assert "
hello-world " in html_label
if checked:
assert "checked>" in html_label
@pytest.mark.parametrize("est", ["passthrough", "drop", None])
def test_get_visual_block_single_str_none(est):
# Test estimators that are represented by strings
est_html_info = _get_visual_block(est)
assert est_html_info.kind == "single"
assert est_html_info.estimators == est
assert est_html_info.names == str(est)
assert est_html_info.name_details == str(est)
def test_get_visual_block_single_estimator():
est = LogisticRegression(C=10.0)
est_html_info = _get_visual_block(est)
assert est_html_info.kind == "single"
assert est_html_info.estimators == est
assert est_html_info.names == est.__class__.__name__
assert est_html_info.name_details == str(est)
def test_get_visual_block_pipeline():
pipe = Pipeline(
("imputer", SimpleImputer()),
("do_nothing", "passthrough"),
("do_nothing_more", None),
("classifier", LogisticRegression()),
est_html_info = _get_visual_block(pipe)
assert est_html_info.kind == "serial"
assert est_html_info.estimators == tuple(step[1] for step in pipe.steps)
assert est_html_info.names == [
"imputer: SimpleImputer",
"do_nothing: passthrough",
"do_nothing_more: passthrough",
"classifier: LogisticRegression",
assert est_html_info.name_details == [str(est) for _, est in pipe.steps]
def test_get_visual_block_feature_union():
f_union = FeatureUnion([("pca", PCA()), ("svd", TruncatedSVD())])
est_html_info = _get_visual_block(f_union)
assert est_html_info.kind == "parallel"
assert est_html_info.names == ("pca", "svd")
assert est_html_info.estimators == tuple(
trans[1] for trans in f_union.transformer_list
assert est_html_info.name_details == (None, None)
def test_get_visual_block_voting():
clf = VotingClassifier(
[("log_reg", LogisticRegression()), ("mlp", MLPClassifier())]
est_html_info = _get_visual_block(clf)
assert est_html_info.kind == "parallel"
assert est_html_info.estimators == tuple(trans[1] for trans in clf.estimators)
assert est_html_info.names == ("log_reg", "mlp")
assert est_html_info.name_details == (None, None)
def test_get_visual_block_column_transformer():
ct = ColumnTransformer(
[("pca", PCA(), ["num1", "num2"]), ("svd", TruncatedSVD, [0, 3])]
est_html_info = _get_visual_block(ct)
assert est_html_info.kind == "parallel"
assert est_html_info.estimators == tuple(trans[1] for trans in ct.transformers)
assert est_html_info.names == ("pca", "svd")
assert est_html_info.name_details == (["num1", "num2"], [0, 3])
def test_estimator_html_repr_pipeline():
num_trans = Pipeline(
steps=[("pass", "passthrough"), ("imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy="median"))]
cat_trans = Pipeline(
("imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy="constant", missing_values="empty")),
("one-hot", OneHotEncoder(drop="first")),
preprocess = ColumnTransformer(
("num", num_trans, ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]),
("cat", cat_trans, [0, 1, 2, 3]),
feat_u = FeatureUnion(
("pca", PCA(n_components=1)),
("first", TruncatedSVD(n_components=3)),
("select", SelectPercentile()),
clf = VotingClassifier(
("lr", LogisticRegression(solver="lbfgs", random_state=1)),
("mlp", MLPClassifier(alpha=0.001)),
pipe = Pipeline(
[("preprocessor", preprocess), ("feat_u", feat_u), ("classifier", clf)]
html_output = estimator_html_repr(pipe)
# top level estimators show estimator with changes
assert html.escape(str(pipe)) in html_output
for _, est in pipe.steps:
assert (
' + html.escape(str(est))
) in html_output
# low level estimators do not show changes
with config_context(print_changed_only=True):
assert html.escape(str(num_trans["pass"])) in html_output
assert "passthrough" in html_output
assert html.escape(str(num_trans["imputer"])) in html_output
for _, _, cols in preprocess.transformers:
assert f"{html.escape(str(cols))} " in html_output
# feature union
for name, _ in feat_u.transformer_list:
assert f"{html.escape(name)} " in html_output
