import builtins import platform import sys from contextlib import suppress from functools import wraps from os import environ from unittest import SkipTest import joblib import numpy as np import pytest from _pytest.doctest import DoctestItem from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits from sklearn import config_context, set_config from sklearn._min_dependencies import PYTEST_MIN_VERSION from sklearn.datasets import ( fetch_20newsgroups, fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized, fetch_california_housing, fetch_covtype, fetch_kddcup99, fetch_olivetti_faces, fetch_rcv1, fetch_species_distributions, ) from sklearn.tests import random_seed from sklearn.utils import _IS_32BIT from sklearn.utils._testing import get_pytest_filterwarning_lines from sklearn.utils.fixes import ( np_base_version, parse_version, sp_version, ) if parse_version(pytest.__version__) < parse_version(PYTEST_MIN_VERSION): raise ImportError( f"Your version of pytest is too old. Got version {pytest.__version__}, you" f" should have pytest >= {PYTEST_MIN_VERSION} installed." ) scipy_datasets_require_network = sp_version >= parse_version("1.10") @pytest.fixture def enable_slep006(): """Enable SLEP006 for all tests.""" with config_context(enable_metadata_routing=True): yield def raccoon_face_or_skip(): # SciPy >= 1.10 requires network to access to get data if scipy_datasets_require_network: run_network_tests = environ.get("SKLEARN_SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS", "1") == "0" if not run_network_tests: raise SkipTest("test is enabled when SKLEARN_SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS=0") try: import pooch # noqa except ImportError: raise SkipTest("test requires pooch to be installed") from scipy.datasets import face else: from scipy.misc import face return face(gray=True) dataset_fetchers = { "fetch_20newsgroups_fxt": fetch_20newsgroups, "fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized_fxt": fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized, "fetch_california_housing_fxt": fetch_california_housing, "fetch_covtype_fxt": fetch_covtype, "fetch_kddcup99_fxt": fetch_kddcup99, "fetch_olivetti_faces_fxt": fetch_olivetti_faces, "fetch_rcv1_fxt": fetch_rcv1, "fetch_species_distributions_fxt": fetch_species_distributions, } if scipy_datasets_require_network: dataset_fetchers["raccoon_face_fxt"] = raccoon_face_or_skip _SKIP32_MARK = pytest.mark.skipif( environ.get("SKLEARN_RUN_FLOAT32_TESTS", "0") != "1", reason="Set SKLEARN_RUN_FLOAT32_TESTS=1 to run float32 dtype tests", ) # Global fixtures @pytest.fixture(params=[pytest.param(np.float32, marks=_SKIP32_MARK), np.float64]) def global_dtype(request): yield request.param def _fetch_fixture(f): """Fetch dataset (download if missing and requested by environment).""" download_if_missing = environ.get("SKLEARN_SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS", "1") == "0" @wraps(f) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): kwargs["download_if_missing"] = download_if_missing try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except OSError as e: if str(e) != "Data not found and `download_if_missing` is False": raise pytest.skip("test is enabled when SKLEARN_SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS=0") return pytest.fixture(lambda: wrapped) # Adds fixtures for fetching data fetch_20newsgroups_fxt = _fetch_fixture(fetch_20newsgroups) fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized_fxt = _fetch_fixture(fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized) fetch_california_housing_fxt = _fetch_fixture(fetch_california_housing) fetch_covtype_fxt = _fetch_fixture(fetch_covtype) fetch_kddcup99_fxt = _fetch_fixture(fetch_kddcup99) fetch_olivetti_faces_fxt = _fetch_fixture(fetch_olivetti_faces) fetch_rcv1_fxt = _fetch_fixture(fetch_rcv1) fetch_species_distributions_fxt = _fetch_fixture(fetch_species_distributions) raccoon_face_fxt = pytest.fixture(raccoon_face_or_skip) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): """Called after collect is completed. Parameters ---------- config : pytest config items : list of collected items """ run_network_tests = environ.get("SKLEARN_SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS", "1") == "0" skip_network = pytest.mark.skip( reason="test is enabled when SKLEARN_SKIP_NETWORK_TESTS=0" ) # download datasets during collection to avoid thread unsafe behavior # when running pytest in parallel with pytest-xdist dataset_features_set = set(dataset_fetchers) datasets_to_download = set() for item in items: if isinstance(item, DoctestItem) and "fetch_" in fetcher_function_name =".")