdentical(self.eager_var, rechunked) expected_chunksizes = { dim: chunks for dim, chunks in zip(self.lazy_var.dims, expected) } assert rechunked.chunksizes == expected_chunksizes def test_indexing(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u[0], v[0]) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u[:1], v[:1]) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u[[0, 1], [0, 1, 2]], v[[0, 1], [0, 1, 2]]) @pytest.mark.skipif(dask_version < "2021.04.1", reason="Requires dask >= 2021.04.1") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "expected_data, index", [ (da.array([99, 2, 3, 4]), 0), (da.array([99, 99, 99, 4]), slice(2, None, -1)), (da.array([99, 99, 3, 99]), [0, -1, 1]), (da.array([99, 99, 99, 4]), np.arange(3)), (da.array([1, 99, 99, 99]), [False, True, True, True]), (da.array([1, 99, 99, 99]), np.arange(4) > 0), (da.array([99, 99, 99, 99]), Variable(("x"), da.array([1, 2, 3, 4])) > 0), ], ) def test_setitem_dask_array(self, expected_data, index): arr = Variable(("x"), da.array([1, 2, 3, 4])) expected = Variable(("x"), expected_data) arr[index] = 99 assert_identical(arr, expected) @pytest.mark.skipif(dask_version >= "2021.04.1", reason="Requires dask < 2021.04.1") def test_setitem_dask_array_error(self): with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"stored in a dask array"): v = self.lazy_var v[:1] = 0 def test_squeeze(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u[0].squeeze(), v[0].squeeze()) def test_equals(self): v = self.lazy_var assert v.equals(v) assert isinstance(, da.Array) assert v.identical(v) assert isinstance(, da.Array) def test_transpose(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u.T, v.T) def test_shift(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u.shift(x=2), v.shift(x=2)) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u.shift(x=-2), v.shift(x=-2)) assert == v.shift(x=1).data.chunks def test_roll(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u.roll(x=2), v.roll(x=2)) assert == v.roll(x=1).data.chunks def test_unary_op(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndIdentical(-u, -v) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(abs(u), abs(v)) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u.round(), v.round()) def test_binary_op(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndIdentical(2 * u, 2 * v) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u + u, v + v) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u[0] + u, v[0] + v) def test_repr(self): expected = dedent( """\ {!r}""".format( ) ) assert expected == repr(self.lazy_var) def test_pickle(self): # Test that pickling/unpickling does not convert the dask # backend to numpy a1 = Variable(["x"], build_dask_array("x")) a1.compute() assert not a1._in_memory assert kernel_call_count == 1 a2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(a1)) assert kernel_call_count == 1 assert_identical(a1, a2) assert not a1._in_memory assert not a2._in_memory def test_reduce(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u.mean(), v.mean()) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u.std(), v.std()) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = v.argmax(dim="x") self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u.argmax(dim="x"), actual) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = v.argmin(dim="x") self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u.argmin(dim="x"), actual) self.assertLazyAndAllClose((u > 1).any(), (v > 1).any()) self.assertLazyAndAllClose((u < 1).all("x"), (v < 1).all("x")) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=r"only works along an axis"): v.median() with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=r"only works along an axis"): v.median(v.dims) with raise_if_dask_computes(): v.reduce(duck_array_ops.mean) def test_missing_values(self): values = np.array([0, 1, np.nan, 3]) data = da.from_array(values, chunks=(2,)) eager_var = Variable("x", values) lazy_var = Variable("x", data) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(eager_var, lazy_var.fillna(lazy_var)) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(Variable("x", range(4)), lazy_var.fillna(2)) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(eager_var.count(), lazy_var.count()) def test_concat(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u, Variable.concat([v[:2], v[2:]], "x")) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u[:2], Variable.concat([v[0], v[1]], "x")) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u[:2], Variable.concat([u[0], v[1]], "x")) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(u[:2], Variable.concat([v[0], u[1]], "x")) self.assertLazyAndIdentical( u[:3], Variable.concat([v[[0, 2]], v[[1]]], "x", positions=[[0, 2], [1]]) ) def test_missing_methods(self): v = self.lazy_var try: v.argsort() except NotImplementedError as err: assert "dask" in str(err) try: v[0].item() except NotImplementedError as err: assert "dask" in str(err) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::FutureWarning") def test_univariate_ufunc(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndAllClose(np.sin(u), xu.sin(v)) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::FutureWarning") def test_bivariate_ufunc(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var self.assertLazyAndAllClose(np.maximum(u, 0), xu.maximum(v, 0)) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(np.maximum(u, 0), xu.maximum(0, v)) def test_compute(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var assert dask.is_dask_collection(v) (v2,) = dask.compute(v + 1) assert not dask.is_dask_collection(v2) assert ((u + 1).data == def test_persist(self): u = self.eager_var v = self.lazy_var + 1 (v2,) = dask.persist(v) assert v is not v2 assert len(v2.__dask_graph__()) < len(v.__dask_graph__()) assert v2.__dask_keys__() == v.