from __future__ import absolute_import from .TreeFragment import parse_from_strings, StringParseContext from . import Symtab from . import Naming from . import Code class NonManglingModuleScope(Symtab.ModuleScope): def __init__(self, prefix, *args, **kw): self.prefix = prefix self.cython_scope = None self.cpp = kw.pop('cpp', False) Symtab.ModuleScope.__init__(self, *args, **kw) def add_imported_entry(self, name, entry, pos): entry.used = True return super(NonManglingModuleScope, self).add_imported_entry(name, entry, pos) def mangle(self, prefix, name=None): if name: if prefix in (Naming.typeobj_prefix, Naming.func_prefix, Naming.var_prefix, Naming.pyfunc_prefix): # Functions, classes etc. gets a manually defined prefix easily # manually callable instead (the one passed to CythonUtilityCode) prefix = self.prefix return "%s%s" % (prefix, name) else: return Symtab.ModuleScope.mangle(self, prefix) class CythonUtilityCodeContext(StringParseContext): scope = None def find_module(self, module_name, relative_to=None, pos=None, need_pxd=True, absolute_fallback=True): if relative_to: raise AssertionError("Relative imports not supported in utility code.") if module_name != self.module_name: if module_name not in self.modules: raise AssertionError("Only the cython cimport is supported.") else: return self.modules[module_name] if self.scope is None: self.scope = NonManglingModuleScope( self.prefix, module_name, parent_module=None, context=self, cpp=self.cpp) return self.scope class CythonUtilityCode(Code.UtilityCodeBase): """ Utility code written in the Cython language itself. The @cname decorator can set the cname for a function, method of cdef class. Functions decorated with @cname('c_func_name') get the given cname. For cdef classes the rules are as follows: obj struct -> _obj obj type ptr -> _type methods -> _ For methods the cname decorator is optional, but without the decorator the methods will not be prototyped. See Cython.Compiler.CythonScope and tests/run/cythonscope.pyx for examples. """ is_cython_utility = True def __init__(self, impl, name="__pyxutil", prefix="", requires=None, file=None, from_scope=None, context=None, compiler_directives=None, outer_module_scope=None): # 1) We need to delay the parsing/processing, so that all modules can be # imported without import loops # 2) The same utility code object can be used for multiple source files; # while the generated node trees can be altered in the compilation of a # single file. # Hence, delay any processing until later. context_types = {} if context is not None: from .PyrexTypes import BaseType for key, value in context.items(): if isinstance(value, BaseType): context[key] = key context_types[key] = value impl = Code.sub_tempita(impl, context, file, name) self.impl = impl = name self.file = file self.prefix = prefix self.requires = requires or [] self.from_scope = from_scope self.outer_module_scope = outer_module_scope self.compiler_directives = compiler_directives self.context_types = context_types def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, CythonUtilityCode): return self._equality_params() == other._equality_params() else: return False def _equality_params(self): outer_scope = self.outer_module_scope while isinstance(outer_scope, NonManglingModuleScope): outer_scope = outer_scope.outer_scope return self.impl, outer_scope, self.compiler_directives def __hash__(self): return hash(self.impl) def get_tree(self, entries_only=False, cython_scope=None): from .AnalysedTreeTransforms import AutoTestDictTransform # The AutoTestDictTransform creates the statement "__test__ = {}", # which when copied into the main ModuleNode overwrites # any __test__ in user code; not desired excludes = [AutoTestDictTransform] from . import Pipeline, ParseTreeTransforms context = CythonUtilityCodeContext(, compiler_directives=self.compiler_directives, cpp=cython_scope.is_cpp() if cython_scope else False) context.prefix = self.prefix context.cython_scope = cython_scope #context = StringParseContext( tree = parse_from_strings(, self.impl, context=context, allow_struct_enum_decorator=True) pipeline = Pipeline.create_pipeline(context, 'pyx', exclude_classes=excludes) if entries_only: p = [] for t in pipeline: p.append(t) if isinstance(p, ParseTreeTransforms.AnalyseDeclarationsTransform): break pipeline = p transform = ParseTreeTransforms.CnameDirectivesTransform(context) # InterpretCompilerDirectives already does a cdef declarator check #before = ParseTreeTransforms.DecoratorTransform before = ParseTreeTransforms.InterpretCompilerDirectives pipeline = Pipeline.insert_into_pipeline(pipeline, transform, before=before) def merge_scope(scope): def merge_scope_transform(module_node): module_node.scope.merge_in(scope) return module_node return merge_scope_transform if self.from_scope: pipeline = Pipeline.insert_into_pipeline( pipeline, merge_scope(self.from_scope), before=ParseTreeTransforms.AnalyseDeclarationsTransform) for dep in self.requires: if isinstance(dep, CythonUtilityCode) and hasattr(dep, 'tree') and not cython_scope: pipeline = Pipeline.insert_into_pipeline( pipeline, merge_scope(dep.tree.scope), before=ParseTreeTransforms.AnalyseDeclarationsTransform) if self.outer_module_scope: # inject outer module between utility code module and builtin module def scope_transform(module_node): module_node.scope.outer_scope = self.outer_module_scope return module_node pipeline = Pipeline.insert_into_pipeline( pipeline, scope_transform, before=ParseTreeTransforms.AnalyseDeclarationsTransform) if self.context_types: # inject types into module scope def scope_transform(module_node): for name, type in self.context_types.items(): entry = module_node.scope.declare_type(name, type, None, visibility='extern') entry.in_cinclude = True return module_node pipeline = Pipeline.insert_into_pipeline( pipeline, scope_transform, before=ParseTreeTransforms.AnalyseDeclarationsTransform) (err, tree) = Pipeline.run_pipeline(pipeline, tree, printtree=False) assert not err, err self.tree = tree return tree def put_code(self, output): pass @classmethod def load_as_string(cls, util_code_name, from_file=None, **kwargs): """ Load a utility code as a string. Returns (proto, implementation) """ util = cls.load(util_code_name, from_file, **kwargs) return util.proto, util.impl # keep line numbers => no lstrip() def declare_in_scope(self, dest_scope, used=False, cython_scope=None, whitelist=None): """ Declare all entries from the utility code in dest_scope. Code will only be included for used entries. If module_name is given, declare the type entries with that name. """ tree = self.get_tree(entries_only=True, cython_scope=cython_scope) entries = tree.scope.entries entries.pop('__name__') entries.pop('__file__') entries.pop('__builtins__') entries.pop('__doc__') for entry in entries.values(): entry.utility_code_definition = self entry.used = used original_scope = tree.scope dest_scope.merge_in(original_scope, merge_unused=True, whitelist=whitelist) tree.scope = dest_scope for dep in self.requires: if dep.is_cython_utility: dep.declare_in_scope(dest_scope, cython_scope=cython_scope) return original_scope def declare_declarations_in_scope(declaration_string, env, private_type=True, *args, **kwargs): """ Declare some declarations given as Cython code in declaration_string in scope env. """ CythonUtilityCode(declaration_string, *args, **kwargs).declare_in_scope(env)