pca = feat_u.transformer_list[0][1]
assert f"{html.escape(str(pca))} " in html_output
tsvd = feat_u.transformer_list[1][1]
first = tsvd["first"]
select = tsvd["select"]
assert f"{html.escape(str(first))} " in html_output
assert f"{html.escape(str(select))} " in html_output
# voting classifier
for name, est in clf.estimators:
assert f"{html.escape(name)} " in html_output
assert f"{html.escape(str(est))} " in html_output
# verify that prefers-color-scheme is implemented
assert "prefers-color-scheme" in html_output
@pytest.mark.parametrize("final_estimator", [None, LinearSVC()])
def test_stacking_classifier(final_estimator):
estimators = [
("mlp", MLPClassifier(alpha=0.001)),
("tree", DecisionTreeClassifier()),
clf = StackingClassifier(estimators=estimators, final_estimator=final_estimator)
html_output = estimator_html_repr(clf)
assert html.escape(str(clf)) in html_output
# If final_estimator's default changes from LogisticRegression
# this should be updated
if final_estimator is None:
assert "LogisticRegression(" in html_output
assert final_estimator.__class__.__name__ in html_output
@pytest.mark.parametrize("final_estimator", [None, LinearSVR()])
def test_stacking_regressor(final_estimator):
reg = StackingRegressor(
estimators=[("svr", LinearSVR())], final_estimator=final_estimator
html_output = estimator_html_repr(reg)
assert html.escape(str(reg.estimators[0][0])) in html_output
p = (
r" LinearSVR"
re_compiled = re.compile(p)
assert re_compiled.search(html_output)
if final_estimator is None:
p = (
r" RidgeCV"
re_compiled = re.compile(p)
assert re_compiled.search(html_output)
assert html.escape(final_estimator.__class__.__name__) in html_output
def test_birch_duck_typing_meta():
# Test duck typing meta estimators with Birch
birch = Birch(n_clusters=AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=3))
html_output = estimator_html_repr(birch)
# inner estimators do not show changes
with config_context(print_changed_only=True):
assert f"{html.escape(str(birch.n_clusters))}" in html_output
assert "AgglomerativeClustering " in html_output
# outer estimator contains all changes
assert f"{html.escape(str(birch))}" in html_output
def test_ovo_classifier_duck_typing_meta():
# Test duck typing metaestimators with OVO
ovo = OneVsOneClassifier(LinearSVC(penalty="l1"))
html_output = estimator_html_repr(ovo)
# inner estimators do not show changes
with config_context(print_changed_only=True):
assert f"{html.escape(str(ovo.estimator))}" in html_output
# regex to match the start of the tag
p = (
r' LinearSVC'
re_compiled = re.compile(p)
assert re_compiled.search(html_output)
# outer estimator
assert f"{html.escape(str(ovo))}" in html_output
def test_duck_typing_nested_estimator():
# Test duck typing metaestimators with random search
kernel_ridge = KernelRidge(kernel=ExpSineSquared())
param_distributions = {"alpha": [1, 2]}
kernel_ridge_tuned = RandomizedSearchCV(
html_output = estimator_html_repr(kernel_ridge_tuned)
assert "estimator: KernelRidge " in html_output
@pytest.mark.parametrize("print_changed_only", [True, False])
def test_one_estimator_print_change_only(print_changed_only):
pca = PCA(n_components=10)
with config_context(print_changed_only=print_changed_only):
pca_repr = html.escape(str(pca))
html_output = estimator_html_repr(pca)
assert pca_repr in html_output
def test_fallback_exists():
"""Check that repr fallback is in the HTML."""
pca = PCA(n_components=10)
html_output = estimator_html_repr(pca)
assert (
in html_output
def test_show_arrow_pipeline():
"""Show arrow in pipeline for top level in pipeline"""
pipe = Pipeline([("scale", StandardScaler()), ("log_Reg", LogisticRegression())])
html_output = estimator_html_repr(pipe)
assert (
'class="sk-toggleable__label sk-toggleable__label-arrow "> Pipeline'
in html_output
def test_invalid_parameters_in_stacking():
"""Invalidate stacking configuration uses default repr.
