"""Tests for tinypages build using sphinx extensions.""" import filecmp import os from pathlib import Path import shutil from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys import pytest pytest.importorskip('sphinx', minversion=None if sys.version_info < (3, 10) else '4.1.3') def test_tinypages(tmpdir): source_dir = Path(tmpdir) / 'src' shutil.copytree(Path(__file__).parent / 'tinypages', source_dir) html_dir = source_dir / '_build' / 'html' doctree_dir = source_dir / 'doctrees' # Build the pages with warnings turned into errors cmd = [sys.executable, '-msphinx', '-W', '-b', 'html', '-d', str(doctree_dir), str(Path(__file__).parent / 'tinypages'), str(html_dir)] # On CI, gcov emits warnings (due to agg headers being included with the # same name in multiple extension modules -- but we don't care about their # coverage anyways); hide them using GCOV_ERROR_FILE. proc = Popen( cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": "", "GCOV_ERROR_FILE": os.devnull}) out, err = proc.communicate() # Build the pages with warnings turned into errors build_sphinx_html(source_dir, doctree_dir, html_dir) def plot_file(num): return html_dir / f'some_plots-{num}.png' def plot_directive_file(num): # This is always next to the doctree dir. return doctree_dir.parent / 'plot_directive' / f'some_plots-{num}.png' range_10, range_6, range_4 = [plot_file(i) for i in range(1, 4)] # Plot 5 is range(6) plot assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, plot_file(5)) # Plot 7 is range(4) plot assert filecmp.cmp(range_4, plot_file(7)) # Plot 11 is range(10) plot assert filecmp.cmp(range_10, plot_file(11)) # Plot 12 uses the old range(10) figure and the new range(6) figure assert filecmp.cmp(range_10, plot_file('12_00')) assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, plot_file('12_01')) # Plot 13 shows close-figs in action assert filecmp.cmp(range_4, plot_file(13)) # Plot 14 has included source html_contents = (html_dir / 'some_plots.html').read_bytes() assert b'# Only a comment' in html_contents # check plot defined in external file. assert filecmp.cmp(range_4, html_dir / 'range4.png') assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, html_dir / 'range6.png') # check if figure caption made it into html file assert b'This is the caption for plot 15.' in html_contents # check if figure caption using :caption: made it into html file assert b'Plot 17 uses the caption option.' in html_contents # check if figure caption made it into html file assert b'This is the caption for plot 18.' in html_contents # check if the custom classes made it into the html file assert b'plot-directive my-class my-other-class' in html_contents # check that the multi-image caption is applied twice assert html_contents.count(b'This caption applies to both plots.') == 2 # Plot 21 is range(6) plot via an include directive. But because some of # the previous plots are repeated, the argument to plot_file() is only 17. assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, plot_file(17)) # Modify the included plot contents = (source_dir / 'included_plot_21.rst').read_text() contents = contents.replace('plt.plot(range(6))', 'plt.plot(range(4))') (source_dir / 'included_plot_21.rst').write_text(contents) # Build the pages again and check that the modified file was updated modification_times = [plot_directive_file(i).stat().st_mtime for i in (1, 2, 3, 5)] build_sphinx_html(source_dir, doctree_dir, html_dir) assert filecmp.cmp(range_4, plot_file(17)) # Check that the plots in the plot_directive folder weren't changed. # (plot_directive_file(1) won't be modified, but it will be copied to html/ # upon compilation, so plot_file(1) will be modified) assert plot_directive_file(1).stat().st_mtime == modification_times[0] assert plot_directive_file(2).stat().st_mtime == modification_times[1] assert plot_directive_file(3).stat().st_mtime == modification_times[2] assert filecmp.cmp(range_10, plot_file(1)) assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, plot_file(2)) assert filecmp.cmp(range_4, plot_file(3)) # Make sure that figures marked with context are re-created (but that the # contents are the same) assert plot_directive_file(5).stat().st_mtime > modification_times[3] assert filecmp.cmp(range_6, plot_file(5)) def test_plot_html_show_source_link(tmpdir): source_dir = Path(tmpdir) / 'src' source_dir.mkdir() parent = Path(__file__).parent shutil.copyfile(parent / 'tinypages/conf.py', source_dir / 'conf.py') shutil.copytree(parent / 'tinypages/_static', source_dir / '_static') doctree_dir = source_dir / 'doctrees' (source_dir / 'index.rst').write_text(""" .. plot:: plt.plot(range(2)) """) # Make sure source scripts are created by default html_dir1 = source_dir / '_build' / 'html1' build_sphinx_html(source_dir, doctree_dir, html_dir1) assert "index-1.py" in [p.name for p in html_dir1.iterdir()] # Make sure source scripts are NOT created when # plot_html_show_source_link` is False html_dir2 = source_dir / '_build' / 'html2' build_sphinx_html(source_dir, doctree_dir, html_dir2, extra_args=['-D', 'plot_html_show_source_link=0']) assert "index-1.py" not in [p.name for p in html_dir2.iterdir()] def build_sphinx_html(source_dir, doctree_dir, html_dir, extra_args=None): # Build the pages with warnings turned into errors extra_args = [] if extra_args is None else extra_args cmd = [sys.executable, '-msphinx', '-W', '-b', 'html', '-d', str(doctree_dir), str(source_dir), str(html_dir), *extra_args] proc = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": ""}) out, err = proc.communicate() assert proc.returncode == 0, \ f"sphinx build failed with stdout:\n{out}\nstderr:\n{err}\n" if err: pytest.fail(f"sphinx build emitted the following warnings:\n{err}") assert html_dir.is_dir()