__dask_keys__() assert dask.is_dask_collection(v) assert dask.is_dask_collection(v2) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u + 1, v) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u + 1, v2) @requires_pint def test_tokenize_duck_dask_array(self): import pint unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry() q = unit_registry.Quantity(, "meter") variable = xr.Variable(("x", "y"), q) token = dask.base.tokenize(variable) post_op = variable + 5 * unit_registry.meter assert dask.base.tokenize(variable) != dask.base.tokenize(post_op) # Immutability check assert dask.base.tokenize(variable) == token class TestDataArrayAndDataset(DaskTestCase): def assertLazyAndIdentical(self, expected, actual): self.assertLazyAnd(expected, actual, assert_identical) def assertLazyAndAllClose(self, expected, actual): self.assertLazyAnd(expected, actual, assert_allclose) def assertLazyAndEqual(self, expected, actual): self.assertLazyAnd(expected, actual, assert_equal) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setUp(self): self.values = np.random.randn(4, 6) = da.from_array(self.values, chunks=(2, 2)) self.eager_array = DataArray( self.values, coords={"x": range(4)}, dims=("x", "y"), name="foo" ) self.lazy_array = DataArray(, coords={"x": range(4)}, dims=("x", "y"), name="foo" ) def test_chunk(self): for chunks, expected in [ ({}, ((2, 2), (2, 2, 2))), (3, ((3, 1), (3, 3))), ({"x": 3, "y": 3}, ((3, 1), (3, 3))), ({"x": 3}, ((3, 1), (2, 2, 2))), ({"x": (3, 1)}, ((3, 1), (2, 2, 2))), ]: # Test DataArray rechunked = self.lazy_array.chunk(chunks) assert rechunked.chunks == expected self.assertLazyAndIdentical(self.eager_array, rechunked) expected_chunksizes = { dim: chunks for dim, chunks in zip(self.lazy_array.dims, expected) } assert rechunked.chunksizes == expected_chunksizes # Test Dataset lazy_dataset = self.lazy_array.to_dataset() eager_dataset = self.eager_array.to_dataset() expected_chunksizes = { dim: chunks for dim, chunks in zip(lazy_dataset.dims, expected) } rechunked = lazy_dataset.chunk(chunks) # Dataset.chunks has a different return type to DataArray.chunks - see issue #5843 assert rechunked.chunks == expected_chunksizes self.assertLazyAndIdentical(eager_dataset, rechunked) assert rechunked.chunksizes == expected_chunksizes def test_rechunk(self): chunked = self.eager_array.chunk({"x": 2}).chunk({"y": 2}) assert chunked.chunks == ((2,) * 2, (2,) * 3) self.assertLazyAndIdentical(self.lazy_array, chunked) def test_new_chunk(self): chunked = self.eager_array.chunk() assert"xarray-") def test_lazy_dataset(self): lazy_ds = Dataset({"foo": (("x", "y"),}) assert isinstance(, da.Array) def test_lazy_array(self): u = self.eager_array v = self.lazy_array self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u, v) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(-u, -v) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u.T, v.T) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u.mean(), v.mean()) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(1 + u, 1 + v) actual = xr.concat([v[:2], v[2:]], "x") self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u, actual) def test_compute(self): u = self.eager_array v = self.lazy_array assert dask.is_dask_collection(v) (v2,) = dask.compute(v + 1) assert not dask.is_dask_collection(v2) assert ((u + 1).data == def test_persist(self): u = self.eager_array v = self.lazy_array + 1 (v2,) = dask.persist(v) assert v is not v2 assert len(v2.__dask_graph__()) < len(v.__dask_graph__()) assert v2.__dask_keys__() == v.__dask_keys__() assert dask.is_dask_collection(v) assert dask.is_dask_collection(v2) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u + 1, v) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(u + 1, v2) def test_concat_loads_variables(self): # Test that concat() computes not-in-memory variables at most once # and loads them in the output, while leaving the input unaltered. d1 = build_dask_array("d1") c1 = build_dask_array("c1") d2 = build_dask_array("d2") c2 = build_dask_array("c2") d3 = build_dask_array("d3") c3 = build_dask_array("c3") # Note: c is a non-index coord. # Index coords are loaded by IndexVariable.__init__. ds1 = Dataset(data_vars={"d": ("x", d1)}, coords={"c": ("x", c1)}) ds2 = Dataset(data_vars={"d": ("x", d2)}, coords={"c": ("x", c2)}) ds3 = Dataset(data_vars={"d": ("x", d3)}, coords={"c": ("x", c3)}) assert kernel_call_count == 0 out = xr.concat( [ds1, ds2, ds3], dim="n", data_vars="different", coords="different" ) # each kernel is computed exactly once assert kernel_call_count == 6 # variables are loaded in the output assert isinstance(out["d"].data, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(out["c"].data, np.ndarray) out = xr.concat([ds1, ds2, ds3], dim="n", data_vars="all", coords="all") # no extra kernel calls assert kernel_call_count == 6 assert isinstance(out["d"].data, dask.array.Array) assert isinstance(out["c"].data, dask.array.Array) out = xr.concat([ds1, ds2, ds3], dim="n", data_vars=["d"], coords=["c"]) # no extra kernel calls assert kernel_call_count == 6 assert isinstance(out["d"].data, dask.array.Array) assert isinstance(out["c"].data, dask.array.Array) out = xr.concat([ds1, ds2, ds3], dim="n", data_vars=[], coords=[]) # variables are loaded once as we are validing that they're identical assert kernel_call_count == 12 assert isinstance(out["d"].data, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(out["c"].data, np.ndarray) out = xr.concat( [ds1, ds2, ds3], dim="n", data_vars="different", coords="different", compat="identical", ) # compat=identical doesn't do any more kernel calls than compat=equals assert kernel_call_count == 18 assert isinstance(out["d"].data, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(out["c"].data, np.ndarray) # When the test for different turns true halfway through, # stop computing variables as it would not have any benefit ds4 = Dataset(data_vars={"d": ("x", [2.0])}, coords={"c": ("x", [2.0])}) out = xr.concat( [ds1, ds2, ds4, ds3], dim="n", data_vars="different", coords="different" ) # the variables of ds1 and ds2 were computed, but those of ds3 didn't assert kernel_call_count == 22 assert isinstance(out["d"].data, dask.array.Array) assert isinstance(out["c"].data, dask.array.Array) # the data of ds1 and ds2 was