import pytest from yarl._quoting import NO_EXTENSIONS from yarl._quoting_py import _Quoter as _PyQuoter, _Unquoter as _PyUnquoter if not NO_EXTENSIONS: from yarl._quoting_c import _Quoter as _CQuoter, _Unquoter as _CUnquoter @pytest.fixture(params=[_PyQuoter, _CQuoter], ids=["py_quoter", "c_quoter"]) def quoter(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=[_PyUnquoter, _CUnquoter], ids=["py_unquoter", "c_unquoter"]) def unquoter(request): return request.param else: @pytest.fixture(params=[_PyQuoter], ids=["py_quoter"]) def quoter(request): return request.param @pytest.fixture(params=[_PyUnquoter], ids=["py_unquoter"]) def unquoter(request): return request.param def hexescape(char): """Escape char as RFC 2396 specifies""" hex_repr = hex(ord(char))[2:].upper() if len(hex_repr) == 1: hex_repr = "0%s" % hex_repr return "%" + hex_repr def test_quote_not_allowed_non_strict(quoter): assert quoter()("%HH") == "%25HH" def test_quote_unfinished_tail_percent_non_strict(quoter): assert quoter()("%") == "%25" def test_quote_unfinished_tail_digit_non_strict(quoter): assert quoter()("%2") == "%252" def test_quote_unfinished_tail_safe_non_strict(quoter): assert quoter()("%x") == "%25x" def test_quote_unfinished_tail_unsafe_non_strict(quoter): assert quoter()("%#") == "%25%23" def test_quote_unfinished_tail_non_ascii_non_strict(quoter): assert quoter()("%ß") == "%25%C3%9F" def test_quote_unfinished_tail_non_ascii2_non_strict(quoter): assert quoter()("%€") == "%25%E2%82%AC" def test_quote_unfinished_tail_non_ascii3_non_strict(quoter): assert quoter()("%🐍") == "%25%F0%9F%90%8D" def test_quote_from_bytes(quoter): assert quoter()("archaeological arcana") == "archaeological%20arcana" assert quoter()("") == "" def test_quote_ignore_broken_unicode(quoter): s = quoter()( "j\u001a\udcf4q\udcda/\udc97g\udcee\udccb\u000ch\udccb" "\u0018\udce4v\u001b\udce2\udcce\udccecom/y\udccepj\u0016" ) assert s == "j%1Aq%2Fg%0Ch%18v%1Bcom%2Fypj%16" assert quoter()(s) == s def test_unquote_to_bytes(unquoter): assert unquoter()("abc%20def") == "abc def" assert unquoter()("") == "" def test_never_quote(quoter): # Make sure quote() does not quote letters, digits, and "_,.-~" do_not_quote = ( "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789" "_.-~" ) assert quoter()(do_not_quote) == do_not_quote assert quoter(qs=True)(do_not_quote) == do_not_quote def test_safe(quoter): # Test setting 'safe' parameter does what it should do quote_by_default = "<>" assert quoter(safe=quote_by_default)(quote_by_default) == quote_by_default ret = quoter(safe=quote_by_default, qs=True)(quote_by_default) assert ret == quote_by_default _SHOULD_QUOTE = [chr(num) for num in range(32)] _SHOULD_QUOTE.append(r'<>#"{}|\^[]`') _SHOULD_QUOTE.append(chr(127)) # For 0x7F SHOULD_QUOTE = "".join(_SHOULD_QUOTE) @pytest.mark.parametrize("char", SHOULD_QUOTE) def test_default_quoting(char, quoter): # Make sure all characters that should be quoted are by default sans # space (separate test for that). result = quoter()(char) assert hexescape(char) == result result = quoter(qs=True)(char) assert hexescape(char) == result # TODO: should it encode percent? def test_default_quoting_percent(quoter): result = quoter()("%25") assert "%25" == result result = quoter(qs=True)("%25") assert "%25" == result result = quoter(requote=False)("%25") assert "%2525" == result def test_default_quoting_partial(quoter): partial_quote = "ab[]cd" expected = "ab%5B%5Dcd" result = quoter()(partial_quote) assert expected == result result = quoter(qs=True)(partial_quote) assert expected == result def test_quoting_space(quoter): # Make sure quote() and quote_plus() handle spaces as specified in # their unique way result = quoter()(" ") assert result == hexescape(" ") result = quoter(qs=True)(" ") assert result == "+" given = "a b cd e f" expect = given.replace(" ", hexescape(" ")) result = quoter()(given) assert expect == result expect = given.replace(" ", "+") result = quoter(qs=True)(given) assert expect == result def test_quoting_plus(quoter): assert quoter(qs=False)("alpha+beta gamma") == "alpha+beta%20gamma" assert quoter(qs=True)("alpha+beta gamma") == "alpha%2Bbeta+gamma" assert quoter(safe="+", qs=True)("alpha+beta gamma") == "alpha+beta+gamma" def test_quote_with_unicode(quoter): # Characters in Latin-1 range, encoded by default in UTF-8 given = "\u00a2\u00d8ab\u00ff" expect = "%C2%A2%C3%98ab%C3%BF" result = quoter()(given) assert expect == result # Characters in BMP, encoded by default in UTF-8 given = "\u6f22\u5b57" # "Kanji" expect = "%E6%BC%A2%E5%AD%97" result = quoter()(given) assert expect == result def test_quote_plus_with_unicode(quoter): # Characters in Latin-1 range, encoded by default in UTF-8 given = "\u00a2\u00d8ab\u00ff" expect = "%C2%A2%C3%98ab%C3%BF" result = quoter(qs=True)(given) assert expect == result # Characters in BMP, encoded by default in UTF-8 given = "\u6f22\u5b57" # "Kanji" expect = "%E6%BC%A2%E5%AD%97" result = quoter(qs=True)(given) assert expect == result @pytest.mark.parametrize("num", list(range(128))) def test_unquoting(num, unquoter): # Make sure unquoting of all ASCII values works given = hexescape(chr(num)) expect = chr(num) result = unquoter()(given) assert expect == result if expect not in "+=&;": result = unquoter(qs=True)(given) assert expect == result # Expected value should be the same as given. # See @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("input", "expected"), [ ("%", "%"), ("%2", "%2"), ("%x", "%x"), ("%€", "%€"), ("%2x", "%2x"), ("%2 ", "%2 "), ("% 2", "% 2"), ("%xa", "%xa"), ("%%", "%%"), ("%%3f", "%?"), ("%2%", "%2%"), ("%2%3f", "%2?"), ("%x%3f", "%x?"), ("%€%3f", "%€?"), ], ) def test_unquoting_bad_percent_escapes(unquoter, input, expected): assert unquoter()(input) == expected @pytest.mark.xfail # FIXME: After conversion to bytes, should not cause UTF-8 decode fail. # See def test_unquoting_invalid_utf8_sequence(unquoter): with pytest.raises(ValueError): unquoter()("%AB") with pytest.raises(ValueError): unquoter()("%AB%AB") def test_unquoting_mixed_case_percent_escapes(unquoter): expected = "𝕦" assert expected == unquoter()("%F0%9D%95%A6") assert expected == unquoter()("%F0%9d%95%a6") assert expected == unquoter()("%f0%9D%95%a6") assert expected == unquoter()("%f0%9d%95%a6") def test_unquoting_parts(unquoter): # Make sure unquoting works when have non-quoted characters # interspersed given = "ab" + hexescape("c") + "d" expect = "abcd" result = unquoter()(given) assert expect == result result = unquoter(qs=True)(given) assert expect == result def test_quote_None(quoter): assert quoter()(None) is None def test_unquote_None(unquoter): assert unquoter()(None) is None def test_quote_empty_string(quoter): assert quoter()("") == "" def test_unquote_empty_string(unquoter): assert unquoter()("") == "" def test_quote_bad_types(quoter): with pytest.raises(TypeError): quoter()(123) def test_unquote_bad_types(unquoter): with pytest.raises(TypeError): unquoter()(123) def test_quote_lowercase(quoter): assert quoter()("%d1%84") == "%D1%84" def test_quote_unquoted(quoter): assert quoter()("%41") == "A" def test_quote_space(quoter): assert quoter()(" ") == "%20" # NULL # test to see if this would work to fix # coverage on this file. def test_quote_percent_last_character(quoter): # % is last character in this case. assert quoter()("%") == "%25" def test_unquote_unsafe(unquoter): assert unquoter(unsafe="@")("%40") == "%40" def test_unquote_unsafe2(unquoter): assert unquoter(unsafe="@")("%40abc") == "%40abc" def test_unquote_unsafe3(unquoter): assert unquoter(qs=True)("a%2Bb=?