import itertools import functools import operator import numpy as np from math import prod from . import _bspl # type: ignore import scipy.sparse.linalg as ssl from scipy.sparse import csr_array from ._bsplines import _not_a_knot __all__ = ["NdBSpline"] def _get_dtype(dtype): """Return np.complex128 for complex dtypes, np.float64 otherwise.""" if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating): return np.complex128 else: return np.float64 class NdBSpline: """Tensor product spline object. The value at point ``xp = (x1, x2, ..., xN)`` is evaluated as a linear combination of products of one-dimensional b-splines in each of the ``N`` dimensions:: c[i1, i2, ..., iN] * B(x1; i1, t1) * B(x2; i2, t2) * ... * B(xN; iN, tN) Here ``B(x; i, t)`` is the ``i``-th b-spline defined by the knot vector ``t`` evaluated at ``x``. Parameters ---------- t : tuple of 1D ndarrays knot vectors in directions 1, 2, ... N, ``len(t[i]) == n[i] + k + 1`` c : ndarray, shape (n1, n2, ..., nN, ...) b-spline coefficients k : int or length-d tuple of integers spline degrees. A single integer is interpreted as having this degree for all dimensions. extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate out-of-bounds inputs, or return `nan`. Default is to extrapolate. Attributes ---------- t : tuple of ndarrays Knots vectors. c : ndarray Coefficients of the tensor-produce spline. k : tuple of integers Degrees for each dimension. extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate or return nans for out-of-bounds inputs. Defaults to true. Methods ------- __call__ design_matrix See Also -------- BSpline : a one-dimensional B-spline object NdPPoly : an N-dimensional piecewise tensor product polynomial """ def __init__(self, t, c, k, *, extrapolate=None): ndim = len(t) try: len(k) except TypeError: # make k a tuple k = (k,)*ndim if len(k) != ndim: raise ValueError(f"{len(t) = } != {len(k) = }.") self.k = tuple(operator.index(ki) for ki in k) self.t = tuple(np.ascontiguousarray(ti, dtype=float) for ti in t) self.c = np.asarray(c) if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = True self.extrapolate = bool(extrapolate) self.c = np.asarray(c) for d in range(ndim): td = self.t[d] kd = self.k[d] n = td.shape[0] - kd - 1 if kd < 0: raise ValueError(f"Spline degree in dimension {d} cannot be" f" negative.") if td.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"Knot vector in dimension {d} must be" f" one-dimensional.") if n < kd + 1: raise ValueError(f"Need at least {2*kd + 2} knots for degree" f" {kd} in dimension {d}.") if (np.diff(td) < 0).any(): raise ValueError(f"Knots in dimension {d} must be in a" f" non-decreasing order.") if len(np.unique(td[kd:n + 1])) < 2: raise ValueError(f"Need at least two internal knots in" f" dimension {d}.") if not np.isfinite(td).all(): raise ValueError(f"Knots in dimension {d} should not have" f" nans or infs.") if self.c.ndim < ndim: raise ValueError(f"Coefficients must be at least" f" {d}-dimensional.") if self.c.shape[d] != n: raise ValueError(f"Knots, coefficients and degree in dimension" f" {d} are inconsistent:" f" got {self.c.shape[d]} coefficients for" f" {len(td)} knots, need at least {n} for" f" k={k}.") dt = _get_dtype(self.c.dtype) self.c = np.ascontiguousarray(self.c, dtype=dt) def __call__(self, xi, *, nu=None, extrapolate=None): """Evaluate the tensor product b-spline at ``xi``. Parameters ---------- xi : array_like, shape(..., ndim) The coordinates to evaluate the interpolator at. This can be a list or tuple of ndim-dimensional points or an array with the shape (num_points, ndim). nu : array_like, optional, shape (ndim,) Orders of derivatives to evaluate. Each must be non-negative. Defaults to the zeroth derivivative. extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to exrapolate based on first and last intervals in each dimension, or return `nan`. Default is to ``self.extrapolate``. Returns ------- values : ndarray, shape ``xi.shape[:-1] + self.c.shape[ndim:]`` Interpolated values at ``xi`` """ ndim = len(self.t) if extrapolate is None: extrapolate = self.extrapolate extrapolate = bool(extrapolate) if nu is None: nu = np.zeros((ndim,), dtype=np.intc) else: nu = np.asarray(nu, dtype=np.intc) if nu.ndim != 1 or nu.shape[0] != ndim: raise ValueError( f"invalid number of derivative orders {nu = } for " f"ndim = {len(self.t)}.") if any(nu < 0): raise ValueError(f"derivatives must be positive, got {nu = }") # prepare xi : shape (..., m1, ..., md) -> (1, m1, ..., md) xi = np.asarray(xi, dtype=float) xi_shape = xi.shape xi = xi.reshape(-1, xi_shape[-1]) xi = np.ascontiguousarray(xi) if xi_shape[-1] != ndim: raise ValueError(f"Shapes: xi.shape={xi_shape} and ndim={ndim}") # prepare k & t _k = np.asarray(self.k, dtype=np.dtype("long")) # pack the knots into a single array len_t = [len(ti) for ti in self.t] _t = np.empty((ndim, max(len_t)), dtype=float) _t.fill(np.nan) for d in