Non-regression test for #24009.
stacker = StackingClassifier(estimators=[])
html_output = estimator_html_repr(stacker)
assert html.escape(str(stacker)) in html_output
def test_estimator_get_params_return_cls():
"""Check HTML repr works where a value in get_params is a class."""
class MyEstimator:
def get_params(self, deep=False):
return {"inner_cls": LogisticRegression}
est = MyEstimator()
assert "MyEstimator" in estimator_html_repr(est)
def test_estimator_html_repr_unfitted_vs_fitted():
"""Check that we have the information that the estimator is fitted or not in the
HTML representation.
class MyEstimator(BaseEstimator):
def fit(self, X, y):
self.fitted_ = True
return self
X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
estimator = MyEstimator()
assert "Not fitted " in estimator_html_repr(estimator)
estimator.fit(X, y)
assert "Fitted " in estimator_html_repr(estimator)
make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), LogisticRegression()),
make_column_transformer((StandardScaler(), slice(0, 3))),
def test_estimator_html_repr_fitted_icon(estimator):
"""Check that we are showing the fitted status icon only once."""
pattern = 'iNot fitted '
assert estimator_html_repr(estimator).count(pattern) == 1
X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
estimator.fit(X, y)
pattern = 'iFitted '
assert estimator_html_repr(estimator).count(pattern) == 1
@pytest.mark.parametrize("mock_version", ["1.3.0.dev0", "1.3.0"])
def test_html_documentation_link_mixin_sklearn(mock_version):
"""Check the behaviour of the `_HTMLDocumentationLinkMixin` class for scikit-learn
# mock the `__version__` where the mixin is located
with patch("sklearn.utils._estimator_html_repr.__version__", mock_version):
mixin = _HTMLDocumentationLinkMixin()
assert mixin._doc_link_module == "sklearn"
sklearn_version = parse_version(mock_version)
# we need to parse the version manually to be sure that this test is passing in
# other branches than `main` (that is "dev").
if sklearn_version.dev is None:
version = f"{sklearn_version.major}.{sklearn_version.minor}"
version = "dev"
assert (
== f"https://scikit-learn.org/{version}/modules/generated/"
assert (
== f"https://scikit-learn.org/{version}/modules/generated/"
("prefix.mymodule", "prefix.mymodule"),
("prefix._mymodule", "prefix"),
("prefix.mypackage._mymodule", "prefix.mypackage"),
("prefix.mypackage._mymodule.submodule", "prefix.mypackage"),
("prefix.mypackage.mymodule.submodule", "prefix.mypackage.mymodule.submodule"),
def test_html_documentation_link_mixin_get_doc_link(module_path, expected_module):
"""Check the behaviour of the `_get_doc_link` with various parameter."""
class FooBar(_HTMLDocumentationLinkMixin):
FooBar.__module__ = module_path
est = FooBar()
# if we set `_doc_link`, then we expect to infer a module and name for the estimator
est._doc_link_module = "prefix"
est._doc_link_template = (
assert est._get_doc_link() == f"https://website.com/{expected_module}.FooBar.html"
def test_html_documentation_link_mixin_get_doc_link_out_of_library():
"""Check the behaviour of the `_get_doc_link` with various parameter."""
mixin = _HTMLDocumentationLinkMixin()
# if the `_doc_link_module` does not refer to the root module of the estimator
# (here the mixin), then we should return an empty string.
mixin._doc_link_module = "xxx"
assert mixin._get_doc_link() == ""
def test_html_documentation_link_mixin_doc_link_url_param_generator():
mixin = _HTMLDocumentationLinkMixin()
# we can bypass the generation by providing our own callable
mixin._doc_link_template = (
def url_param_generator(estimator):
return {
"my_own_variable": "value_1",
"another_variable": "value_2",
mixin._doc_link_url_param_generator = url_param_generator
assert mixin._get_doc_link() == "https://website.com/value_1.value_2.html"
def set_non_utf8_locale():
"""Pytest fixture to set non utf-8 locale during the test.
The locale is set to the original one after the test has run.
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, "C")
except locale.Error:
pytest.skip("'C' locale is not available on this OS")
# Resets the locale to the original one. Python calls setlocale(LC_TYPE, "")
# at startup according to
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/locale.html#background-details-hints-tips-and-caveats.
# This assumes that no other locale changes have been made. For some reason,
# on some platforms, trying to restore locale with something like
# locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, locale.getlocale()) raises a
# locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE, "")
def test_non_utf8_locale(set_non_utf8_locale):
"""Checks that utf8 encoding is used when reading the CSS file.
Non-regression test for https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/27725