%3D%2B%26") == "a%2Bb=?%3D%2B%26" def test_unquote_unsafe4(unquoter): assert unquoter(unsafe="@")("a@b") == "a%40b" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("input", "expected"), [ ("%e2%82", "%e2%82"), ("%e2%82ac", "%e2%82ac"), ("%e2%82%f8", "%e2%82%f8"), ("%e2%82%2b", "%e2%82+"), ("%e2%82%e2%82%ac", "%e2%82€"), ("%e2%82%e2%82", "%e2%82%e2%82"), ], ) def test_unquote_non_utf8(unquoter, input, expected): assert unquoter()(input) == expected def test_unquote_unsafe_non_utf8(unquoter): assert unquoter(unsafe="\n")("%e2%82%0a") == "%e2%82%0A" def test_unquote_plus_non_utf8(unquoter): assert unquoter(qs=True)("%e2%82%2b") == "%e2%82%2B" def test_quote_non_ascii(quoter): assert quoter()("%F8") == "%F8" def test_quote_non_ascii2(quoter): assert quoter()("a%F8b") == "a%F8b" def test_quote_percent_percent_encoded(quoter): assert quoter()("%%3f") == "%25%3F" def test_quote_percent_digit_percent_encoded(quoter): assert quoter()("%2%3f") == "%252%3F" def test_quote_percent_safe_percent_encoded(quoter): assert quoter()("%x%3f") == "%25x%3F" def test_quote_percent_unsafe_percent_encoded(quoter): assert quoter()("%#%3f") == "%25%23%3F" def test_quote_percent_non_ascii_percent_encoded(quoter): assert quoter()("%ß%3f") == "%25%C3%9F%3F" def test_quote_percent_non_ascii2_percent_encoded(quoter): assert quoter()("%€%3f") == "%25%E2%82%AC%3F" def test_quote_percent_non_ascii3_percent_encoded(quoter): assert quoter()("%🐍%3f") == "%25%F0%9F%90%8D%3F" class StrLike(str): pass def test_quote_str_like(quoter): assert quoter()(StrLike("abc")) == "abc" def test_unquote_str_like(unquoter): assert unquoter()(StrLike("abc")) == "abc" def test_quote_sub_delims(quoter): assert quoter()("!$&'()*+,;=") == "!$&'()*+,;=" def test_requote_sub_delims(quoter): assert quoter()("%21%24%26%27%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D") == "!$&'()*+,;=" def test_unquoting_plus(unquoter): assert unquoter(qs=False)("a+b") == "a+b" def test_unquote_plus_to_space(unquoter): assert unquoter(qs=True)("a+b") == "a b" def test_unquote_plus_to_space_unsafe(unquoter): assert unquoter(unsafe="+", qs=True)("a+b") == "a+b" def test_quote_qs_with_colon(quoter): s = quoter(safe="=+&?/:@", qs=True)("next=http%3A//") assert s == "next=" def test_quote_protected(quoter): s = quoter(protected="/")("/path%2fto/three") assert s == "/path%2Fto/three" def test_quote_fastpath_safe(quoter): s1 = "/path/to" s2 = quoter(safe="/")(s1) assert s1 is s2 def test_quote_fastpath_pct(quoter): s1 = "abc%A0" s2 = quoter()(s1) assert s1 is s2 def test_quote_very_large_string(quoter): # more than 8 KiB s = "abcфух%30%0a" * 1024 assert quoter()(s) == "abc%D1%84%D1%83%D1%850%0A" * 1024 def test_space(quoter): s = "% A" assert quoter()(s) == "%25%20A" def test_quoter_path_with_plus(quoter): s = "/test/x+y%2Bz/:+%2B/" assert "/test/x+y%2Bz/:+%2B/" == quoter(safe="@:", protected="/+")(s) def test_unquoter_path_with_plus(unquoter): s = "/test/x+y%2Bz/:+%2B/" assert "/test/x+y+z/:++/" == unquoter(unsafe="+")(s)