loaded into numpy and then # concatenated to the data of ds3. Thus, only ds3 is computed now. out.compute() assert kernel_call_count == 24 # Finally, test that originals are unaltered assert ds1["d"].data is d1 assert ds1["c"].data is c1 assert ds2["d"].data is d2 assert ds2["c"].data is c2 assert ds3["d"].data is d3 assert ds3["c"].data is c3 # now check that concat() is correctly using dask name equality to skip loads out = xr.concat( [ds1, ds1, ds1], dim="n", data_vars="different", coords="different" ) assert kernel_call_count == 24 # variables are not loaded in the output assert isinstance(out["d"].data, dask.array.Array) assert isinstance(out["c"].data, dask.array.Array) out = xr.concat( [ds1, ds1, ds1], dim="n", data_vars=[], coords=[], compat="identical" ) assert kernel_call_count == 24 # variables are not loaded in the output assert isinstance(out["d"].data, dask.array.Array) assert isinstance(out["c"].data, dask.array.Array) out = xr.concat( [ds1, ds2.compute(), ds3], dim="n", data_vars="all", coords="different", compat="identical", ) # c1,c3 must be computed for comparison since c2 is numpy; # d2 is computed too assert kernel_call_count == 28 out = xr.concat( [ds1, ds2.compute(), ds3], dim="n", data_vars="all", coords="all", compat="identical", ) # no extra computes assert kernel_call_count == 30 # Finally, test that originals are unaltered assert ds1["d"].data is d1 assert ds1["c"].data is c1 assert ds2["d"].data is d2 assert ds2["c"].data is c2 assert ds3["d"].data is d3 assert ds3["c"].data is c3 def test_groupby(self): u = self.eager_array v = self.lazy_array expected = u.groupby("x").mean(...) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = v.groupby("x").mean(...) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(expected, actual) def test_rolling(self): u = self.eager_array v = self.lazy_array expected = u.rolling(x=2).mean() with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = v.rolling(x=2).mean() self.assertLazyAndAllClose(expected, actual) def test_groupby_first(self): u = self.eager_array v = self.lazy_array for coords in [u.coords, v.coords]: coords["ab"] = ("x", ["a", "a", "b", "b"]) with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=r"dask"): v.groupby("ab").first() expected = u.groupby("ab").first() with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = v.groupby("ab").first(skipna=False) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(expected, actual) def test_reindex(self): u = self.eager_array.assign_coords(y=range(6)) v = self.lazy_array.assign_coords(y=range(6)) for kwargs in [ {"x": [2, 3, 4]}, {"x": [1, 100, 2, 101, 3]}, {"x": [2.5, 3, 3.5], "y": [2, 2.5, 3]}, ]: expected = u.reindex(**kwargs) actual = v.reindex(**kwargs) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(expected, actual) def test_to_dataset_roundtrip(self): u = self.eager_array v = self.lazy_array expected = u.assign_coords(x=u["x"]) self.assertLazyAndEqual(expected, v.to_dataset("x").to_array("x")) def test_merge(self): def duplicate_and_merge(array): return xr.merge([array, array.rename("bar")]).to_array() expected = duplicate_and_merge(self.eager_array) actual = duplicate_and_merge(self.lazy_array) self.assertLazyAndEqual(expected, actual) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::FutureWarning") def test_ufuncs(self): u = self.eager_array v = self.lazy_array self.assertLazyAndAllClose(np.sin(u), xu.sin(v)) def test_where_dispatching(self): a = np.arange(10) b = a > 3 x = da.from_array(a, 5) y = da.from_array(b, 5) expected = DataArray(a).where(b) self.assertLazyAndEqual(expected, DataArray(a).where(y)) self.assertLazyAndEqual(expected, DataArray(x).where(b)) self.assertLazyAndEqual(expected, DataArray(x).where(y)) def test_simultaneous_compute(self): ds = Dataset({"foo": ("x", range(5)), "bar": ("x", range(5))}).chunk() count = [0] def counting_get(*args, **kwargs): count[0] += 1 return dask.get(*args, **kwargs) ds.load(scheduler=counting_get) assert count[0] == 1 def test_stack(self): data = da.random.normal(size=(2, 3, 4), chunks=(1, 3, 4)) arr = DataArray(data, dims=("w", "x", "y")) stacked = arr.stack(z=("x", "y")) z = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([np.arange(3), np.arange(4)], names=["x", "y"]) expected = DataArray(data.reshape(2, -1), {"z": z}, dims=["w", "z"]) assert == self.assertLazyAndEqual(expected, stacked) def test_dot(self): eager =[0]) lazy =[0]) self.assertLazyAndAllClose(eager, lazy) def test_dataarray_repr(self): data = build_dask_array("data") nonindex_coord = build_dask_array("coord") a = DataArray(data, dims=["x"], coords={"y": ("x", nonindex_coord)}) expected = dedent( """\ {!r} Coordinates: y (x) int64 dask.array Dimensions without coordinates: x""".format( data ) ) assert expected == repr(a) assert kernel_call_count == 0 # should not evaluate dask array def test_dataset_repr(self): data = build_dask_array("data") nonindex_coord = build_dask_array("coord") ds = Dataset(data_vars={"a": ("x", data)}, coords={"y": ("x", nonindex_coord)}) expected = dedent( """\ Dimensions: (x: 1) Coordinates: y (x) int64 dask.array Dimensions without coordinates: x Data variables: a (x) int64 dask.array""" ) assert expected == repr(ds) assert kernel_call_count == 0 # should not evaluate dask array def test_dataarray_pickle(self): # Test that pickling/unpickling converts the dask backend # to numpy in neither the data variable nor the non-index coords data = build_dask_array("data") nonindex_coord = build_dask_array("coord") a1 = DataArray(data, dims=["x"], coords={"y": ("x", nonindex_coord)}) a1.compute() assert not a1._in_memory assert not a1.coords["y"]._in_memory assert kernel_call_count == 2 a2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(a1)) assert kernel_call_count == 2 assert_identical(a1, a2) assert not a1._in_memory assert not a2._in_memory assert not a1.coords["y"]._in_memory assert not a2.coords["y"]._in_memory def test_dataset_pickle(self): # Test that pickling/unpickling converts the dask backend # to numpy in neither the data variables nor the non-index coords data = build_dask_array("data") nonindex_coord = build_dask_array("coord") ds1 = Dataset(data_vars={"a": ("x", data)}, coords={"y": ("x", nonindex_coord)}) ds1.compute() assert not ds1["a"]._in_memory assert not ds1["y"]._in_memory assert kernel_call_count == 2 ds2 = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(ds1)) assert kernel_call_count == 2 assert_identical(ds1, ds2) assert not ds1["a"]._in_memory assert not ds2["a"]._in_memory assert not ds1["y"]._in_memory assert not ds2["y"]._in_memory def test_dataarray_getattr(self): # ipython/jupyter does a long list of getattr() calls to when trying to # represent an object. # Make sure we're not accidentally computing dask variables. data = build_dask_array("data") nonindex_coord = build_dask_array("coord") a = DataArray(data, dims=["x"], coords={"y": ("x", nonindex_coord)}) with suppress(AttributeError): getattr(a, "NOTEXIST") assert kernel_call_count == 0 def test_dataset_getattr(self): # Test that pickling/unpickling converts the dask backend # to numpy in neither the data variables nor the non-index coords data = build_dask_array("data") nonindex_coord = build_dask_array("coord") ds = Dataset(data_vars={"a": ("x", data)}, coords={"y": ("x", nonindex_coord)}) with suppress(AttributeError): getattr(ds, "NOTEXIST") assert kernel_call_count == 0 def test_values(self): # Test that invoking the values property does not convert the dask # backend to numpy a = DataArray([1, 2]).chunk() assert not a._in_memory assert a.values.tolist() == [1, 2] assert not a._in_memory def test_from_dask_variable(self): # Test array creation from Variable with dask backend. # This is used e.g. in broadcast() a = DataArray(self.lazy_array.variable, coords={"x": range(4)}, name="foo") self.assertLazyAndIdentical(self.lazy_array, a) @requires_pint def test_tokenize_duck_dask_array(self): import pint unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry() q = unit_registry.Quantity(, unit_registry.meter) data_array = xr.DataArray( data=q, coords={"x": range(4)}, dims=("x", "y"), name="foo" ) token = dask.base.tokenize(data_array) post_op = data_array + 5 * unit_registry.meter assert dask.base.tokenize(data_array) != dask.base.tokenize(post_op) # Immutability check assert dask.base.tokenize(data_array) == token class TestToDaskDataFrame: def test_to_dask_dataframe(self): # Test conversion of Datasets to dask DataFrames x = np.random.randn(10) y = np.arange(10, dtype="uint8") t = list("abcdefghij") ds = Dataset( {"a": ("t", da.from_array(x, chunks=4)), "b": ("t", y), "t": ("t", t)} ) expected_pd = pd.DataFrame({"a": x, "b": y}, index=pd.Index(t, name="t")) # test if 1-D index is correctly set up expected = dd.from_pandas(expected_pd, chunksize=4) actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(set_index=True) # test if we have dask dataframes assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) # use the .equals from pandas to check dataframes are equivalent assert_frame_equal(expected.compute(), actual.compute()) # test if no index is given expected = dd.from_pandas(expected_pd.reset_index(drop=False), chunksize=4) actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(set_index=False) assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected.compute(), actual.compute()) def test_to_dask_dataframe_2D(self): # Test if 2-D dataset is supplied w = np.random.randn(2, 3) ds = Dataset({"w": (("x", "y"), da.from_array(w, chunks=(1, 2)))}) ds["x"] = ("x", np.array([0, 1], np.int64)) ds["y"] = ("y", list("abc")) # dask dataframes do not (yet) support multiindex, # but when it does, this would be the expected index: exp_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1], ["a", "b", "c", "a", "b", "c"]], names=["x", "y"] ) expected = pd.DataFrame({"w": w.reshape(-1)}, index=exp_index) # so for now, reset the index expected = expected.reset_index(drop=False) actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(set_index=False) assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected, actual.compute()) @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=NotImplementedError) def test_to_dask_dataframe_2D_set_index(self): # This will fail until dask implements MultiIndex support w = da.from_array(np.random.randn(2, 3), chunks=(1, 2)) ds = Dataset({"w": (("x", "y"), w)}) ds["x"] = ("x", np.array([0, 1], np.int64)) ds["y"] = ("y", list("abc")) expected = ds.compute().to_dataframe() actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(set_index=True) assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected, actual.compute()) def test_to_dask_dataframe_coordinates(self): # Test if coordinate is also a dask array x = np.random.randn(10) t = np.arange(10) * 2 ds = Dataset( { "a": ("t", da.from_array(x, chunks=4)), "t": ("t", da.from_array(t, chunks=4)), } ) expected_pd = pd.DataFrame({"a": x}, index=pd.Index(t, name="t")) expected = dd.from_pandas(expected_pd, chunksize=4) actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(set_index=True) assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected.compute(), actual.compute()) def test_to_dask_dataframe_not_daskarray(self): # Test if DataArray is not a dask array x = np.random.randn(10) y = np.arange(10, dtype="uint8") t = list("abcdefghij") ds = Dataset({"a": ("t", x), "b": ("t", y), "t": ("t", t)}) expected = pd.DataFrame({"a": x, "b": y}, index=pd.Index(t, name="t")) actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(set_index=True) assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected, actual.compute()) def test_to_dask_dataframe_no_coordinate(self): x = da.from_array(np.random.randn(10), chunks=4) ds = Dataset({"x": ("dim_0", x)}) expected = ds.compute().to_dataframe().reset_index() actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe() assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected, actual.compute()) expected = ds.compute().to_dataframe() actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(set_index=True) assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected, actual.compute()) def test_to_dask_dataframe_dim_order(self): values = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype=np.int64) ds = Dataset({"w": (("x", "y"), values)}).chunk(1) expected = ds["w"].to_series().reset_index() actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(dim_order=["x", "y"]) assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected, actual.compute()) expected = ds["w"].T.to_series().reset_index() actual = ds.to_dask_dataframe(dim_order=["y", "x"]) assert isinstance(actual, dd.DataFrame) assert_frame_equal(expected, actual.compute()) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"does not match the set of dimensions"): ds.to_dask_dataframe(dim_order=["x"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["load", "compute"]) def test_dask_kwargs_variable(method): x = Variable("y", da.from_array(np.arange(3), chunks=(2,))) # args should be passed on to da.Array.compute() with mock.patch.object( da.Array, "compute", return_value=np.arange(3) ) as mock_compute: getattr(x, method)(foo="bar") mock_compute.assert_called_with(foo="bar") @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["load", "compute", "persist"]) def test_dask_kwargs_dataarray(method): data = da.from_array(np.arange(3), chunks=(2,)) x = DataArray(data) if method in ["load", "compute"]: dask_func = "dask.array.compute" else: dask_func = "dask.persist" # args should be passed on to "dask_func" with mock.patch(dask_func) as mock_func: getattr(x, method)(foo="bar") mock_func.assert_called_with(data, foo="bar") @pytest.mark.parametrize("method", ["load", "compute", "persist"]) def test_dask_kwargs_dataset(method): data = da.from_array(np.arange(3), chunks=(2,)) x = Dataset({"x": (("y"), data)}) if method in ["load", "compute"]: dask_func = "dask.array.compute" else: dask_func = "dask.persist" # args should be passed on to "dask_func" with mock.patch(dask_func) as mock_func: getattr(x, method)(foo="bar") mock_func.assert_called_with(data, foo="bar") kernel_call_count = 0 def kernel(name): """Dask kernel to test pickling/unpickling and __repr__. Must be global to make it pickleable. """ global kernel_call_count kernel_call_count += 1 return np.ones(1, dtype=np.int64) def build_dask_array(name): global kernel_call_count kernel_call_count = 0 return dask.array.Array( dask={(name, 0): (kernel, name)}, name=name, chunks=((1,),), dtype=np.int64 ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "persist", [lambda x: x.persist(), lambda x: dask.persist(x)[0]] ) def test_persist_Dataset(persist): ds = Dataset({"foo": ("x", range(5)), "bar": ("x", range(5))}).chunk() ds = ds + 1 n = len( ds2 = persist(ds) assert len( == 1 assert len( == n # doesn't mutate in place @pytest.mark.parametrize( "persist", [lambda x: x.persist(), lambda x: dask.persist(x)[0]] ) def test_persist_DataArray(persist): x = da.arange(10, chunks=(5,)) y = DataArray(x) z = y + 1 n = len( zz = persist(z) assert len( == n assert len( == def test_dataarray_with_dask_coords(): import toolz x = xr.Variable("x", da.arange(8, chunks=(4,))) y = xr.Variable("y", da.arange(8, chunks=(4,)) * 2) data = da.random.random((8, 8), chunks=(4, 4)) + 1 array = xr.DataArray(data, dims=["x", "y"]) array.coords["xx"] = x array.coords["yy"] = y assert dict(array.__dask_graph__()) == toolz.merge( data.__dask_graph__(), x.__dask_graph__(), y.__dask_graph__() ) (array2,) = dask.compute(array) assert not dask.is_dask_collection(array2) assert all(isinstance(, np.ndarray) for v in array2.coords.values()) def test_basic_compute(): ds = Dataset({"foo": ("x", range(5)), "bar": ("x", range(5))}).chunk({"x": 2}) for get in [dask.threaded.get, dask.multiprocessing.get, dask.local.get_sync, None]: with dask.config.set(scheduler=get): ds.compute() def test_dask_layers_and_dependencies(): ds = Dataset({"foo": ("x", range(5)), "bar": ("x", range(5))}).chunk() x = dask.delayed(ds) assert set(x.__dask_graph__().dependencies).issuperset( ds.__dask_graph__().dependencies ) assert set( ds.__dask_graph__().dependencies ) def make_da(): da = xr.DataArray( np.ones((10, 20)), dims=["x", "y"], coords={"x": np.arange(10), "y": np.arange(100, 120)}, name="a", ).chunk({"x": 4, "y": 5}) da.x.attrs["long_name"] = "x" da.attrs["test"] = "test" da.coords["c2"] = 0.5 da.coords["ndcoord"] = da.x * 2 da.coords["cxy"] = (da.x * da.y).chunk({"x": 4, "y": 5}) return da def make_ds(): map_ds = xr.Dataset() map_ds["a"] = make_da() map_ds["b"] = map_ds.a + 50 map_ds["c"] = map_ds.x + 20 map_ds = map_ds.chunk({"x": 4, "y": 5}) map_ds["d"] = ("z", [1, 1, 1, 1]) map_ds["z"] = [0, 1, 2, 3] map_ds["e"] = map_ds.x + map_ds.y map_ds.coords["c1"] = 0.5 map_ds.coords["cx"] = ("x", np.arange(len(map_ds.x))) map_ds.coords["cx"].attrs["test2"] = "test2" map_ds.attrs["test"] = "test" map_ds.coords["xx"] = map_ds["a"] * map_ds.y map_ds.x.attrs["long_name"] = "x" map_ds.y.attrs["long_name"] = "y" return map_ds # fixtures cannot be used in parametrize statements # instead use this workaround # @pytest.fixture def map_da(): return make_da() @pytest.fixture def map_ds(): return make_ds() def test_unify_chunks(map_ds): ds_copy = map_ds.copy() ds_copy["cxy"] = ds_copy.cxy.chunk({"y": 10}) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"inconsistent chunks"): ds_copy.chunks expected_chunks = {"x": (4, 4, 2), "y": (5, 5, 5, 5)} with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual_chunks = ds_copy.unify_chunks().chunks assert actual_chunks == expected_chunks assert_identical(map_ds, ds_copy.unify_chunks()) out_a, out_b = xr.unify_chunks(ds_copy.cxy, ds_copy.drop_vars("cxy")) assert out_a.chunks == ((4, 4, 2), (5, 5, 5, 5)) assert out_b.chunks == expected_chunks # Test unordered dims da = ds_copy["cxy"] out_a, out_b = xr.unify_chunks(da.chunk({"x": -1}), da.T.chunk({"y": -1})) assert out_a.chunks == ((4, 4, 2), (5, 5, 5, 5)) assert out_b.chunks == ((5, 5, 5, 5), (4, 4, 2)) # Test mismatch with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Dimension 'x' size mismatch: 10 != 2"): xr.unify_chunks(da, da.isel(x=slice(2))) @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_ds(), make_da()]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "transform", [lambda