from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import import os import warnings import pytest from random import random from uuid import uuid4 from time import sleep from .. import Parallel, delayed, parallel_config from ..parallel import ThreadingBackend, AutoBatchingMixin from .._dask import DaskDistributedBackend distributed = pytest.importorskip('distributed') dask = pytest.importorskip('dask') # These imports need to be after the pytest.importorskip hence the noqa: E402 from distributed import Client, LocalCluster, get_client # noqa: E402 from distributed.metrics import time # noqa: E402 # Note: pytest requires to manually import all fixtures used in the test # and their dependencies. from distributed.utils_test import cluster, inc, cleanup # noqa: E402, F401 def noop(*args, **kwargs): pass def slow_raise_value_error(condition, duration=0.05): sleep(duration) if condition: raise ValueError("condition evaluated to True") def count_events(event_name, client): worker_events = dask_worker: dask_worker.log) event_counts = {} for w, events in worker_events.items(): event_counts[w] = len([event for event in list(events) if event[1] == event_name]) return event_counts def test_simple(loop): with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client: # noqa: F841 with parallel_config(backend='dask'): seq = Parallel()(delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(10)) assert seq == [inc(i) for i in range(10)] with pytest.raises(ValueError): Parallel()(delayed(slow_raise_value_error)(i == 3) for i in range(10)) seq = Parallel()(delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(10)) assert seq == [inc(i) for i in range(10)] def test_dask_backend_uses_autobatching(loop): assert (DaskDistributedBackend.compute_batch_size is AutoBatchingMixin.compute_batch_size) with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client: # noqa: F841 with parallel_config(backend='dask'): with Parallel() as parallel: # The backend should be initialized with a default # batch size of 1: backend = parallel._backend assert isinstance(backend, DaskDistributedBackend) assert backend.parallel is parallel assert backend._effective_batch_size == 1 # Launch many short tasks that should trigger # auto-batching: parallel( delayed(lambda: None)() for _ in range(int(1e4)) ) assert backend._effective_batch_size > 10 def random2(): return random() def test_dont_assume_function_purity(loop): with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client: # noqa: F841 with parallel_config(backend='dask'): x, y = Parallel()(delayed(random2)() for i in range(2)) assert x != y @pytest.mark.parametrize("mixed", [True, False]) def test_dask_funcname(loop, mixed): from joblib._dask import Batch if not mixed: tasks = [delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(4)] batch_repr = 'batch_of_inc_4_calls' else: tasks = [ delayed(abs)(i) if i % 2 else delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(4) ] batch_repr = 'mixed_batch_of_inc_4_calls' assert repr(Batch(tasks)) == batch_repr with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client: with parallel_config(backend='dask'): _ = Parallel(batch_size=2, pre_dispatch='all')(tasks) def f(dask_scheduler): return list(dask_scheduler.transition_log) batch_repr = batch_repr.replace('4', '2') log = client.run_on_scheduler(f) assert all('batch_of_inc' in tup[0] for tup in log) def test_no_undesired_distributed_cache_hit(): # Dask has a pickle cache for callables that are called many times. Because # the dask backends used to wrap both the functions and the arguments # under instances of the Batch callable class this caching mechanism could # lead to bugs as described in: # The joblib-dask backend has been refactored to avoid bundling the # arguments as an attribute of the Batch instance to avoid this problem. # This test serves as non-regression problem. # Use a large number of input arguments to give the AutoBatchingMixin # enough tasks to kick-in. lists = [[] for _ in range(100)] np = pytest.importorskip('numpy') X = np.arange(int(1e6)) def isolated_operation(list_, data=None): if data is not None: np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, X) list_.append(uuid4().hex) return list_ cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=1, threads_per_worker=2) client = Client(cluster) try: with parallel_config(backend='dask'): # dispatches joblib.parallel.BatchedCalls res = Parallel()( delayed(isolated_operation)(list_) for list_ in lists ) # The original arguments should not have been mutated as the mutation # happens in the dask worker process. assert lists == [[] for _ in range(100)] # Here we did not pass any large numpy array as argument to # isolated_operation so no scattering event should happen under the # hood. counts = count_events('receive-from-scatter', client) assert sum(counts.values()) == 0 assert all([len(r) == 1 for r in res]) with parallel_config(backend='dask'): # Append a large array which will