[-1] dataset_fetchers_key = f"{fetcher_function_name}_fxt" dataset_to_fetch = set([dataset_fetchers_key]) & dataset_features_set elif not hasattr(item, "fixturenames"): continue else: item_fixtures = set(item.fixturenames) dataset_to_fetch = item_fixtures & dataset_features_set if not dataset_to_fetch: continue if run_network_tests: datasets_to_download |= dataset_to_fetch else: # network tests are skipped item.add_marker(skip_network) # Only download datasets on the first worker spawned by pytest-xdist # to avoid thread unsafe behavior. If pytest-xdist is not used, we still # download before tests run. worker_id = environ.get("PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER", "gw0") if worker_id == "gw0" and run_network_tests: for name in datasets_to_download: with suppress(SkipTest): dataset_fetchers[name]() for item in items: # Known failure on with GradientBoostingClassifier on ARM64 if ("GradientBoostingClassifier") and platform.machine() == "aarch64" ): marker = pytest.mark.xfail( reason=( "know failure. See " "" # noqa ) ) item.add_marker(marker) skip_doctests = False try: import matplotlib # noqa except ImportError: skip_doctests = True reason = "matplotlib is required to run the doctests" if _IS_32BIT: reason = "doctest are only run when the default numpy int is 64 bits." skip_doctests = True elif sys.platform.startswith("win32"): reason = ( "doctests are not run for Windows because numpy arrays " "repr is inconsistent across platforms." ) skip_doctests = True if np_base_version >= parse_version("2"): reason = "Due to NEP 51 numpy scalar repr has changed in numpy 2" skip_doctests = True # Normally doctest has the entire module's scope. Here we set globs to an empty dict # to remove the module's scope: # for item in items: if isinstance(item, DoctestItem): item.dtest.globs = {} if skip_doctests: skip_marker = pytest.mark.skip(reason=reason) for item in items: if isinstance(item, DoctestItem): # work-around an internal error with pytest if adding a skip # mark to a doctest in a contextmanager, see # for more # details. if != "sklearn._config.config_context": item.add_marker(skip_marker) try: import PIL # noqa pillow_installed = True except ImportError: pillow_installed = False if not pillow_installed: skip_marker = pytest.mark.skip(reason="pillow (or PIL) not installed!") for item in items: if in [ "sklearn.feature_extraction.image.PatchExtractor", "sklearn.feature_extraction.image.extract_patches_2d", ]: item.add_marker(skip_marker) @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def pyplot(): """Setup and teardown fixture for matplotlib. This fixture checks if we can import matplotlib. If not, the tests will be skipped. Otherwise, we close the figures before and after running the functions. Returns ------- pyplot : module The ``matplotlib.pyplot`` module. """ pyplot = pytest.importorskip("matplotlib.pyplot") pyplot.close("all") yield pyplot pyplot.close("all") def pytest_configure(config): # Use matplotlib agg backend during the tests including doctests try: import matplotlib matplotlib.use("agg") except ImportError: pass allowed_parallelism = joblib.cpu_count(only_physical_cores=True) xdist_worker_count = environ.get("PYTEST_XDIST_WORKER_COUNT") if xdist_worker_count is not None: # Set the number of OpenMP and BLAS threads based on the number of workers # xdist is using to prevent oversubscription. allowed_parallelism = max(allowed_parallelism // int(xdist_worker_count), 1) threadpool_limits(allowed_parallelism) # Register global_random_seed plugin if it is not already registered if not config.pluginmanager.hasplugin("sklearn.tests.random_seed"): config.pluginmanager.register(random_seed) if environ.get("SKLEARN_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS", "0") != "0": # This seems like the only way to programmatically change the config # filterwarnings. This was suggested in # for line in get_pytest_filterwarning_lines(): config.addinivalue_line("filterwarnings", line) @pytest.fixture def hide_available_pandas(monkeypatch): """Pretend pandas was not installed.""" import_orig = builtins.__import__ def mocked_import(name, *args, **kwargs): if name == "pandas": raise ImportError() return import_orig(name, *args, **kwargs) monkeypatch.setattr(builtins, "__import__", mocked_import) @pytest.fixture def print_changed_only_false(): """Set `print_changed_only` to False for the duration of the test.""" set_config(print_changed_only=False) yield set_config(print_changed_only=True) # reset to default