x: x.compute(), lambda x: x.unify_chunks()] ) def test_unify_chunks_shallow_copy(obj, transform): obj = transform(obj) unified = obj.unify_chunks() assert_identical(obj, unified) and obj is not obj.unify_chunks() @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da()]) def test_auto_chunk_da(obj): actual = obj.chunk("auto").data expected ="auto") np.testing.assert_array_equal(actual, expected) assert actual.chunks == expected.chunks def test_map_blocks_error(map_da, map_ds): def bad_func(darray): return (darray * darray.x + 5 * darray.y)[:1, :1] with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Received dimension 'x' of length 1"): xr.map_blocks(bad_func, map_da).compute() def returns_numpy(darray): return (darray * darray.x + 5 * darray.y).values with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"Function must return an xarray DataArray"): xr.map_blocks(returns_numpy, map_da) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"args must be"): xr.map_blocks(operator.add, map_da, args=10) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"kwargs must be"): xr.map_blocks(operator.add, map_da, args=[10], kwargs=[20]) def really_bad_func(darray): raise ValueError("couldn't do anything.") with pytest.raises(Exception, match=r"Cannot infer"): xr.map_blocks(really_bad_func, map_da) ds_copy = map_ds.copy() ds_copy["cxy"] = ds_copy.cxy.chunk({"y": 10}) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"inconsistent chunks"): xr.map_blocks(bad_func, ds_copy) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"Cannot pass dask collections"): xr.map_blocks(bad_func, map_da, kwargs=dict(a=map_da.chunk())) @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds()]) def test_map_blocks(obj): def func(obj): result = obj + obj.x + 5 * obj.y return result with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(func, obj) expected = func(obj) assert_chunks_equal(expected.chunk(), actual) assert_identical(actual, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds()]) def test_map_blocks_convert_args_to_list(obj): expected = obj + 10 with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(operator.add, obj, [10]) assert_chunks_equal(expected.chunk(), actual) assert_identical(actual, expected) def test_map_blocks_dask_args(): da1 = xr.DataArray( np.ones((10, 20)), dims=["x", "y"], coords={"x": np.arange(10), "y": np.arange(20)}, ).chunk({"x": 5, "y": 4}) # check that block shapes are the same def sumda(da1, da2): assert da1.shape == da2.shape return da1 + da2 da2 = da1 + 1 with raise_if_dask_computes(): mapped = xr.map_blocks(sumda, da1, args=[da2]) xr.testing.assert_equal(da1 + da2, mapped) # one dimension in common da2 = (da1 + 1).isel(x=1, drop=True) with raise_if_dask_computes(): mapped = xr.map_blocks(operator.add, da1, args=[da2]) xr.testing.assert_equal(da1 + da2, mapped) # test that everything works when dimension names are different da2 = (da1 + 1).isel(x=1, drop=True).rename({"y": "k"}) with raise_if_dask_computes(): mapped = xr.map_blocks(operator.add, da1, args=[da2]) xr.testing.assert_equal(da1 + da2, mapped) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Chunk sizes along dimension 'x'"): xr.map_blocks(operator.add, da1, args=[da1.chunk({"x": 1})]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"indexes along dimension 'x' are not equal"): xr.map_blocks(operator.add, da1, args=[da1.reindex(x=np.arange(20))]) # reduction da1 = da1.chunk({"x": -1}) da2 = da1 + 1 with raise_if_dask_computes(): mapped = xr.map_blocks(lambda a, b: (a + b).sum("x"), da1, args=[da2]) xr.testing.assert_equal((da1 + da2).sum("x"), mapped) # reduction with template da1 = da1.chunk({"x": -1}) da2 = da1 + 1 with raise_if_dask_computes(): mapped = xr.map_blocks( lambda a, b: (a + b).sum("x"), da1, args=[da2], template=da1.sum("x") ) xr.testing.assert_equal((da1 + da2).sum("x"), mapped) @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds()]) def test_map_blocks_add_attrs(obj): def add_attrs(obj): obj = obj.copy(deep=True) obj.attrs["new"] = "new" obj.cxy.attrs["new2"] = "new2" return obj expected = add_attrs(obj) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(add_attrs, obj) assert_identical(actual, expected) # when template is specified, attrs are copied from template, not set by function with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(add_attrs, obj, template=obj) assert_identical(actual, obj) def test_map_blocks_change_name(map_da): def change_name(obj): obj = obj.copy(deep=True) = "new" return obj expected = change_name(map_da) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(change_name, map_da) assert_identical(actual, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds()]) def test_map_blocks_kwargs(obj): expected = xr.full_like(obj, fill_value=np.nan) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(xr.full_like, obj, kwargs=dict(fill_value=np.nan)) assert_chunks_equal(expected.chunk(), actual) assert_identical(actual, expected) def test_map_blocks_to_array(map_ds): with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(lambda x: x.to_array(), map_ds) # to_array does not preserve name, so cannot use assert_identical assert_equal(actual, map_ds.to_array()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "func", [ lambda x: x, lambda x: x.to_dataset(), lambda x: x.drop_vars("x"), lambda x: x.expand_dims(k=[1, 2, 3]), lambda x: x.expand_dims(k=3), lambda x: x.assign_coords(new_coord=("y", * 2)), lambda x: x.astype(np.int32), lambda x: x.x, ], ) def test_map_blocks_da_transformations(func, map_da): with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(func, map_da) assert_identical(actual, func(map_da)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "func", [ lambda x: x, lambda x: x.drop_vars("cxy"), lambda x: x.drop_vars("a"), lambda x: x.drop_vars("x"), lambda x: x.expand_dims(k=[1, 2, 3]), lambda x: x.expand_dims(k=3), lambda x: x.rename({"a": "new1", "b": "new2"}), lambda x: x.x, ], ) def