range(ndim): _t[d, :len(self.t[d])] = self.t[d] len_t = np.asarray(len_t, dtype=np.dtype("long")) # tabulate the flat indices for iterating over the (k+1)**ndim subarray shape = tuple(kd + 1 for kd in self.k) indices = np.unravel_index(np.arange(prod(shape)), shape) _indices_k1d = np.asarray(indices, dtype=np.intp).T # prepare the coefficients: flatten the trailing dimensions c1 = self.c.reshape(self.c.shape[:ndim] + (-1,)) c1r = c1.ravel() # replacement for np.ravel_multi_index for indexing of `c1`: _strides_c1 = np.asarray([s // c1.dtype.itemsize for s in c1.strides], dtype=np.intp) num_c_tr = c1.shape[-1] # # of trailing coefficients out = np.empty(xi.shape[:-1] + (num_c_tr,), dtype=c1.dtype) _bspl.evaluate_ndbspline(xi, _t, len_t, _k, nu, extrapolate, c1r, num_c_tr, _strides_c1, _indices_k1d, out,) return out.reshape(xi_shape[:-1] + self.c.shape[ndim:]) @classmethod def design_matrix(cls, xvals, t, k, extrapolate=True): """Construct the design matrix as a CSR format sparse array. Parameters ---------- xvals : ndarray, shape(npts, ndim) Data points. ``xvals[j, :]`` gives the ``j``-th data point as an ``ndim``-dimensional array. t : tuple of 1D ndarrays, length-ndim Knot vectors in directions 1, 2, ... ndim, k : int B-spline degree. extrapolate : bool, optional Whether to extrapolate out-of-bounds values of raise a `ValueError` Returns ------- design_matrix : a CSR array Each row of the design matrix corresponds to a value in `xvals` and contains values of b-spline basis elements which are non-zero at this value. """ xvals = np.asarray(xvals, dtype=float) ndim = xvals.shape[-1] if len(t) != ndim: raise ValueError( f"Data and knots are inconsistent: len(t) = {len(t)} for " f" {ndim = }." ) try: len(k) except TypeError: # make k a tuple k = (k,)*ndim kk = np.asarray(k, dtype=np.int32) data, indices, indptr = _bspl._colloc_nd(xvals, t, kk) return csr_array((data, indices, indptr)) def _iter_solve(a, b, solver=ssl.gcrotmk, **solver_args): # work around iterative solvers not accepting multiple r.h.s. # also work around a.dtype == float64 and b.dtype == complex128 # cf if np.issubdtype(b.dtype, np.complexfloating): real = _iter_solve(a, b.real, solver, **solver_args) imag = _iter_solve(a, b.imag, solver, **solver_args) return real + 1j*imag if b.ndim == 2 and b.shape[1] !=1: res = np.empty_like(b) for j in range(b.shape[1]): res[:, j], info = solver(a, b[:, j], **solver_args) if info != 0: raise ValueError(f"{solver = } returns {info =} for column {j}.") return res else: res, info = solver(a, b, **solver_args) if info != 0: raise ValueError(f"{solver = } returns {info = }.") return res def make_ndbspl(points, values, k=3, *, solver=ssl.gcrotmk, **solver_args): """Construct an interpolating NdBspline. Parameters ---------- points : tuple of ndarrays of float, with shapes (m1,), ... (mN,) The points defining the regular grid in N dimensions. The points in each dimension (i.e. every element of the `points` tuple) must be strictly ascending or descending. values : ndarray of float, shape (m1, ..., mN, ...) The data on the regular grid in n dimensions. k : int, optional The spline degree. Must be odd. Default is cubic, k=3 solver : a `scipy.sparse.linalg` solver (iterative or direct), optional. An iterative solver from `scipy.sparse.linalg` or a direct one, `sparse.sparse.linalg.spsolve`. Used to solve the sparse linear system ``design_matrix @ coefficients = rhs`` for the coefficients. Default is `scipy.sparse.linalg.gcrotmk` solver_args : dict, optional Additional arguments for the solver. The call signature is ``solver(csr_array, rhs_vector, **solver_args)`` Returns ------- spl : NdBSpline object Notes ----- Boundary conditions are not-a-knot in all dimensions. """ ndim = len(points) xi_shape = tuple(len(x) for x in points) try: len(k) except TypeError: # make k a tuple k = (k,)*ndim for d, point in enumerate(points): numpts = len(np.atleast_1d(point)) if numpts <= k[d]: raise ValueError(f"There are {numpts} points in dimension {d}," f" but order {k[d]} requires at least " f" {k[d]+1} points per dimension.") t = tuple(_not_a_knot(np.asarray(points[d], dtype=float), k[d]) for d in range(ndim)) xvals = np.asarray([xv for xv in itertools.product(*points)], dtype=float) # construct the colocation matrix matr = NdBSpline.design_matrix(xvals, t, k) # Solve for the coefficients given `values`. # Trailing dimensions: first ndim dimensions are data, the rest are batch # dimensions, so stack `values` into a 2D array for `spsolve` to undestand. v_shape = values.shape vals_shape = (prod(v_shape[:ndim]), prod(v_shape[ndim:])) vals = values.reshape(vals_shape) if solver != ssl.spsolve: solver = functools.partial(_iter_solve, solver=solver) if "atol" not in solver_args: # avoid a DeprecationWarning, grumble grumble solver_args["atol"] = 1e-6 coef = solver(matr, vals, **solver_args) coef = coef.reshape(xi_shape + v_shape[ndim:]) return NdBSpline(t, coef, k)