"""All minimum dependencies for scikit-learn.""" import argparse from collections import defaultdict # scipy and cython should by in sync with pyproject.toml NUMPY_MIN_VERSION = "1.19.5" SCIPY_MIN_VERSION = "1.6.0" JOBLIB_MIN_VERSION = "1.2.0" THREADPOOLCTL_MIN_VERSION = "2.0.0" PYTEST_MIN_VERSION = "7.1.2" CYTHON_MIN_VERSION = "3.0.8" # 'build' and 'install' is included to have structured metadata for CI. # It will NOT be included in setup's extras_require # The values are (version_spec, comma separated tags) dependent_packages = { "numpy": (NUMPY_MIN_VERSION, "build, install"), "scipy": (SCIPY_MIN_VERSION, "build, install"), "joblib": (JOBLIB_MIN_VERSION, "install"), "threadpoolctl": (THREADPOOLCTL_MIN_VERSION, "install"), "cython": (CYTHON_MIN_VERSION, "build"), "matplotlib": ("3.3.4", "benchmark, docs, examples, tests"), "scikit-image": ("0.17.2", "docs, examples, tests"), "pandas": ("1.1.5", "benchmark, docs, examples, tests"), "seaborn": ("0.9.0", "docs, examples"), "memory_profiler": ("0.57.0", "benchmark, docs"), "pytest": (PYTEST_MIN_VERSION, "tests"), "pytest-cov": ("2.9.0", "tests"), "ruff": ("0.0.272", "tests"), "black": ("23.3.0", "tests"), "mypy": ("1.3", "tests"), "pyamg": ("4.0.0", "tests"), "polars": ("0.19.12", "tests"), "pyarrow": ("12.0.0", "tests"), "sphinx": ("6.0.0", "docs"), "sphinx-copybutton": ("0.5.2", "docs"), "sphinx-gallery": ("0.15.0", "docs"), "numpydoc": ("1.2.0", "docs, tests"), "Pillow": ("7.1.2", "docs"), "pooch": ("1.6.0", "docs, examples, tests"), "sphinx-prompt": ("1.3.0", "docs"), "sphinxext-opengraph": ("0.4.2", "docs"), "plotly": ("5.14.0", "docs, examples"), # XXX: Pin conda-lock to the latest released version (needs manual update # from time to time) "conda-lock": ("2.4.2", "maintenance"), } # create inverse mapping for setuptools tag_to_packages: dict = defaultdict(list) for package, (min_version, extras) in dependent_packages.items(): for extra in extras.split(", "): tag_to_packages[extra].append("{}>={}".format(package, min_version)) # Used by CI to get the min dependencies if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Get min dependencies for a package") parser.add_argument("package", choices=dependent_packages) args = parser.parse_args() min_version = dependent_packages[args.package][0] print(min_version)