be scattered by dask, and # dispatch joblib._dask.Batch res = Parallel()( delayed(isolated_operation)(list_, data=X) for list_ in lists ) # This time, auto-scattering should have kicked it. counts = count_events('receive-from-scatter', client) assert sum(counts.values()) > 0 assert all([len(r) == 1 for r in res]) finally: client.close(timeout=30) cluster.close(timeout=30) class CountSerialized(object): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x self.count = 0 def __add__(self, other): return self.x + getattr(other, 'x', other) __radd__ = __add__ def __reduce__(self): self.count += 1 return (CountSerialized, (self.x,)) def add5(a, b, c, d=0, e=0): return a + b + c + d + e def test_manual_scatter(loop): x = CountSerialized(1) y = CountSerialized(2) z = CountSerialized(3) with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client: # noqa: F841 with parallel_config(backend='dask', scatter=[x, y]): f = delayed(add5) tasks = [f(x, y, z, d=4, e=5), f(x, z, y, d=5, e=4), f(y, x, z, d=x, e=5), f(z, z, x, d=z, e=y)] expected = [func(*args, **kwargs) for func, args, kwargs in tasks] results = Parallel()(tasks) # Scatter must take a list/tuple with pytest.raises(TypeError): with parallel_config(backend='dask', loop=loop, scatter=1): pass assert results == expected # Scattered variables only serialized once assert x.count == 1 assert y.count == 1 # Depending on the version of distributed, the unscattered z variable # is either pickled 4 or 6 times, possibly because of the memoization # of objects that appear several times in the arguments of a delayed # task. assert z.count in (4, 6) # When the same IOLoop is used for multiple clients in a row, use # loop_in_thread instead of loop to prevent the Client from closing it. See # dask/distributed #4112 def test_auto_scatter(loop_in_thread): np = pytest.importorskip('numpy') data1 = np.ones(int(1e4), dtype=np.uint8) data2 = np.ones(int(1e4), dtype=np.uint8) data_to_process = ([data1] * 3) + ([data2] * 3) with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop_in_thread) as client: with parallel_config(backend='dask'): # Passing the same data as arg and kwarg triggers a single # scatter operation whose result is reused. Parallel()(delayed(noop)(data, data, i, opt=data) for i, data in enumerate(data_to_process)) # By default large array are automatically scattered with # broadcast=1 which means that one worker must directly receive # the data from the scatter operation once. counts = count_events('receive-from-scatter', client) assert counts[a['address']] + counts[b['address']] == 2 with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop_in_thread) as client: with parallel_config(backend='dask'): Parallel()(delayed(noop)(data1[:3], i) for i in range(5)) # Small arrays are passed within the task definition without going # through a scatter operation. counts = count_events('receive-from-scatter', client) assert counts[a['address']] == 0 assert counts[b['address']] == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("retry_no", list(range(2))) def test_nested_scatter(loop, retry_no): np = pytest.importorskip('numpy') NUM_INNER_TASKS = 10 NUM_OUTER_TASKS = 10 def my_sum(x, i, j): return np.sum(x) def outer_function_joblib(array, i): client = get_client() # noqa with parallel_config(backend="dask"): results = Parallel()( delayed(my_sum)(array[j:], i, j) for j in range( NUM_INNER_TASKS) ) return sum(results) with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as _: with parallel_config(backend="dask"): my_array = np.ones(10000) _ = Parallel()( delayed(outer_function_joblib)( my_array[i:], i) for i in range(NUM_OUTER_TASKS) ) def test_nested_backend_context_manager(loop_in_thread): def get_nested_pids(): pids = set(Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(os.getpid)() for _ in range(2))) pids |= set(Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(os.getpid)() for _ in range(2))) return pids with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop_in_thread) as client: with parallel_config(backend='dask'): pid_groups = Parallel(n_jobs=2)( delayed(get_nested_pids)() for _ in range(10) ) for pid_group in pid_groups: assert len(set(pid_group)) <= 2 # No deadlocks with Client(s['address'], loop=loop_in_thread) as client: # noqa: F841 with parallel_config(backend='dask'): pid_groups = Parallel(n_jobs=2)( delayed(get_nested_pids)() for _ in range(10) ) for pid_group in pid_groups: assert len(set(pid_group)) <= 2 def test_nested_backend_context_manager_implicit_n_jobs(loop): # Check that Parallel with no explicit n_jobs value automatically selects # all the dask workers, including in nested calls. def _backend_type(p): return p._backend.__class__.