test_map_blocks_ds_transformations(func, map_ds): with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(func, map_ds) assert_identical(actual, func(map_ds)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds()]) def test_map_blocks_da_ds_with_template(obj): func = lambda x: x.isel(x=[1]) template = obj.isel(x=[1, 5, 9]) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(func, obj, template=template) assert_identical(actual, template) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = obj.map_blocks(func, template=template) assert_identical(actual, template) def test_map_blocks_template_convert_object(): da = make_da() func = lambda x: x.to_dataset().isel(x=[1]) template = da.to_dataset().isel(x=[1, 5, 9]) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(func, da, template=template) assert_identical(actual, template) ds = da.to_dataset() func = lambda x: x.to_array().isel(x=[1]) template = ds.to_array().isel(x=[1, 5, 9]) with raise_if_dask_computes(): actual = xr.map_blocks(func, ds, template=template) assert_identical(actual, template) @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds()]) def test_map_blocks_errors_bad_template(obj): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"unexpected coordinate variables"): xr.map_blocks(lambda x: x.assign_coords(a=10), obj, template=obj).compute() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"does not contain coordinate variables"): xr.map_blocks(lambda x: x.drop_vars("cxy"), obj, template=obj).compute() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Dimensions {'x'} missing"): xr.map_blocks(lambda x: x.isel(x=1), obj, template=obj).compute() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Received dimension 'x' of length 1"): xr.map_blocks(lambda x: x.isel(x=[1]), obj, template=obj).compute() with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"must be a DataArray"): xr.map_blocks(lambda x: x.isel(x=[1]), obj, template=(obj,)).compute() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"map_blocks requires that one block"): xr.map_blocks( lambda x: x.isel(x=[1]).assign_coords(x=10), obj, template=obj.isel(x=[1]) ).compute() with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"Expected index 'x' to be"): xr.map_blocks( lambda a: a.isel(x=[1]).assign_coords(x=[120]), # assign bad index values obj, template=obj.isel(x=[1, 5, 9]), ).compute() def test_map_blocks_errors_bad_template_2(map_ds): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"unexpected data variables {'xyz'}"): xr.map_blocks(lambda x: x.assign(xyz=1), map_ds, template=map_ds).compute() @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds()]) def test_map_blocks_object_method(obj): def func(obj): result = obj + obj.x + 5 * obj.y return result with raise_if_dask_computes(): expected = xr.map_blocks(func, obj) actual = obj.map_blocks(func) assert_identical(expected, actual) def test_map_blocks_hlg_layers(): # regression test for #3599 ds = xr.Dataset( { "x": (("a",), dask.array.ones(10, chunks=(5,))), "z": (("b",), dask.array.ones(10, chunks=(5,))), } ) mapped = ds.map_blocks(lambda x: x) xr.testing.assert_equal(mapped, ds) def test_make_meta(map_ds): from ..core.parallel import make_meta meta = make_meta(map_ds) for variable in map_ds._coord_names: assert variable in meta._coord_names assert meta.coords[variable].shape == (0,) * meta.coords[variable].ndim for variable in map_ds.data_vars: assert variable in meta.data_vars assert meta.data_vars[variable].shape == (0,) * meta.data_vars[variable].ndim def test_identical_coords_no_computes(): lons2 = xr.DataArray(da.zeros((10, 10), chunks=2), dims=("y", "x")) a = xr.DataArray( da.zeros((10, 10), chunks=2), dims=("y", "x"), coords={"lons": lons2} ) b = xr.DataArray( da.zeros((10, 10), chunks=2), dims=("y", "x"), coords={"lons": lons2} ) with raise_if_dask_computes(): c = a + b assert_identical(c, a) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj", [make_da(), make_da().compute(), make_ds(), make_ds().compute()] ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "transform", [ lambda x: x.reset_coords(), lambda x: x.reset_coords(drop=True), lambda x: x.isel(x=1), lambda x: x.attrs.update(new_attrs=1), lambda x: x.assign_coords(cxy=1), lambda x: x.rename({"x": "xnew"}), lambda x: x.rename({"cxy": "cxynew"}), ], ) def test_token_changes_on_transform(obj, transform): with raise_if_dask_computes(): assert dask.base.tokenize(obj) != dask.base.tokenize(transform(obj)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj", [make_da(), make_da().compute(), make_ds(), make_ds().compute()] ) def test_token_changes_when_data_changes(obj): with raise_if_dask_computes(): t1 = dask.base.tokenize(obj) # Change data_var if isinstance(obj, DataArray): obj *= 2 else: obj["a"] *= 2 with raise_if_dask_computes(): t2 = dask.base.tokenize(obj) assert t2 != t1 # Change non-index coord obj.coords["ndcoord"] *= 2 with raise_if_dask_computes(): t3 = dask.base.tokenize(obj) assert t3 != t2 # Change IndexVariable obj = obj.assign_coords(x=obj.x * 2) with raise_if_dask_computes(): t4 = dask.base.tokenize(obj) assert t4 != t3 @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da().compute(), make_ds().compute()]) def test_token_changes_when_buffer_changes(obj): with raise_if_dask_computes(): t1 = dask.base.tokenize(obj) if isinstance(obj, DataArray): obj[0, 0] = 123 else: obj["a"][0, 0] = 123 with raise_if_dask_computes(): t2 = dask.base.tokenize(obj) assert t2 != t1 obj.coords["ndcoord"][0] = 123 with raise_if_dask_computes(): t3 = dask.base.tokenize(obj) assert t3 != t2 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "transform", [lambda x: x, lambda x: x.copy(deep=False), lambda x: x.copy(deep=True)], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds(), make_ds().variables["a"]]) def test_token_identical(obj, transform): with raise_if_dask_computes(): assert dask.base.tokenize(obj) == dask.base.tokenize(transform(obj)) assert dask.base.tokenize(obj.compute()) == dask.base.tokenize( transform(obj.compute()) ) def test_recursive_token(): """Test that tokenization is invoked recursively, and doesn't just rely on the output of str() """ a = np.ones(10000) b = np.ones(10000) b[5000] = 2 assert str(a) == str(b) assert dask.base.tokenize(a) != dask.base.tokenize(b) # Test DataArray and Variable da_a = DataArray(a) da_b = DataArray(b) assert dask.base.tokenize(da_a) != dask.base.tokenize(da_b) # Test Dataset ds_a = da_a.to_dataset(name="x") ds_b = da_b.to_dataset(name="x") assert dask.base.tokenize(ds_a) != dask.base.tokenize(ds_b) # Test IndexVariable da_a = DataArray(a, dims=["x"], coords={"x": a}) da_b = DataArray(a, dims=["x"], coords={"x": b}) assert dask.base.tokenize(da_a) != dask.base.tokenize(da_b) @requires_scipy_or_netCDF4 def test_normalize_token_with_backend(map_ds): with create_tmp_file(allow_cleanup_failure=ON_WINDOWS) as tmp_file: map_ds.to_netcdf(tmp_file) read = xr.open_dataset(tmp_file) assert not dask.base.tokenize(map_ds) == dask.base.tokenize(read) read.close() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compat", ["broadcast_equals", "equals", "identical", "no_conflicts"] ) def test_lazy_array_equiv_variables(compat): var1 = xr.Variable(("y", "x"), da.zeros((10, 10), chunks=2)) var2 = xr.Variable(("y", "x"), da.zeros((10, 10), chunks=2)) var3 = xr.Variable(("y", "x"), da.zeros((20, 10), chunks=2)) with raise_if_dask_computes(): assert getattr(var1, compat)(var2, equiv=lazy_array_equiv) # values are actually equal, but we don't know that till we compute, return None with raise_if_dask_computes(): assert getattr(var1, compat)(var2 / 2, equiv=lazy_array_equiv) is None # shapes are not equal, return False without computes with raise_if_dask_computes(): assert getattr(var1, compat)(var3, equiv=lazy_array_equiv) is False # if one or both arrays are numpy, return None assert getattr(var1, compat)(var2.compute(), equiv=lazy_array_equiv) is None assert ( getattr(var1.compute(), compat)(var2.compute(), equiv=lazy_array_equiv) is None ) with raise_if_dask_computes(): assert getattr(var1, compat)(var2.transpose("y", "x")) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "compat", ["broadcast_equals", "equals", "identical", "no_conflicts"] ) def test_lazy_array_equiv_merge(compat): da1 = xr.DataArray(da.zeros((10, 10), chunks=2), dims=("y", "x")) da2 = xr.DataArray(da.zeros((10, 10), chunks=2), dims=("y", "x")) da3 = xr.DataArray(da.ones((20, 10), chunks=2), dims=("y", "x")) with raise_if_dask_computes(): xr.merge([da1, da2], compat=compat) # shapes are not equal; no computes necessary with raise_if_dask_computes(max_computes=0): with pytest.raises(ValueError): xr.merge([da1, da3], compat=compat) with raise_if_dask_computes(max_computes=2): xr.merge([da1, da2 / 2], compat=compat) @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::FutureWarning") # transpose_coords @pytest.mark.parametrize("obj", [make_da(), make_ds()]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "transform", [ lambda a: a.assign_attrs(new_attr="anew"), lambda a: a.assign_coords(cxy=a.cxy), lambda a: a.copy(), lambda a: a.isel(x=np.arange(a.sizes["x"])), lambda a: a.isel(x=slice(None)), lambda a: a.loc[dict(x=slice(None))], lambda a: a.loc[dict(x=np.arange(a.sizes["x"]))], lambda a: a.loc[dict(x=a.x)], lambda a: a.sel(x=a.x), lambda a: a.sel(x=a.x.values), lambda a: a.transpose(...), lambda a: a.squeeze(), # no dimensions to squeeze lambda a: a.sortby("x"), # "x" is already sorted lambda a: a.reindex(x=a.x), lambda a: a.reindex_like(a), lambda a: a.rename({"cxy": "cnew"}).rename({"cnew": "cxy"}), lambda a: a.pipe(lambda x: x), lambda a: xr.align(a, xr.zeros_like(a))[0], # assign # swap_dims # set_index / reset_index ], ) def test_transforms_pass_lazy_array_equiv(obj, transform): with raise_if_dask_computes(): assert_equal(obj, transform(obj)) def test_more_transforms_pass_lazy_array_equiv(map_da, map_ds): with raise_if_dask_computes(): assert_equal(map_ds.cxy.broadcast_like(map_ds.cxy), map_ds.cxy) assert_equal(xr.broadcast(map_ds.cxy, map_ds.cxy)[0], map_ds.cxy) assert_equal( x: x), map_ds) assert_equal(map_ds.set_coords("a").reset_coords("a"), map_ds) assert_equal(map_ds.assign({"a": map_ds.a}), map_ds) # fails because of index error # assert_equal( # map_ds.rename_dims({"x": "xnew"}).rename_dims({"xnew": "x"}), map_ds # ) assert_equal( map_ds.rename_vars({"cxy": "cnew"}).rename_vars({"cnew": "cxy"}), map_ds ) assert_equal(map_da._from_temp_dataset(map_da._to_temp_dataset()), map_da) assert_equal(map_da.astype(map_da.dtype), map_da) assert_equal(map_da.transpose("y", "x", transpose_coords=False).cxy, map_da.cxy) def test_optimize(): # a = dask.array.ones((10, 4), chunks=(5, 2)) arr = xr.DataArray(a).chunk(5) (arr2,) = dask.optimize(arr) arr2.compute() # The graph_manipulation module is in dask since 2021.2 but it became usable with # xarray only since 2021.3 @pytest.mark.skipif(dask_version <= "2021.02.0", reason="new module") def test_graph_manipulation(): """dask.graph_manipulation passes an optional parameter, "rename", to the rebuilder function returned by __dask_postperist__; also, the dsk passed to the rebuilder is a HighLevelGraph whereas with dask.persist() and dask.optimize() it's a plain dict. """ import dask.graph_manipulation as gm v = Variable(["x"], [1, 2]).chunk(-1).chunk(1) * 2 da = DataArray(v) ds = Dataset({"d1": v[0], "d2": v[1], "d3": ("x", [3, 4])}) v2, da2, ds2 = gm.clone(v, da, ds) assert_equal(v2, v) assert_equal(da2, da) assert_equal(ds2, ds) for a, b in ((v, v2), (da, da2), (ds, ds2)): assert a.__dask_layers__() != b.__dask_layers__() assert len(a.__dask_layers__()) == len(b.__dask_layers__()) assert a.__dask_graph__().keys() != b.__dask_graph__().keys() assert len(a.__dask_graph__()) == len(b.__dask_graph__()) assert a.__dask_graph__().layers.keys() != b.__dask_graph__().layers.keys() assert len(a.__dask_graph__().layers) == len(b.__dask_graph__().layers) # Above we performed a slice operation; adding the two slices back together creates # a diamond-shaped dependency graph, which in turn will trigger a collision in layer # names if we were to use HighLevelGraph.cull() instead of # HighLevelGraph.cull_layers() in Dataset.__dask_postpersist__(). assert_equal(ds2.d1 + ds2.d2, ds.d1 + ds.d2)