__name__ def get_nested_implicit_n_jobs(): with Parallel() as p: return _backend_type(p), p.n_jobs with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client: # noqa: F841 with parallel_config(backend='dask'): with Parallel() as p: assert _backend_type(p) == "DaskDistributedBackend" assert p.n_jobs == -1 all_nested_n_jobs = p( delayed(get_nested_implicit_n_jobs)() for _ in range(2) ) for backend_type, nested_n_jobs in all_nested_n_jobs: assert backend_type == "DaskDistributedBackend" assert nested_n_jobs == -1 def test_errors(loop): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as info: with parallel_config(backend='dask'): pass assert "create a dask client" in str(info.value).lower() def test_correct_nested_backend(loop): with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client: # noqa: F841 # No requirement, should be us with parallel_config(backend='dask'): result = Parallel(n_jobs=2)( delayed(outer)(nested_require=None) for _ in range(1)) assert isinstance(result[0][0][0], DaskDistributedBackend) # Require threads, should be threading with parallel_config(backend='dask'): result = Parallel(n_jobs=2)( delayed(outer)(nested_require='sharedmem') for _ in range(1)) assert isinstance(result[0][0][0], ThreadingBackend) def outer(nested_require): return Parallel(n_jobs=2, prefer='threads')( delayed(middle)(nested_require) for _ in range(1) ) def middle(require): return Parallel(n_jobs=2, require=require)( delayed(inner)() for _ in range(1) ) def inner(): return Parallel()._backend def test_secede_with_no_processes(loop): # with Client(loop=loop, processes=False, set_as_default=True): with parallel_config(backend='dask'): Parallel(n_jobs=4)(delayed(id)(i) for i in range(2)) def _worker_address(_): from distributed import get_worker return get_worker().address def test_dask_backend_keywords(loop): with cluster() as (s, [a, b]): with Client(s['address'], loop=loop) as client: # noqa: F841 with parallel_config(backend='dask', workers=a['address']): seq = Parallel()( delayed(_worker_address)(i) for i in range(10)) assert seq == [a['address']] * 10 with parallel_config(backend='dask', workers=b['address']): seq = Parallel()( delayed(_worker_address)(i) for i in range(10)) assert seq == [b['address']] * 10 def test_scheduler_tasks_cleanup(loop): with Client(processes=False, loop=loop) as client: with parallel_config(backend='dask'): Parallel()(delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(10)) start = time() while client.cluster.scheduler.tasks: sleep(0.01) assert time() < start + 5 assert not client.futures @pytest.mark.parametrize("cluster_strategy", ["adaptive", "late_scaling"]) @pytest.mark.skipif( distributed.__version__ <= '2.1.1' and distributed.__version__ >= '1.28.0', reason="distributed bug -") def test_wait_for_workers(cluster_strategy): cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=0, processes=False, threads_per_worker=2) client = Client(cluster) if cluster_strategy == "adaptive": cluster.adapt(minimum=0, maximum=2) elif cluster_strategy == "late_scaling": # Tell the cluster to start workers but this is a non-blocking call # and new workers might take time to connect. In this case the Parallel # call should wait for at least one worker to come up before starting # to schedule work. cluster.scale(2) try: with parallel_config(backend='dask'): # The following should wait a bit for at least one worker to # become available. Parallel()(delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(10)) finally: client.close() cluster.close() def test_wait_for_workers_timeout(): # Start a cluster with 0 worker: cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=0, processes=False, threads_per_worker=2) client = Client(cluster) try: with parallel_config(backend='dask', wait_for_workers_timeout=0.1): # Short timeout: DaskDistributedBackend msg = "DaskDistributedBackend has no worker after 0.1 seconds." with pytest.raises(TimeoutError, match=msg): Parallel()(delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(10)) with parallel_config(backend='dask', wait_for_workers_timeout=0): # No timeout: fallback to generic joblib failure: msg = "DaskDistributedBackend has no active worker" with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=msg): Parallel()(delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(10)) finally: client.close() cluster.close() @pytest.mark.parametrize("backend", ["loky", "multiprocessing"]) def test_joblib_warning_inside_dask_daemonic_worker(backend): cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=2) client = Client(cluster) try: def func_using_joblib_parallel(): # Somehow trying to check the warning type here (e.g. with # pytest.warns(UserWarning)) make the test hang. Work-around: # return the warning record to the client and the warning check is # done client-side. with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as record: Parallel(n_jobs=2, backend=backend)( delayed(inc)(i) for i in range(10)) return record fut = client.submit(func_using_joblib_parallel) record = fut.result() assert len(record) == 1 warning = record[0].message assert isinstance(warning, UserWarning) assert "distributed.worker.daemon" in str(warning) finally: client.close(timeout=30) cluster.close(timeout=30)